Riot MMO Bestiary
The Riot MMO Bestiary includes Runeterra creatures that might be included in the game. Now, there are a variety of species in Runeterra. After all, Runeterra literally means ‘magic-world’. The Celestials are responsible for the magical properties of Runeterra. Long ago, the celestials dropped pieces of the world runes after Runeterra was created. It is believes the magic from the world rune seeped into the material world. Over time, Runeterra began to permeate with magic.
Consequently, magical creatures along with traditional ones exist within Runeterra. Furthermore, the procreation of magical and non-magical creatures spawned hybrid and demi hybrid entities.
Table of Contents
Bestiary Simple List
Name | Class |
Animal Spirit | Spirit |
Aspect | Celestial |
Aspect Host | Ascended |
Aspect Host | Celestial |
Baccai | Ascended |
Basilisk | Reptile |
Brackern | Hextech |
Burblefish | Aquatic |
Butterfly Dragon | Reptile |
Camille | Hextech |
Celestial Dragon | Celestial |
Chemtech Drake | Reptile |
Chimera | Beast |
Chirean | Humanoid |
Cloudwinder | Avian |
Crystalline Golem | Golem |
Crystalline Stormraptor | Avian |
Darkin | Ascended |
Drake-Hound | Beast |
Elkin | Beast |
Forged Colossus | Golem |
God-Warrior | Ascended |
Golden Narwahl | Aquatic |
Horse | Beast |
Human | Humanoid |
Ibik | Beast |
Ironback | Reptile |
Kracken | Aquatic |
Krug | Elemental |
Lava Lizard | Reptile |
Magma Serpent | Elemental |
Mammoth | Beast |
Meep | Celestial |
Necrotic Arachnid | Arachnid |
Necrotic Nestling | Arachnid |
Ocklepod | Aquatic |
Otterpus | Aquatic |
Owlcat | Avian |
Pengu | Avian |
Pengu | Aquatic |
Plundercrab | Aquatic |
Polar Lizard | Reptile |
Powder Monkey | Beast |
Preticite Golem | Golem |
Rainbowfish | Aquatic |
Raptor | Beast |
Rat | Beast |
Razormace | Reptile |
Sea-Monster Dragon Hybrid | Aquatic / Reptile |
Sharkling | Aquatic |
Sparklefly | Celestial |
Spider | Arachnid |
Stellacorn | Celestial |
Teenydactyl | Avian |
Terrestrial Drake | Reptile |
Terrordactyl | Avian |
The Lost | Spirit |
Treant | Spirit |
Troll | Humanoid |
Vastaya | Humanoid |
Voidborn Abimination | Voidborn |
Wharf Rat / Razorfin | Aquatic |
Wolf | Beast |
Wyvern | Reptile |
Yeti | Humanoid |
Bestiary Detailed List

Spiders in Runeterra vary dramatically in size. Some are the traditional size. Although there are some spiders that trump humans in size. Unfortunately for us, they are not very kind. Additionally, it is possible for some humans to turn in to spiders. That would make for an interesting quest chain.
Necrotic Arachnids

There are undead spiders that live in The Shadow Isles. These necrotic spiders possess a lethal necrovenom that paralyzes the skin and quickly decays flesh. Fortunately, they are found deep inside The Shadow Isles.
Necrotic Nestling

The Necrotic Nestling are small, young spiders newly hatched from their nest. The necrotic spiders multiply quickly. Trespassers should beware because several nestlings could overwhelm a person. The nestlings also share the same teal colored tint as the necrotic arachnoids. It’s common to see several smaller spiders surround a larger spider in MMORPGs. I’d image that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for the LoL MMO.
Aspect Host

Like the other Ascended beings, the Aspect Hosts have gained a portion the power of the Aspects. Thus, the Aspect Hosts do not experience pain, disease, and aging. They all possess incredible speed, strength, and affinity for magic. The main difference from the other Ascended are the Aspect Hosts carry out the will of their respective Aspects’ designated embodiment of humanity.

The Baccai were once mortal humans. Unfortunately for them, the Ascended Host did not deem them worthy during their Ascension Ritual. They became malformed anthropomorphic beings with only part of the power a Ascended Warrior would have. At the time they fled as outcasts. Now they are mostly conservators for the Inner Sanctum Nasus’ library.

