Trifarian Weaponsmith
Riot MMO Professions are most certainly going to be a thing. Now, MMORPGs traditionally include professions as a form of horizontal progression. Here, possible Riot MMORPG professions will be explored by giving an overview of a couple dozen examples. We expect some professions to be cookie-cutter type professions, such as fishing and woodcutting. Meanwhile, we do think there will be some professions unique to the world of Runeterra.
For simplicity we will group profession into two categories. Gathering riot MMO professions and crafting professions.
Riot MMO Professions – Gathering

If the Riot MMORPG professions are like other games, it will have gathering professions. Usually, gather professions consist of collecting raw materials in the open world. For example, one might collect ores from stone, logs from trees, fish from water etc. Gathered (raw) materials are often sold or crafted into products. A common example is raw ore is smelted into an ingot, and finally the ingot is forged into a tool. Below you can browse the possible Riot MMO Profession list for gathering.

Mining is using a pickaxe to extract precious ore from stone. Is it likely the Riot MMORPG will have mining as a profession. The most likely playable cities, Demacia and Noxus rely in miners for their impressive armor. Furthermore, mining is a fan-favorite profession among many MMORPG games.
Mining Locations
Demacia should have plenty of places to mine as its surrounded by mountains. Also, Noxus should have a surplus of ore. Noxus doesn’t have much foliage. Its landscape is quite crag-like. Shurima and Targon could be a perfect host for leveling up your mining. Although, we are not sure if Targon and Shurima will be playable upon release.
Mining Loot
The Riot MMO mining profession could provide us with, copper, tin, iron, coal, gold and possibly more exotic metals as expansions role out. Maybe a ‘starstone’ ore that resulted from the celestials.

The Riot MMOPRG profession list could include foraging. Foraging would be a catch all skill for picking raw goods from the land. Items that we might be able to forage include, cotton, flax, hemp, flowers, apples, watercress, berries, mushrooms and more. As a result of foraging, players would have raw materials to sell or craft into products. Crafters would rely on foragers to make cloth materials, clothing, food for cooks and adventurers, herbs for alchemists, and more. Thus, foraging would play a critical role in supplying materials for crafters.
Foraging Locations
The foraging skills inherently uses the land to provide loot. Therefore Riot could allow the foraging skill to be used anywhere on Runeterra. Of course, we expect certain loot to be more present on particular regions of Runeterra. The Riot MMO profession: foraging would be used everywhere.
Foraging Loot
The world of Runeterra already has many raw materials discussed through its worldbuilding. For example, several variants of poisonous mushrooms could be collected. Perhaps Zaun would have host a dense amount of these. We could see, Puffcap Mushrooms, Sweetcap Mushrooms, and Fevercap Mushrooms. These mushrooms could be a raw ingredient for alchemists to provide to chemtech engineers to eventually make Caustic Casks. On the other-hand, we might see plentiful Dormisroot in the plains of Demacia. Dormisroot could have plenty of applications. Perhaps healing potions, or poison curing potions too.

Woodcutting is an essential profession in most fantasy worlds. Usually you will wield an axe and slowly improve your proficiency and obtaining wood from various types of trees. Again, woodcutters will sell or craft their wood into products. Products include, housing items like chairs, tables, staves, and reagents for most tools, like handles for sword, axes etc., bows, arrows and more.
Woodcutting Locations
Ideally, trees will be present throughout Runeterra. Naturally, the types of trees will vary depending on the region. Players tend to enjoy resources, such as trees that coincide with the level of gameplay is the region itself. For example, walnut trees might require a higher woodcutting level than a cedar, or pine. Accordingly, walnut trees would be found in areas where higher leveled players naturally play.
Woodcutting Loot
If woodcutting exists as a profession in the Riot MMOPRG, we hope to find a variety of interesting trees throughout Runeterra. Perhaps the more common and softer trees will be found in the starting regions. We could see cedar, pine, teak, and redwood in low level area. Then perhaps, ironbark, blackwood, and oak.
Maybe level 100 would allow a player to cut down petricite trees for high level crafting.

Fishing is a pretty iconic gathering skill is MMORPGs. We are confident Fishing will be a profession in the Riot MMOPRG. The Vice President of the Riot MMO suggested fishing will be in the game with the following tweet.
Fishing Locations
The Riot MMO team can implement fishing in almost any area. A stream or small river can be added in between two small towns, for example. The map of Runeterra isn’t so detailed that the Riot MMO team can’t fill in the gaps with some detail. Naturally, coastal areas will have the most abundant fishing opportunities. These regions include, Bilgewater, the Shadow Isles, Ionia, and the Freljord. To a lesser extent, the coastal regions of Demacia, Noxus, Shurima, and Ixtal could have a lot of fishing spots.
Fishing Loot
We expect to catch a variety of fish. Each varying in required fishing levels. Fish with a higher required fishing level should provide greater stat effect and more experience. Low level fish may include, trout, catfish, and bass. Higher level fish might include, swordfish, tuna, and sturgeon. No doubt the Riot MMO team will include Runeterra specific fish like scuttlers, and burblefish.

