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Riot Staff Hints at Riot MMO Factions
Former Executive Producer, Greg Street hinted at Riot MMO factions on Twitter in 2021.
We won’t please everyone with our cultural and faction design.
Greg Street
In case you’re interested, we archived all the Greg’s Street Riot MMO tweets on our resources webpage.
Fans of the Runeterra lore will know of at least a few factions. Keep in mind Greg Street does not specifically state factions will be a interactable part of the game. Nonetheless, faction perks and reputation bonuses are common function in MMOs. So, we’ll list several of the most notable factions below and assess how Riot MMO factions could function within the upcoming game.
Riot MMO Factions by Nation
Within each nation, several faction can exist within. These faction would have their own myriad of authority, rules, traditions, and history. By definition, these factions are predicated on their physical association with their supporting nation.
Demacia Factions

Demacia is a nation on the western side of Valoran. It was founded on the desire for safety and fear of magic during the Rune Wars. Over the centuries their values have developed into a stalwart nation prioritizing pride, honor, and bravery. Unfortunately, their fear or magic breeds widespread discrimination among other problems.

Dauntless Vanguard
The Dauntless Vanguard are the most elite military force in Demacia. These soldiers strive for perfection. Everything from strategic their formations to stalwart resolve, few armies can contest the Dauntless Vanguard.
It might be a tall order to see players joining the ranks of the Dauntless Vanguard on release, interacting, and running quests for the Dauntless Vanguard are almost expected.
Dauntless Vanguard Faction Possibilities
- Exclusive Petricite armorsmithing specialization unlocked
- Bonus Defense at Faction Level Milestones
- Free teleport to Ehrenmount
- Dauntless Vanguard themed skins

Rebel Mages
While not an official organization, the new Rebel Mages are led by Demacian criminal, Sylas of Dregbourne. This radical group consists mostly of mages.
Interestingly, the Rebel Mages contrast the plethora of authoritative factions such as the Dauntless Vanguard and the Mageseekers.
Additionally, allegiances to this group would allow a unique playthrough for players who’re interested in playing as a mage class as well as level through Demacia without breaking the lore or immersion.
Rebel Mage Faction Possibilities
- Bonus Profession Unlocks from the Lost Books of Durand
- Bonus Magic Damage at Faction Level Milestones
- Free teleport to various rebel camps outside Demacia
- Access to sewer shortcuts throughout in Demacia

Freljord Factions
The Freljord harsh frozen land filled with tribes, barbaric warriors, trolls, and the Frozen Watchers. Fans have tremendous hope The Freljord will be included as a payable region at launch. Reasons include fleshed out lore and close proximity to other fan favorite regions.
The Avarosan tribe is led by warmother Ashe. They are a diplomatic agrarian tribe settled mostly in the warmer regions of the Freljord. Several other tribes have formed allegiances with the Avarosans including Tryndamere’s Barbarians.
Each of the three tribes that dominate the Freljord are rivals to each other. This unique conflict can provide powerful narratives if these factions are integrated into the Riot MMO.
Avarosan Faction Possibilities
- Unique ability to soothe humanoids at level milestone
- Increased experience gained from farming profession
- Exclusive True Ice weaponsmithing unlocked
- Bonus stats when fighting alongside Barbarian Class

The Frostguard tribe dwell deep beneath the ruins in the most northern regions of the Freljord. Their leader, Lissandra is the only living survivor of The Cult of the Three Sisters. Naturally, this is the predominant religion of the Frostguard.
The Frostguard exude secrecy and authority. Many of the member’s tasks include archiving archaic records. As well, Frost Priests surveil other tribes to maintain the old religion.
Frostguard Faction Possibilities
- Unique ability frostbite, slowing attacking enemy movement.
- Free teleport to Howling Abyss entrance.
- Increased experience gained during scrollmaking profession.
- Increased resistance to frost elements and attacks.