Currently the Darkin are an imprisoned race of sentient weapons after being banished by the Celestials. Previously, Darkin were once Ascended God-Warriors. Powerful and virtually immortal. Although their minds were still that of mortals. Over the course of the Void War, and the loss of their Azir, they became frantic and lost. They succumbed to using blood magic on themselves became unrecognizable.

Within Shurima, the God-Warrior are the most prestigious and righteous race. God-Warriors are successful participants in a completed Ascension Ritual. Their power also derives from the Celestials. Therefore, they are virtually ageless and incredibly powerful. Still, their minds are that of mortals. They generally protect and serve Shurima.

Not much is known about cloudwinders. They are beautiful Runeterra creatures seen soaring over the poWe do know Janna interacts with them and is on good terms with them. This cloudwinder can be seen outside the port of Piltover. Moreover its massive size trumps the nearby sailboats. It would be a sight to behold to earn these as a flying mount in the Riot MMO.
Crystalline Stormraptor

The Crystalline Stormraptor is also known as Herald of the Thousand Pierced internally at Riot Games. We don’t imagine this legendary looking avian creature might not be casually roaming the mountains. Instead, we can envision a quest line related to this special beast. Or perhaps as a mini-boss in a raid. Or better yet, an end-game mount.

These funny looking creatures are a hybrid of cat and owl. They can be found in Bandle City, Ionia, and possibly Piltover. Owlcats are known for being hungry all the time. Legend has it, if you feed them, you will be cursed. Nonetheless, they seem to be friendly around humans and they can fly. It’s possible they could make a suitable pet for the LoL MMO.

Pengu are a Freljordian race of penguins. They are primarily known for their role as a mascot in Riot’s games. Generally, Pengu are complacent flightless birds that like to eat fish and sleep. One Pengu in particular, named Pingu, stumbled across a tome which told the story of the Pengu race one day playing an important and dominant role in Freljord.

We don’t know much about Burblefish. They appear to be small, harmless aquatic creatures. They likely excel at creating numerous bubbles. We can imagine Burblefish being an entry level fishing catch in the Riot MMO.
Golden Narwhal

Legend has it, a narwhal once stole from the Bearded Lady. In response she imparted a golden crust as a lesson. Now the Golden Narwhal species will have to suffer the consequences of temptation and greed of others.

Kraken are gigantic serpentine leviathan found in the depths of the Serpent Isles. They consist of several tentacle. On their face you can see five eyes. Two pairs and one large on its own. These sea beasts are so epic they are imprinted on Bilgewater’s currency, Golden Krakens.

Ocklepods are support creatures first discovered in League of Legends’ limited game mode, Black Market Brawlers. They are native to Bilgewater. Interestingly, these crustaceans hover above the ground or water and scout for enemy ambushed. They have the appearance of a helmet with a submarine periscope above which an eye peering the both the helmet and periscope. These creatures are incredible for spotting enemy ambushes.

The otterpus is an aquatic animal that appears to be a mixture between a feline and an otter. Presumably the otterpus is amphibious. We can see they have a playful demeanor and enjoy fish as part of their diet. Perhaps the otterpus would make a great pet in the Riot MMORPG.
Wharf Rat / Razorfin

These ferocious amphibious creatures from Bilgewater are called wharf rats. The adult species are occasionally called Razorfin. They are excellent land and sea hunters. Furthermore, they frequently hunt in packs and are roughly the size of dogs. These beasts are especially dangerous to dock workers. Wharf rats are notorious for murdering homeless and dockworkers found on the floor of the wharfs. New moons are especially risky and victims are not safe on land or water.

These little creatures are mascots of sorts in the Runeterra Universe. Pingu, in particular is often seen with primitive weapons performing feats in extreme environments. Its quite possible we will see him and other Pengus in the Riot MMO assuming Snowdown Showdown or an equivalent winter holiday is added to the game.

Plundercrabs are crustacean mercenaries traded on the Bilgewater Black Market for Gold Kraken. They are rather intelligent and useful hirelings. One can see they are outfitted with a canon in-between parapets, or small wooden planks. Plundercrabs lock onto targets and barrage onto enemies from a distance.

