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Yarnville is a small, yet pleasant island. It is isolated [3] and located on the edge of Bandle City. [1] It is inhabited by Yordles most of which are obsessed with all things related to knitting. [3]

A knitted style poster of the Yarnville Knitters Reunion





Screenshot of Yarnville with several yordles

A flying cat, likely Yuumi, was flying around the island at one point. Interestingly, residents found this quite peculiar. Then, the unusual sighting was published in the Bandle City Rambler newspaper. Sources gathered for the news outlet reported the the magical cat is preoccupied looking for a lost friend. Still, sources say the cat was repeatedly distracted and is calling out for any additional information. [2]

Teemo has been here before and residents have seen him there. Plus, Teemo going invisible is not an uncommon sight to those in the village. [2]


Bandle Tale protagonist and Rumble in a junkyard

During a party in Yarnville, a portal collapsed which initiated turmoil. [3]


Screenshot of a Yarnville farm

The island village contains at least one portal that provides access to the rest of Bandle City. [1]


Screenshot of the village, Yarnville

Yarnville is described as, a tight-knit community by the Knitters Reunion poster. [1]

It appears apprenticeships are common in the yordle village. Of course, relative to human years, they are long apprenticeships considering one lasted 101-years. [3]

Yarnville Yordles see a ton of crazy things. [2]

Knitter’s Reunion

Yarnville held a knitter’s reunion as seen by its promotional advertisement. It encouraged Yordles to come and celebrate their multi-talented neighbors. [1] The reunion art illustrated several balls of yarn in trees and describing Yarnville as a Tight-Knit Community

Bandle City Rambler

Bandle City Rambler includes Yarnville news

A news outlet titled Bandle City Rambler publishes newspapers. Within one issuance, there has been a sighting of Volume 17, No. 02. Three headlines are included in issuance number 2.

  • Mysterious “Flying Cat” Seen Zooming Around Yarnville
  • Yarnville Celebrates Winstock’s New Recipe
  • Ziggs’s Poorly Timed Joke Blows Up In His Face


Screenshot of a portal in Yarnville

Gramps, Rosaline, Clover, and Winstock live in Yarnville. [1]



Winstock was featured in a headline in the Bandle City Rambler newspaper. In an article, is showcased that Yarnville celebrated his new recipe. Furthermore, a party was held for the third time that week. [2]


bandle tale snailcats

Snailcats are native to Bandle Tale. As well, numerous Snailcats can be seen relaxing in the rocky burrows in of Yarnville.

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