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The Riot MMO combat style has been confirmed to be action combat. Although, the combat style could change before launch. In our news article, Riot MMO Confirmed Third Person Action Combat, we give the full details on why the Riot MMO will be action combat.
Remember, the Riot MMO is still in early development. Therefore, anything can change. Furthermore, many development decisions are subject to change. Still, we have several reasons to be confident the of Riot MMO combat style direction.
At any rate, this article will speculate on each possible combat style.

Riot MMO Combat Style: Action Combat
Action combat games rely on character aiming and positioning in order for attacks to connect. While action combat is the more realistic and visually impressive combat style, there are some drawbacks.
Action Combat is Less Accessible
First, action combat is not as accessible. Action combat is more demanding in terms of gameplay coordination and latency/network. Ordinarily, these wouldn’t be a deterrent. But remember, the Riot MMO has made plans to be as accessible as possible. To achieve that, The Riot MMO is very likely to launch as a free-to-play game. According to Greg Street, the Riot MMO will be beginner friendly.
So, don’t expect complicated BDO (Black Desert Online) style combat in the Riot MMO.
Now, we still have to address the network demands of an action combat game. Action combat is more sensitive to gameplay disruptions during latency fluctuations. Given that the Riot MMO wants to attract as many people as possible, choosing another combat style will be considerably attractive.
Furthermore, if the Riot MMO launches as a free-to-play game, it will attract a younger audience. Which is perfect given the likely stylized art style Riot is known for. But younger games often share their internet bandwidth with their parents and siblings. Their internet speeds might not be as robust. Therefore, low demanding combat style and free-to-play games just fit the target audience more appropriately.
Admittedly, action combat encourages fast paced gameplay and enhanced immersion. We know these two are important pillars for the Riot MMO team. Nonetheless, the business decision to include as many players as possible will likely take precedence over the marginal increase gameplay style and immersion action combat provides.
Another consideration is PvP. Greg Street has confirmed the Riot MMO will have PvP. PvP is undoubtedly the most time sensitive game mode widely available in gaming. Within PvP game modes, an action combat playstyle would put further demands, and possibly ostracizing many players with less than stellar internet speeds.

Riot MMO Combat Style: Tab Target
When we think of tab target games, we imagine World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14. If you’re not familiar, tab target games locks your aim invisibly to one target at a time. Traditionally, you can press the tab key to cycle through nearby targets.
Tab target games are easy to pickup and learn. You don’t have to aim a crosshair and body in the direction of the enemy. Plus, targeting an enemy is guaranteed thanks to the in-game targeting. Furthermore, a player can move around seamlessly without having to reacquire their target and losing out on damage. Last but not least, tab target games are more forgiving the latency issues as well.
It is no surprise the two most subscribed MMORPG games are tab target. World of Warcraft and FFXIV are arguably the most popular MMORPGs. We have already established that Riot seeks to attract as many players possible to play the Riot MMO. Makes sense since they won’t be charging a subscription.
Tab target seems more attractive than action combat for another reason. Many of the current staff on the Riot MMO team have worked on World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment. Some of the producers might feel comfortable and rather skilled at this game type. Now if tasked to make a hybrid or action combat style, I wouldn’t hesitate to think these skilled developers wouldn’t be up for the tasks. Rather, in terms of planning and direction, action seems to make less sense than tab target or hybrid. We know we are speculating with a fine tooth comb. It really could go anyway.

Riot MMO Combat Style: Hybrid
Hybrid combat involves using the same tab-targeting system plus some non-targeting abilities. Non targeting abilities may come in the form of:
- Linear skill shots
- AOE (area of effect)
- Cone skillshots
- Arc skill shots
These abilities have predictable pathways that augment the tab target system. League of Legends is an example of a hybrid combat system.
It has been confirmed that the Riot MMO will be set in the League of Legends universe. Also known as Runeterra. Therefore, the Riot MMO team might be considering hybrid combat because many of their loyal fans will be coming from League of Legends. Fans of League of Legends would appreciate if the Riot MMO has a combat system like League of Legends. We know League of Legends has been successful with selling cosmetics. It’s been confirmed the Riot MMO plans to do the same, thus there might be an inclination to maintain familiar systems within the Riot MMO to help generate sales.
Another reason why hybrid combat might be attractive to The Riot MMO developers is it’s still rather latency friendly. Now, the introduction of skill shots will make drops in latency more apparent. Still, not nearly as evident as action combat would be.

Vice President Wants Modern Combat
After watching the Greg Street and Kanon interview above you can tell Greg feels uninspired by current state of action combat in MMOs.
It goes without saying, Greg’s personal opinions will unlikely play an overriding faction in the outcome of the Riot MMO. All of his team member have some level of input, as he’s stated on Twitter. Nonetheless, we can still speculate based on what he has said.
It’s important to note, for the sake of simplicity, we don’t think Kanon and Greg are differentiated between Hybrid combat and tab-target.
I probably played more tab target games than action games. Maybe it just action games haven’t had as much time to mature and they’re get there but..
RIOT MMO Director FULL Interview ft. Greg Street (Ghostcrawler) – 1:12:33
A lot of MMO combat is complicated enough that trying to stay on the target, thinking that someone is in range when they weren’t, those are pretty frustrating moment. And they feel like you’re fighting the game vs. fighting the other player.
RIOT MMO Director FULL Interview ft. Greg Street (Ghostcrawler) – 1:12:47
The Verdict: Action Combat
Overall, Greg’s sentiments towards about wanting modern combat is in line with Riot Games’ general long term vision for their games lifespan. Although it’s too early to say definitely. The combat style the Riot MMO chooses could be either, action combat, hybrid combat, or tab-target combat.