The Sharkling is a carnivorous aquatic animal. It has the ferocity of a shark and the body of an eel. They lurk in the depths of Bilgewater. According to a Jaul Hunter, sharklings can remember the scent of their victims blood for a long time. Moreover, they all grow to one day become something even more menacing.

Traditionally, a chimera is a hybrid creature often depicted with the body of a lion and the head of a goat. Nowadays, it’s common for a chimera to represent any fantastical hybrid beast. The chimera featured here is the Sandstone Chimera. It features the body of a leopard, massive wings, and seemingly the head of an elephant. With the loose requirements to be considered a chimera, we could be seeing more of these around Runeterra.

Drakehounds are culturally unique to Noxus. They are a vicious but renowned creature among the Noxii. These beasts prove useful as war-beasts, and guard creatures. As a result, they are expensive and highly desirable. Of course that hasn’t stopped the most wealthy and powerful individuals from owning Drakehounds as exotic pets.
These Runeterra creatures are wolf-sized and call the mountainous region just north of the Noxian capital their home. Naturally, they hunt in packs and quite effectively too.

The Elkin appears to be your standard Elk. Unlike the typical elk, Elkin have a gait more adept to supporting humans. Moreover they posses more lean mass. As well, the Elkin would make a suitable mount in the Riot MMO.

Common Runeterra animals. Horses in Runeterra do not deviate from the traditional horses we know. As such, regions such as Demacia ride horses for military and travel purposes. The Demacian military frequently equip their horses with prestigious looking armor.

Ibik are large herbivores that are native to Mount Targon. They are approximately three times taller than a human on its four legs. In Targon, they can be found grazing and amongst the low slopes of the mountain. The Rakkor tribe use them for their warm fatty milk. Sadly, many of the adult Ibik are covered in scars from carnivorous predators like Bolor.

Owlcats are a hybrid of owls and cats. They originate in the forests of Bandle City, although some have been brought over the Piltover and made their way to Ionia. Owlcats have a ravenous appetite and have been known to eat anything from seeds to cheese curds. Furthermore, they can fly and have been seen enjoying music. Perhaps owlcats will see their way as pets, or followers in the Riot MMORPG one day.
Powder Monkeys

Borrowed from the coined term for young sea-men responsible for transporting naval explosives during the Industrial Revolution. Similarly, these monkeys originated from a mysterious and magical Monkey Idol snatched by Miss Fortune. While Powder Monkeys are mischievous, they provide useful by magically enhancing gunpowder properties.

Uncommon Runeterra animals. Raptors are predators native to Demacia. The Great of Demacia has trained guard called Raptor Knights. Raptor Knights are trained to ride and fight on top of Raptors.

The rats from Runeterra do not differ greatly from the rats we know. Interestingly, in Demacia inmates within the Mageseeker compound resort to eating rats due to poor living conditions. Further, in Bilgewater, man eating rats, known as Wharfs pose a threat to citizens. Lastly, due to the toxicity of Zaun, mutated Rats have appeared. Twitch is the most popular example of the terrors of the sump level.
Wharf Rat / Razorfin

Wharf Rats are a dangerous hybrid of both rat and shark. They received their name because they helped dock workers keep the wharf clean. Nevertheless, wharf rats are deadly to humans. These beasts are the size of dogs and are adept at killing on land and sea.

The average wolf on Runeterra does not differ much from those we know on Earth. Runeterran wolves are carnivorous canis lupis inspired beasts who hunt and maintain family groups.

They are formerly known as The Aspects of Targon Prime. This Celestial race are divine philosophical entities. Although little is known about them, it is widely believed Celestials do not possess a physical body. Celestials have taken a strong interest in Runeterra among other planets. While they cannot directly influence Runeterra, they can operate within the confines of a mortal’s body.
Aspect Hosts

Generally, Aspect Hosts have been granted the power of aspects in order to facilitate the duties of the Aspect. Usually the Aspect becomes immortal, defy age, and are immune to disease. Still, they can bleed and crippled. If the Aspect Host dies, it is common for the Aspect to return to the celestial realm.
Celestial Dragons

Celestial Dragons have existed since the very beginning of the universe. It is uncertain if they are truly immortal or if their lifespans are beyond comprehension. Moreover, these celestials create marvelous formations in the physical realm. Unsurprisingly, they are responsible for the creation of the terrestrials dragons on Runeterra. Although they only have a fraction of the power Celestial Dragons have.

