Table of Contents
Several topics for Riot MMO theories can be found here. Our discussions page covers less speculative topics. Whereas here, we try to extrapolate what could be to come with the current information available.
Possible Professions


Riot MMO Abilities
While it’s too early to say exactly what abilities will be in the Riot MMO, we can still imagine. We combined traditional RPG combat abilities with Legends of Runeterra to come up with several Riot MMO abilities. It’s unlikely these exact skills will be in the Riot MMOPRG, but likely similar in spirit.

Riot MMO Name
Currently, the Riot MMO name has not been announced. In fact, the game is in such an early development stage, the developers themselves may not know.
Regardless, we composed a list of over 40 possible names for the Riot MMORPG.

Riot MMO Classes
We’ve based our Riot MMO classes theories on the cards from Legends of Runeterra. Of course they are not all canon, even Greg Street said “the Riot MMO owes a lot to Legends of Runeterra”
We’ve modelled our class typed based on the Holy Trinity which Greg Street was a fan of. You can expect to see, Reckoners, Chronomancers, Ranger-Knights, Shadowblades, and more.

Riot MMO Factions
There are tons of factions the Riot MMO developers can include in the upcoming game. We hand picked a few dozen of Runeterra’s most popular factions.
Also, we provided several ways the developers may implement the Riot MMO factions in to the game.
We may have profession unlocks, unique skins and possibly quality of life perks. Read all about Riot MMO Factions here.

Riot MMO Might Be Called World of Runeterra
Riot Games purchased the domain name Furthermore, all traffic to this site is redirected to the official Riot MMO Recruiting webpage. We take a deep dive into the details and assess the commitment level to determine how likely it is World of Runeterra will be the title of Riot’s upcoming MMORPG.

Weapon Types
A speculative overview of dozens of weapon types and how they could fit into the upcoming MMO. We discuss the role of weapons in game design, plus just give a flat out long long of cool weapons. We included everything from Chakrams to Hextech Guns.

Playable Races
The Riot MMO will be set in the lore of Runeterra. As a result, we can speculate with a high degree of certainty, which races will be included in the upcoming MMO.
Determining which races will be playable is more challenging. Fortunately, a deep look at Runeterra’s lore allows us to weed out countless races. Click on the link to the left to browse which classes will likely be playable in Riot’s upcoming MMO.

Based on tweets and posts from Greg Street and Riot Games, we can be sure professions will be in the game. Where is a lot of room for speculation when it comes to which professions will be added in the game. We’ve compiled a list of the 13 most likely professions to be in the upcoming Riot MMORPG.

Early Access
A couple of Twitter polls were created by the former Principal Game Designer. These polls were gathered info on player’s opinions on Early Access. Meanwhile, Greg Streets intentions were to allow players to help drive the direction. With these facts in mind, an Early Access for the Riot MMO is a strong possibility. Read the details of this Riot MMO theory here.