Winter’s Claw
Winter’s Claw is a brutal nomadic tribe. Originally un-unified, but is now lead by the barbarous Sejuani. The Winter’s Claw tribe use every component of their resources. Their values consist of strength and brutality. The tribe often pillages weaker villages leaving them without supplies to sustain themselves.
All three tribes provide a unique perspective of Runeterra’s harshly underdeveloped polar climate.
Winter’s Claw Faction Possibilities
- Increased experience gained during building professions.
- Bonus Tenacity/Stamina at Faction Level Milestones.
- Increased resistance to incoming damage from beasts.
- Increased mount speed

Ionia Factions
Hirana Order
The Hirana Order is an old Ionian faction whose purpose is to maintain peace and balance within Ionia. As a result, the monks of the Hirana Order despise violence. Still, their are incredibly skilled in combat, possessing the ability to deflect incoming attacking at their opponent.
It is unclear if Ionia will be playable at launch. Some fans are confident, while others aren’t. If Ionia is playable, there is a good chance some of the Ionian Order Factions will be in the Riot MMO.
Hirana Order Faction Possibilities
- Bonus resource regeneration stat at Faction Level Milestones
- Unique ability to reduce threat
- Free teleport to the Hirana Monastery
- Unique Meditation cosmetic pose

Kinkou Order
The Kinkou Order is ancient and wide reaching faction within Ionia. Their intent is to maintain the balance between the physical world and the spirit realm. Its leadership is organization as a triumvirate. Together, Shen, Akali, and Kennen lead the Kinkou Order. Each of the leaders fosters one of the three core tenets of order which help them maintain the aforementioned balance. Pure impartiality, passage of judgement, and elimination of imbalance, respectively.
Kinkou Order Faction Possibilities
- Resistance to electricity damage
- Free teleports to various Kinkou Order monasteries
- Increased movement speed during death
- Bonus dodge stat at Faction Level Milestones

Shadow Order
The Shadow Order is a more radical centric organization when compared to the other Ionian Orders. The Shadow Order takes it upon themselves to defend Ionia against any outsiders. They use forbidden shadow magic to accomplish their goals.
Interestingly, the origination and source of the shadow magic comes from Quinlons. These are magical filters throughout Ionia that control how much and what type magic is released into Ionia. As the negative is filtered out, a byproduct Yanlei is produces. Yanlei can be ingested for short but powerful effects. Alternatively, Yanlei can be tattoos certain individuals for weaker but longer lasting capabilities.
Shadow Order Faction Capabilities
- Unique short dash abilitiy
- Shadow Order themed skins
- Bonus evade stat at Faction Milestone Levels
- Tattoo augments to increase various stat

Shojin Order
The Shojin Order is an archaic organization tasked with ensuring peace and balance within Ionia. The monks are skilled at utilizing the powers from the spirit realm. Their power is derived from he Spirit of the Dragon. Members of the Shojin Order excel at healing and regenerating wounds.
Shojin Order Faction Possibilities
- Bonus health regeneration stat at Faction Level Milestones
- Unique dragon pet follower
- Free teleport to the Shojin Monastery
- Unique concussive blow ability to temporarily stun enemies

Wuju Order
The Wuju Order has been obliterated by a Noxian invasion and is on the verge of extinction. Master Yi was once one of the last surviving Wuju practitioners. Master Yi defending the ancient organization by drawing upon the magic of the spirit realm. Their ability to draw upon this power is virtually unlimited, save for the limitations of the mortal practitioner.
This once coveted order is now open to growing its ranks thanks to a reluctant Master Yi.
Wuju Order Faction Possibilities
- Unique Wuju Style dance emote
- Exclusive Wuju weaponsmithing unlocked
- Unique meditation ability for increased health regeneration
- Bonus attack speed stat at Faction Level Milestones

Noxus Factions
The Reckoners are essentially gladiators of Noxus. Throughout Noxus there are arenas established and operated by many people. The arenas serve as a form of entertainment and cultural expression based on strength and power.
During brawls, Reckoners typically fight to the death. The crowds cheer for brawlers with charisma, strength, of martial skill. Not all reckoners fight by choice. Some are prisoners. The business behind the fighting arenas is far reaching. Arenas need bookies, cleanup crews, announcer, beastmasters, and more.
Reckoners Faction Possibilities
- Bonus strength stat at Faction Milestone Levels
- Increased stats while in group parties
- Unique grand-stand emote
- Exclusive ability to increase attack damage for nearby friends

Trifarion Legion
The Triferion Legion is the most elite military organization within Noxus. Their army is lead by Darius. Their faction values brutal strength and determination. Those who possess these traits can join, even those who aren’t native to Noxus.
Although their vetting process is not as formal as other elite armies, their seniors possess a keen eye for talent.
Triferion Legion Faction Possibilities
- Exclusive ability bleed ability (damage over time) to enemies
- Exclusive Great Hammer weapon type unlocked
- Triferion Legion themed skins
- Increased experience gained during mining profession

Riot MMO Factions by Social Class
There is a good chance social factions will be in the Riot MMO. The Crownguard House, Laurent House and the Black Rose are well established organizations and we believe fans would be receptive to their inclusion.