Meeps are semi sentient incomplete motes of magic. They are the result of the residual thought and inspiration used when celestial dragons form the stars. Interestingly, Meeps are attracted to Bard, the cosmic caretaker. Meeps are able to understand and dance to his divine musical tones. These small creatures are capable of living on their own, yet many aid Bard in his quest to maintain the realms.

Sparkleflies are celestial creatures that resemble butterflies. They can be found at the foot of Mount Targon. It is most likely that they come out at night time as they’ve been known to over over the Duskpetal there. As one can see, they leave a fluttering trail of glowing particles which resemble the stars and constellations.

These impressive celestial creatures can be seen flying at the peak of Mount Targon at night. Contrary to their adult form, during childhood, Stellacorns don’t know how to fly. In fact, they are so vulnerable they need to be tended to. Adult Stellacorns do not look after their kin. At the moment, three dedicated shepherds tend to baby Stellacorns.

Krugs are a magical fusions of flora, fauna and rock from Runeterra itself. Despite their appearance, their behaviors are similar to wolves, or beetles. They are social creatures that build damns. They can be fearsome to individuals. Their glowing blue or green eyes and tough exterior can be intimidating.
Magma Serpents

Rhond, the Magma Serpent is a historically important creature who once fought Volibear before settlers arrived in the Freljord. It is possible there are most magma serpents roaming the Freljord. Perhaps we could see a magma serpent boss in the Freljord when the League MMO releases.
Golem / Colossus
Golems / Colossi
Crystalline Golems

There are numerous golems throughout Runeterra. They are simply animated anthropomorphic (human characteristics) entities created from inanimate material. In this case crystal. The Targonian Colossi, or Golems are ancient and revered. They are treated with the utmost respect. Although, in most cases, Golems are not associated with the Celestials.
Forged Colossus

Among Ornn’s blacksmithing fabrications, he can also create Golems. In this instance, Ornn created an obedient metal-forged colossus to help with tasks around his forge. Although we’d be surprised if we physically saw Ornn himself in the Riot MMO, it would be fun to at least see his creations walking about in the Freljord.
Petricite Golems

Like all Golems, they are animated creatures created from inanimate material. Petricite Golems are unique to Demacia. The Durand are a lineage of architects. They have built several Petricite Golems to help defend Demacia in battle. As the name would imply, they are made from Petricite. Thus, they nullify magic which is a powerful feature to possess during war.

The Brackern are a species of crystalline scorpions from the desert of Shurima. Most of the brackern have been in hibernation since the Rune Wars. As one can imagine, a brackern can live up to around a 5 millennia. Unfortunately, the brackern are the original source of the hextech technology. Piltovan miners discovered they could mine these sleeping scorpions and take their crystals, or namesakes. These namesakes are equivalent to their soul.

Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of the rich and powerful Clan Ferros. She is tasked to ensure status quo and relations run smoothly between Piltover and Zaun. From a young age she has been dedicated to her work. So dedicated, she has had innumerable hextech augmentations performed on her to improve her efficacy as Principal Intelligencer. Her later augmentation was a heart replacement for a hextech heart. Since then, she has nearly halted her aging process. Currently, Camille is roughly 80 years old. If it uncertain if she is more human or more machine at this point.

Chirean are a quiet yet social humanoid race from Zaun. They live in the sump level and possess a natural ability to tinker and use technology. However, they can become rowdy if a group is provoked. They appear small in stature and mostly wear masks. Beneath their masks are humanoid faces covered in fur with bat-like noses. The Chirean race have inhabited Zaun for a long time and have adapted well to its severe living conditions.

The humans from Runeterra are rather traditional. Although humans from Runeterra are capable of learning magic, succumbing to magic, and being bestowed powers. For example, celestials may bestow humans with the power of an Aspect.
Humans have been on Runeterra for quite some time. They were not the first creatures to arrive, but they have been hardy. In fact, humans have pro created with pre-existing magical creatures which led to the Vastaya race.