Farming would be cool. There are a lot of tie ins with Cooking, and combat support. Unfortunately, there are a few deterrents. A farming profession would require a plot of land. If we could farm, another question arises. Is this a shared plot or player owned. A player owned plot would require a complicated game system. Player instanced-land or coding for permission-based land might not be feasible for one profession. On the other hand, a publicly used plot of land wouldn’t be as immersive. We’re not as confident a Farming profession would be implemented. Still, farming is popular in MMORPGs and fans love farming in games.
Farming Locations
Farming locations would be anywhere it is safe to do so in Runeterra. Great farming regions in Runeterra would include, Demacia, Ixtal, Ionia, Bilgewater, and Targon. The craggy lands of Noxus and deserts of Shurima would be hard to imagine there’d be success. Although the areas Noxus has invaded will have rich soil. The Freljord would find it difficult to host plants, considering the harsh climate. It is hard to imagine farming in the Shadow Isles because of how dangerous it is. Another considering is the timeline the Riot MMO will be set in. If we play prior to the Ruination, then the Shadow Isles would be the Blessed Isles. The Blessed Isles would make a useful region for farming. There is a lot to consider.
Farming Loot
Generally, MMORPGs don’t show their creativity as much in farming professions. Therefore, we could expect to grow and harvest, corn, pumpkins, potatoes etc. We could probably grow bushes too. So, berries and currants. Trees would be useful too. They would provide oranges, apples, olives, bananas, avocados, almonds, and more. Farming synergizes with Cooking well. Cooking is a staple skill in MMORPGs, as is fishing. The presence of cooking makes including a farming profession more likely. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck buying out food from NPCs, and relying on mobs to provide meat, and unusual foods like walnuts dropping from slain tigers.
Riot MMO Profession – Crafting

The majority of the professions will be crafting. Riot MMO professions won’t be any different. There are only so many categories of raw materials we can gather from the land. Also, it takes considerable time and skill to craft materials into desirable products. Simply put, crafting is complex and each type of tool requires a specialist. Therefore, we’ve assimilated a numerous skills that have a good chance of making it into the final game.

The armorsmith is a classic profession that specializes in forging ingots into useful battle armor. Amorsmiths will craft us iron platelegs, steel breastplates, copper bracers and all kinds of protection. Runeterra already has tons of melee fighters. So don’t be surprised if the fighters of Runeterra will pay a pretty penny for some armor.
Armorsmith Craftables
As the name implies, we should see the armorsmith profession producing various armor pieces for our gear slot. Again, any armor for the chest, head, leg, foot, and wrist slots are pretty standard for MMORPGs. Expect to see copper leggings, iron gloves, steel platehelms, and the almighty petricite plantibody around Runeterra.

The bladesmith is the direct counterpart to the armorsmith. Similarly, bladesmiths forge metal ingots into weapons. The bladesmith profession would purchase or mine ore themselves as raw materials for their crafts. Next, the bladesmith might use their crafted weapons themselves, and sell remaining weapons to other players or NPC vendors.
Bladesmith Craftables
We imagine the bladesmith would be a popular profession. The world of Runeterra has a vast amount of weapon types in use. Bladesmiths could forge:
swords, longswords, broadswords, axes, great axes, claymores, daggers, rapiers, spears, sabres, cutlasses, and more.
We especially would like to see bladesmiths forging unique weapons from their regions. For example, bladesmiths from Ionia should be crafting Wuju Blades. And Demacian bladesmiths should be crafting rapiers.

Hextech Engineering
Born out of Piltover, hextech engineering is a profession where engineers use the power of arcane crystals to infuse tools. Hextech engineering is still in its infancy. Therefore, each tool is custom made for each user. Hextech engineering is so iconic in the world of Runeterra that it would be a shame if it weren’t included. With the popularity of Arcane, the awareness of Hextech engineering became even more widespread among fans. Given the direction of the Riot MMO, Hextech engineering might not be limited to just the citizens of Piltover.
Hextech Engineering Craftables
Traditionally, engineering professions provide a wide variety of useful tools. They might be weapons, combat augments, or quality of life tools. Runeterra is already filled with Hextech tools. As fans, we would love to craft, accelerator gates, mechanical turrets, armor augments, and even hextech weapons themselves

Chemtech Engineering
Chemtech Engineering is the counterpart to Hextech Engineering. The city if Zaun is where the majority of Chemtech engineering takes place. Arcane crystals rarely make it down to the slums of Zaun. Instead, intelligent denizens of Zaun use volatile chemicals to empower their technology. This chem, has a vibrant green hue and are prepared and transported under the direction of rich and oppressive chem barons like Renata Glasc.
Chemtech Craftables
Chemtech engineers frequently integrate the technology into everyday items and tools. These people can turn guitars into flamethrowers, clocks into grenades, remotes that control mechs, and injectable compounds that can dramatically augment your physical body. Naturally, chemtech is unstable than Hextech. It would be interesting to see a volatile power vs stable moderate-power relationship between the two types of engineering.