Demacia Noble Houses
Crownguard House
The Crownguard House is a noble family consisting of notable members such as Garen, Luxanna, Lord Eldred, and Tianna. Their surname is a honorary name achieved from a long history of directly guarding the monarchy.
The Crownguard family is treated with the utmost respect. Their aristrocratic status grants them access to the most privileged resources.
Crownguard House Faction Possibilities
- Unique NPC interactions in Demacia
- Increased Dauntless Vanguard Faction Experience Gained
- Bonus Defense at Faction Level Milestones
- Discounts from Demacian Merchants

Laurent House
The Laurent House is another Demacian noble family. They are famous for their lineage of skilled duelists.
Dueling is a tradition among the aristocrats of Demacia. House matters are often settled with duels amongst the crowds.
Laurent House Faction Possibilities
- Increased in-combat movement speed
- Bonus one-hand proficiency at Faction Level Milestones
- Increased experience gained from weaponsmithing profession
- Increased damage using rapier weapon type

Noxus Secret Societies
Black Rose
The Black Rose is a secret organization of shadowy cabals. Many of the members of nobles. As such, they are incredibly influential. The Black Rose’s history spans before Noxus itself. It’s leader and original founding member is LeBlanc. Vladimir is another founding member.
Not many know of their covert on goings. Nonetheless, they are located in the Immortal Bastion and their actions are usually politically motivated.
Noxus and the Black Rose are fan favorites. Especially with recent events of the Mage Rebellion. King Jarvan III was assassinated and some believe Leblanc of the Black Rose is guilty. We can definitely see the Black Rose faction at least mentioned in the Riot MMO.
Black Rose Faction Possibilities
- Access to secret shortcuts throughout Immortal Bastion
- Discounts from Noxii merchants
- Increased experience discovering uncharted regions
- Increased magic damage at Faction Level Milestones

Crimson Circle
The Crimson Circle is an organization established by Vladimir. The members of this faction exclusively use hemomancy magic for various purposes such as pleasure and resurrection.
The history of the Crimson Circle dates back to ancient times where the God Warriors of Shurima used blood magic. Vladimir was the first to study and eventually use this magic for his own benefit.
Crimson Circle Faction Possibilities
- Unique lifesteal ability, draining health from enemies
- Crimson Circle themed skins
- Increased out of combat health regeneration
- Unique sacrifice ability, give a % of health to ally faction member

Piltover Clans
Ferros Clan
Ferros Clan is a lineage of wealth related members from Piltover. Notable family members include Jayce and Camille. While a house consists of blood related members, a clan members consists of family members as well as politically aligned persons.
Their family’s fortune was established when Elicia Ferros developed a industrial procedure for creating synthetic hex crystals. The value this provided was substantial because the original hex crystal, albeit more powerful, were limited to the close-to extinct Brackern species.
Ferros Clan Faction Possibilities
- Increased experience gained during Hextech profession
- Improved damage while using hextech weaponry
- Free teleport to Bluewind Court
- Easier chance to loot Hextech related drops

Medarda Clan
Another influential clan is the Medarda Clan. While not all blood related these members are considerably influential. Like most of the other clans, the Medarda Mansion is located in Bluewind Court, Piltover.
The Medarda Clan produced vast wealth after leader Jago’s father made numerous piston patents.
Interestingly, much of the Medarda lore is from the TV series Arcane. Furthermore, Greg Street stated the League MMO will be canon. Therefore, we’re not overly confident the Medarda clan will be a playable faction in the Riot MMO, at least right away.
Medarda Clan Faction Possibilities
- Increased experience gained during engineering profession
- Free teleport to the Sun Gates
- Increased coverage when discovering uncharted regions
- Increased experience gained in Piltover and Noxus

Zaun Gangs
Glasc Industries
Glasc Industries is a criminal empire established and operated by chem-baroness Renata Glasc. She operates out of Zaun and uses manipulation instead of violence to drive her business.
Glasc Industries is huge. The organization even employs wealthy chembarons.
The business’ production includes fragrances, armaments, prosthetics, and chemical blends.
Glasc Industries Faction Possibilities
- Increased experienced gained from Chemtech profession
- Unique ability fragrance causing AOE damage
- Discounts from Zaunite Merchants
- Access to fragrance specialization in alchemy profession