Several subspecies of troll are known. Although the Frost Trolls from The Freljord of the Freljord are the only confirmed living subspecies. Nonetheless, trolls are grotesque giant sized looking humans. They are primitive and tribal in nature. Trolls often use their incredible strength and intimidation to overpower adversaries.

Vastaya is an catch all term that refers to the decedents of the Vastayashai’rei. The Vastaya are a chimeric race. They are highly attuned to magic and possess shapeshifting abilities. Over time, the Vastaya dispersed throughout Runeterra. Naturally, the culture of each tribe branched off. As a result, each tribe has a unique appearance based on which animal they most resonate with.

Yeti are strong and potentially aggressive humanoid creatures from The Freljord. The Yeti species were once magical creatures. When Lissandra unleashed her ice cataclysm to stop the Watchers, it stole the magic from the Yeti. Now, Yeti are considerably more primal than their previous counterparts.

Basilisks are wild reptilian creates native to the southern jungles of Noxus. When young, they are prized riding mounts for the Noxian military. As they grow up, they become enormous. Often too large to be ridden effectively. Subsequently, they are usually used as beasts of burden, or charging rams for Noxian battlefronts.

Ironback are mercenary beasts from Bilgewater. They are illegally traded on the Bilgewater Black Market. Before being illegally traded, these mercenary beasts are often domesticated and trained to be useful for battle. These beasts are incredibly powerful. They excel at taking down enemy structures.
Polar Lizard

The Polar Lizard is a boss monster in The Mageseeker. It is a territorial reptile that acts aggressive to those nearby. The boss possesses powerful ice attacks including Swing Punch, Ice Punch, Ice Crystals, and the ability to spawn lava gromps. It is weak to fire magic.
Terrestrial Drakes / Wyverns
Elemental Drakes
These ancient creatures fought alongside humans back during the war against the Void in Shurima. Now, they appear to have congregated amongst abandoned ruins in Ixtal.
Fire Elemental Drakes

Ironically, Fire Elemental Drakes are a secret within an already convert country called Ixtal.
Chemtech Drake

The Chemtech Drake resides in Zaun. It is unclear how this drake arrived here and if it captive. Nonetheless, it would be interesting to see a spontaneous even in the Riot MMO where this Chemtech Drake beings to unleash mayhem on the Zaunites. This could leave us to help save the citizens and kill the drake.
Sea-Monster / Dragon Hybrid

The sea-monster dragon hybrids of Runeterra live in the depths of the Serpent Isles. Even the most experienced captains wouldn’t dare hunt Serfisa. Serfisa, Scourge of the Deep was inspired by the boss Deeplurker, from Ruined King.
To be clear, Dragons have 4 limbs and wings, while Drakes/Wyverns have 2 limbs and wings.
Butterfly Dragon

Here is the first sighted appearance of a creature that can create portals. This created is from Bandle City. Moreover, Portia the Peculiar can even summon creatures from her portal. A portal nestled inside the curl of her its tail.
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Animal Spirits

In Freljord, powerful spirit animals can be summoned to ask for guidance. There are several spirit animals, including but not limited to, Boar, Tiger, Turtle, Bear, Phoenix, Ram, Seal, and Lynx. Some spirit walks, such as Udyr can even harshness a portion of their power through communing with them.
Spirits / Specters / The Lost

These undead creatures suffer an eternal undeath. Their spirits are trapped by Viego the Ruined King. It is said these spirits are ‘ruined’. Most of the Lost are attracted to mortals who step foot onto the Shadow Isles. Some are good. Although all will follow Viego during his Harrowings.

Treants are spirits that embody plant life. Naturally, treants are sapient creatures who tend to their kin and stick together. Unfortunately, those affected by the Ruination are not sapient and are incredibly savage, with the exception of Maokai. To those affected, they emanate a turquoise grow from their mouth and eyes. Generally, treants from Ionia do not possess these negative traits.
Void Abomination

Intent on the destruction of Runeterra, The Watchers created voidborn creatures to gather intel in order to facilitate our demise. It is understood each voidborn creature in created uniquely. But it’s unclear if there are common subtypes of voidborn creatures. For the purposes of the Riot MMO, it would be likely there would be subclasses of Voidborn. Perhaps all Voidborn Abominations hover mid air and begin wreaking havoc.