It’s possible that an upcoming Riot MMORPG profession could be runecrafting or runemaking. Now, we know runes exist in the world of Runeterra. The world runes specifically and incredibly powerful. The force these runes contain are too much power for mankind to bear. We know the champion, Ryze has some in his possession. It would make for an interesting profession if we could craft lesser runes to empower ourselves in and out of combat. Given that runes already exist of the world, it wouldn’t’ t be a far stretch. Furthermore, it would be easy to implement horizontal progression by allowing us to create more powerful runes as we level up.
Runecrafting Craftables
The materials for runes could be lootable by almost anyone, thing, or place. Of course, that is because the runes were used to shape the world of Runeterra. And so, they are naturally dispersed throughout the lands. By collecting rune fragments and infusing them together, we could ‘use’ them do get temporary buffs. For example, a Lesser Rune of War providing +5 attach for 60 mins. A Lesser Rune of Water, providing +5 evasion for 60 minutes. Perhaps, a Lesser Rune of Spirit, granting +5 movement speed for 60 minutes. The possibilities are limitless.

Portal Making
Portals already exist in the world of Runeterra. Zoe is an infamous aspect with power beyond Runeterra. She is known for making portals. Not only that, Yordles also make portals too. We think Yordles will be a playable race. And since Yordles have mastered portals, it would make sense if we could use them. In terms of gameplay, portals would act as a quality of life mechanic. Simply shortening travel time between regions.
Portal Making Craftables
Unlike the other crafting professions, the power of portal making could be bound to the player itself. That is to say, they cannot give portal to someone else. This would differentiate it from scrollmaking. If portal making is bound to players, it would create an interesting social dynamic. Portal Makers could be given currency in exchange for a portal spawning amongst the individuals. With dungeons, raids, and quests in mind, portal makers would be an asset to a team in order to arrive at destinations immediately. In terms of reagents for portals, the capabilities of ones portal could be based on usages, with cooldowns. One could level up as they or others’ use their portals. Conversely, portal making could be more tradition. It might require materials, such as collectible stardust, or lootable stardust from slain Yordles.

Scrollmaking would be similar to runecrafting. There would need to be a difference between the two for both to be added. Scrollmaking might be weaker, but have less limitations. For example, maybe scrolls could be bought and sold on markets. Whereas runes might be too tempting for humans to trade on a market. Scrolls might allow group buffs. Furthermore, scroll making might last 30 minutes and generally be weaker. Also, scrolls could have a combat focus. For example, bonus attack, defense, or other stats. Conversely, runes could have quality of life benefits too, such as speed movement, reduces material requirements crafting, instant respawn at location upon death, and more.
Scrollmaking Craftables
In order to make scroll, the ingredients could be purchased from NPCs or other players. Ingredients could include, parchment, ink, and stardust gathered from starstone ores, or gathered from an archeology type profession. A number of scrolls could be crafted. Perhaps mostly combat related, such as +2 attack, defense, evasion, or +2% crit chance.

Can we agree that every MMORPG should have a cooking profession. Cooking is a great way to use loot and gathered food and improve upon them. By combining spices with other raw foods, we can craft food that further aids us in our adventures. We often see cooking provide us with immediate and passive benefits. There is a high chance the Riot MMO will have a cooking profession.
Cooking Craftables
We expect to have an innumerable amount of recipes at our disposal. Don’t be surprised to see the basics like stew, steak, and sandwiches. We also see food providing buffs after we finish eating them. Some food might provide HP and MP benefits for a period of time. For example, after eating a sandwich, you will gain +10HP/s for 30 minutes.
As the recipies increase in complexity and skill required, the buffs will improve in tandem. This makes cooking integrate well with challenging content like dungeons and raids, where every extra bit counts.
Each region should have different recipes. They would only differ in name and appearance. The stat benefits would be identical to equivalent level food. Think, Shuriman Jerk Chicken, or Salted Freljordian Seal.
This possible profession overview will be a work-in-progress. There are a million ways Riot Games can include professions into the game. We are confident profession will be in the game because Greg Street said the game will include common RPG features, like stats, gear, dungeons etc.
Given that professions are so common, and even expected at this point, we can be assured riot mmo professions will be a thing. Don’t be surprised if the Riot MMO team surprises us with unique professions that tie into the world of Runeterra. They have a lot of unique elements in the world to draw in for inspiration. hextech, chemtech, blood magic, petricite, world runes, are just a few Runterran specific phenomenon they can call upon.
Stay tuned for more potential professions they may be included. When confirmed information is released, this page will be update with the corresponding information as well.