Lost Children of Zaun
The Lost Children of Zaun is gang located in Zaun. The group consists of children and teenagers with shared culture and interests. The faction primarily consists of orphans, runaways, and upstarts.
This Zaunite clan hosts some talented inventors including Ekko, and Kay. Common interests include hoverboarding, racing around Zaun, and a dislike for “Pilties” or citizens of Piltover.
Lost Children of Zaun Faction Possibilities
- Exclusive hoverboard mount
- Lost Children of Zaun themed skins
- Access to shortcuts throughout the Sump Level of Zaun
- Free teleport to the Firelight Hideout

Riot MMO Factions by Species
The Ursine (The Lost Ones)
The Ursine are a group of shapeshifting humans devoted to the will of their deity, The Great Spirit of the Bear, Volibear. Most of the members have permanently shapeshifting into wild animals, while a few retain their human form.
Historically, they have ties to the Freljord tribe, Winter’s Claw. Although their deity, Volibear roamed Freljord long before humans existed. Volibear wishes to return the Tundra to its former harsher habitat and barbaric modalities.
The Ursine Faction Possibilities
- Unique ability to shapeshift into an animal
- Bonus critical strike stat at Faction Level Milestones
- Increased resistance to elemental damage
- Reduced damage taken from animals

Vastaya Tribes / Factions in Riot MMO
These could even be the top contenders for playable races. As Greg Street said, Runeterra is primarily a human-centric world, for better or worse.
The Kiilash tribe originates from Shurima. They are a group of hunters who excel and stalking and killing for honor and glory.
The more challenging the foe, the more honorable the kill is. Consequently, the infestation of the powerful Voidborn infestation in Shurima would be worth a lot of respect.
Now many players believe Shurima will be available at a later expansion or simply not at launch. If so, then the Kiilash faction might not be in the Riot MMO immediately. Then again, outcasts like Rengar can venture anywhere in Runeterra they’d like.
Kiilash Faction Possibilities
- Unique ability to sneak past NPC enemies
- Bonus attack speed stat at Faction Level Milestones
- Exclusive tribal dance emote
- Increased damage while in jungle or forest biomes

The Lhotlan are one of the older Vastayan tribes. Naturally, they are primarily located in Ionia where their ancestors, the Vastayashai’rei came from. Unfortunately, the Lhotlan tribe lost their home lands.
These ancient bird-like Vastaya are looking to preserve their culture and reclaim their lands, not just for the Lhotlan tribe, but for all Vastayan tribes.
Lhotlan Faction Possibilities
- Increased flying speed
- Exclusive battle-dancer emote
- Plumage / Feather color customization
- Bonus ranged ability damage

The Marai are a tribe of Vastaya that have adapted to living underwater. Long ago, a group of Vastaya travelled to the shored of Mount Targon and created an underwater village.
Unfortunately, a void rift opened beneath them and threatened the species. With the use of moonstones, the Marai can defend themselves for as long as 100 years before needing to retrieve another moonstone.
Marai Faction Possibilities
- Increased swim speed at Faction Level Milestones
- Indefinite underwater breathing at Faction Level Milestones
- Bonus stats when grouped with Marai and Lunari
- Additional damage when wielding staves

Not much is known about the Oovi-Kat tribe. They are ancient descendants of the Vastayashai’rei. Originally, their tribe was located on an island east of Camavor until an untold catastrophe occured.
It is presumed the Oovi-Kat species are chameleon based Vastaya. Additionally, they can shapeshift at will. Their tails occasionally shed which is seen a milestone of maturity and an increased connection with the spiritual realm.
We’re not sure if the Oovi-Kat faction will be in the Riot MMO. Again, they are an obscure tribe, but shapeshifting would be pretty cool.
Oovi-Kat Faction Possibilities
- Exclusive shapeshifting skins
- Additional color customization abilities
- Ability to shapeshift to reduce threat at Faction Level Milestones
- Reduce overall damage by shedding on occasion

The Shimon tribe reside in the jungle of Ionia. They are an ancient group of wise monkey-like humans. The see life as an evolutionary path to wisdom. As such, they believe after-life, they transform into stone and begin life anew.
They began building their tribe as far away from people as possible. Also, they are incredibly adept to navigating among the tree tops. Notable members of the Shimon tribe include Wukong, and Ting.
Shimon Faction Possibilities
- Increased movement speed in jungles or forest biomes
- Bonus intelligence at Faction Level Milestones
- Exclusive nimbus flying mount
- Increased Wuju Order Faction experience gained

