On April 7th, there was a Riot MMO interview with Nicolo Laurent, the CEO of Riot Games, Inc. The interview spanned 22 minutes. Mid way through the interview, Nicolo was asked about the Riot MMORPG.
We uploaded a clip of the Riot MMO interview to our YouTube channel. After listening to the LoL MMO interview we found the following takeaways
- Riot Games is committed to the MMORPG genre. The company understands how important games from this category are to its players. As a result, Nicolo is confident Riot Games will have a MMORPG product on the market. Now, if a MMORPG is not available, Riot Games is devoted to working towards making one available to us.
- This Riot MMO interview reminded us of the timeline. Unfortunately, as of writing, the Riot MMO will not be releasing anytime soon. The game is still in early development, therefore we still have a long ways to go before launch. This sentiment was echoed just a month early by Riot’s Co-Founder, Mark Merrill.
- Copying the current model of MMORPG needs to be done carefully. Nicolo stated their MMORPG needs to be relevant for not only the remainder of the 2020s, but 2030s as well. In the meantime, Riot Games is working hard to imagine what that looks like as well as moving towards that directly each day.
How is the Riot MMO Doing?
Some fans of the upcoming Riot MMO are worried. Recently, we’ve had the Executive Producer, Greg Street leave the team for personal reasons. Moreover, the Principal Game designer announced his last day at Riot was April 14, 2023. Despite a few senior members departure, the executives at Riot MMO are adamant on releasing a AAA MMORPG for us. During this Riot MMO interview, we seeNicolo Laurent speaking so positively about the Riot MMO. This should serve as a reminder about the unwavering intent and the promising direction the Riot MMO.