The Vesani Tribe are a powerful tribe on the verge of extinction. In fact, only one known survivor, Ahri, roams the lands in attempt to learn about her lost tribe.
Vesani possess vulpine, or fox features such bushy tails, and pointed ears. Additionally, the Vesani were able to manipulate emotions and memories. Moreover, they have an insatiable hunger. If left untamed, a Vesani could absorb the life force of an entity leaving just its outer later.
Vesani Faction Possibilities
- Unique ability, lightfoot, reducing aggro range
- Increased chance to find magical based loot
- Ability to find sunstones to boost experience gained
- Free teleport to last marked Magical Seedling

Religion Factions in Riot MMO
Believe it or not, Religions are factions and will likely be in the Riot MMO. There are numerous religions and of course we only picked a few of the most notable ones. Including religions in the Riot MMORPG would offer players a rich way to experience horizontal progression. While religions may not be as all-encompassing as the regional factions, they still have a powerful effect on the cultures of the regions of Runeterra.
Glorious Evolved
The First Assemblage of the Glorious Evolved is located in the end of the Boundary Markets in Piltover. Members of this religion gather at the Church of the Glorious Evolved. Their deity is The Grey Lady, also known as Camille. Both Zaunites and Piltovans can attend.
In addition to worshipping their deity, incapacitated individuals come in the hopes of receiving techmaturgical miracles. As well, those down on their luck and seek refuge at the Church.
Glorious Evolved Faction Possibilities
- Increased experience gained in techmaturgy profession
- Free teleport to the Church of the Glorious Evolved
- Bonus experiences when allied with Zaunite or Piltovan
- Exclusive techmaturgy specialization in armorsmithing

The Illuminators is a charitable religious organization based out of Demacia. Its members are called Radiants. They assist impoverished people around Demacia. As well, alongside the Dauntless Vanguard they have defended Demacia against the Harrowing. Notable volunteers include Luxanna Crownguard and Taric.
Illuminators Faction Possibilities
- Exclusive cosmetic wings resembling the Winged Protector
- Free teleport to the Illuminator Temple
- Ability to make offerings to Kayle for increased experience
- Provide bonus experience to Demacian party members

The Lunari is an ancient organization. Its intent is to venerate the Aspect of the Moon in Mount Targon. Although long ago it was said the Sun and Moon were to be in balance, there have been a power struggle between the two. The Solari had gained the upper edge and deemed the Lunari as heretics and attempted to destroy all evidence of their existence.
Interestingly, members of the Lunari track the Moon’s rotation to divine the future. As well, many priests blind themselves during the day to allow their vision to adapt exclusively to night. It is said that truth can only be seen under the pure light of the moon.
Lunari Faction Possibilities
- Free teleport to the Veiled Temple
- Bonus damage at night time
- Increased resistance to solar damage
- Additional movement speed at night

Mother Serpent
The primary religion of the Serpent Isles and Buhru is of Nagakabouros. She is a deity that controls the oceans, storms, and can bestow blessings upon those who embrace her teachings.
Aliases include, The Bearded Lady, The Great Kraken, and The Mother Serpent. Her worshipers are known as Truth Bearers.
Nagakabouros is often depicted as a teal colored kraken with several tentacles and sharp teeth. Although her avatar manifested appears more humanoid with long tattooed tentacles as dreads, a mask some armor.
Mother Serpent Faction Possibilities
- Free teleport to the Temple of the Mother Serpent
- Bonus movement speed near oceans
- Exclusive tattoo customization options
- Bonus proficiency with Idols at Faction Level Milestones

The Solari is the dominant religion in Mount Targon. While all of the Rakkor worship the Sun, those who devote their lives as known as the Solari.
The leader of the Solari is Leona, the Radiant Dawn. She is the Aspect Host and thus wields the Regalia of the Solari, known as the Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak. It is said she can call upon the power of the sun in combat.
Solari Faction Possibilities
- Increased resistance to lunar damage
- Bonus damage during daylight
- Unique ability to mediate increasing stats for a duration
- Unique ability to emit solar damage to nearby enemies

How Factions Might Work in the Riot MMO
There is a high chance factions will exist in the upcoming League MMO. Not only because Greg Street referred to factions, but because factions are an integral component to the World of Runeterra.
Admittedly, to assert factions will be an interactable feature in the Riot MMO would be speculative. We image factions would go one of two ways:
- Factions exists within the narrative and gameplay features
- Factions exists solely within the narrative / storytelling scope
For the sake of speculation, lets have assume factions will be implemented into the Riot MMORPG. Below are a few ideas of how the developers might add them in. Keep in mind, the options are limitless. We encourage you to join the conversation on Twitter and comment how you think factions might work.

What Are My Faction Choices in Riot MMO?
You noticed while reading above, there are plenty of factions in Runeterra. In fact, we only hand-picked a few dozen to keep this page concise. Still, factions can be grouped in many ways, such as religions, races, and regions. Its possible players would be able to choose one of each faction type.
Pick One of Each



Keep in mind, there is a lot of support behind the idea of the Vastaya race being a playable race in the upcoming Riot MMO. If so, then balancing characters already comes into question.
If a particular Vastayan subspecies has particular attributes or bonuses then its reasonable to have that be balanced with alternative races and factions.
The solutions are endless and the developers surely have the creative prowess and time to strike a balance. One possible solution could be to give Vastaya races access to unique tribe benefits but remove access to another faction choice, like religious factions for instance.
Factions and Stat Bonuses in Riot MMO

The Riot MMO will of course be an MMORPG as stated by Greg Street.
By definition, players take on the roles of fictional characters. These characters are inherently unique and possess varying abilities, stories, and so on.
With that comes stat, gear, and exploration choices. Thus, faction choices and their impact on the player is a natural conclusion. Below are few simple ideas of how the developers might think to add faction type bonuses into the game.
Region Factions: | Region factions may provide buffs when within your home region. It would create a sense of identity and encourage players to explore the region they were initially drawn to. |
Social Factions: | Social factions could provide bonuses that derive from the resources of the social faction. Mercantile factions such as the Medarda Clan could provide % discounts from merchants. Players would be encouraged to pick social factions based on the strategy they have. |
Religious Factions: | Religious factions could provide quality of life benefits, such as additional teleports and bonuses when playing alongside members of the same order. Naturally, not all classes of factions would have the same level of influence. |
Factions and Quality of Life Perks

At the very least, factions could provide players with quality of life perks. Based on the Greg Street Kanon interview, some have stated the Riot MMO will not have much in the way of racial bonuses and stat enhancements based on character choice. Still, it wouldn’t hurt if the Riot MMO’s factions had quality of life benefits. Example include:
- Free teleports on cooldown
– To teleport to an Ionian Monastery seems appropriate - Vendor discounts
– Some factions are quite industrial, such as Glasc Industries. Surely there are some benefits - Shortcuts throughout associated city
– Mage Rebels and The Lost Children of Zaun are known as traverse where most do not
Perhaps at Level 25 of the Shojin Order, our fellow monks unlock a free teleport to the Shojin Monastery.
Again, the Lost Children of Zaun could unlock their teleport to The Firelights Hideout at a prescribed level.
Unique Vendor and Discounts
It might be interesting if at Level 20 of the Dauntless Vanguard, players could receive a 10% discount from armor or weapon merchants.
Or, maybe a particularly convenient trade good vendors may become available to interact with after achieving a certain standing with your faction.
Legendary Gear Locked Behind Factions

If the Riot MMO were to cater to hardcore players as well as casual, then the committed players might enjoy competitive content locked behind difficult tasks. The Riot MMO factions could provide players a space to min max vertical progression.
Additionally, there are tons of rare and powerful artifacts and minerals. Hardcore and loreheads alike would probably enjoy seeing these rare objects realized into Runeterra.
Petricite Armorsmithing
Petricite is a powerful mixture of petricite tree bark, lime, and ash. Providing petricite at level 5 might be a disappointment and present a power creep issue early on. It would be exciting if players could unlock a specialization in their armorsmithing profession called Petricite.
Moonsilver Weaponsmithing
Again, if weaponsmithing were a profession, Targonians, or members of Lunari could unlock a Moonsilver specialization of the weaponsmithing profession. These legendary gear unlocks could provide players with exciting while keeping true to the lore of Runeterra.
Unique Riot MMO Faction Storyline Quests

A more reasonable request for unique faction experience would be exclusive storyline quest. If a player signs up to belong to a faction, surely the developers would create content to help players associate with that choice. It would interesting if two humans had different narrative experiences because they belong to different factions.
It illustrate the idea, imagine a human Radiant of the Illuminators meets Lux and receives quests from her directly. Even further, perhaps the player get the opportunity to enter the Crownguard residence briefly.
On the same note, a human associated with the Rebel Mages, receiving a quest from Sona and then meeting members of the Buvelle family farther into the quest chain. These unique quest lines could mix up that cookie cutter quest chain everyone goes through on many MMORPGs.