Mount Targon is a remote area in eastern Shurima. As the name implies, it is an unimaginably towering mountain. Legend has it, the mountain was pinched up from the ground by the celestials. The same entities who created and oversee Runeterra. Its peaks are frigid and its terrain is impossible to climb. Regardless, there are determined individuals who yearn to reach its pinnacle to be afforded whatever oath they’ve subscribed to. In fact, there have been a few people who have reached Mount Targon’s peak. Sometimes they return with only a blank stare and no explanation. Some have been bestowed unearthly power with destinies beyond comprehension. Albeit, with a inhumane look to their eye. Some say, those granted with the powers of Targon were granted a boon from the aspects themselves. These recipients are said to be the embodiment of a central component of humanity. They are tasked to promote and fulfill these roles on behalf of humanity. For example, the Aspect of War, or Aspect of Justice. For most, Mount Targon is simply a legend.
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Targon Images Subzones
Rakkor Caves
The largest settlement in Targon is the Rakkor Caves. It became the largest settlement because it is a cave nestled within the base of the mountain. Naturally, the Rakkor Caves have are sheltered during the periods of harsh climate.

Ring of the Mountain
These low lands around Mount Targon are essential to the Rakkor tribe. During the spring a summer there, resources are plentiful. The Rakkor tribe herd their animals to graze, they grow crops, and forage the land. Surprisingly, the flora and fauna thrive on the steep terrain. Also, the incredible shapes in the mountainside reinforce the divine intervention that created Mount Targon.
Upper Slopes
The peaks of Mount Targon are unnaturally unforgiving. The conditions are unbearable to even the most proficient climber. Mount Targon is unique. The mountain is so huge, constant avalanches, blizzards, and frigid weather are commonplace. Obviously, the Upper Slopes are an eternal winter. Furthermore, several pathways exist, each granting a radically different experience, as if another place entirely. Indeed, the air is so thin, a simplest breath of air becomes the most arduous tasks one can image. Simply put, most die trying to climb Mount Targon, unfortunately.
Targon Images Architecture
Ancient Gateways
These gateways, or thresholds, function similar to a checkpoint. They symbolize the tribes milestone. It marks the end of the phase in the Rakkor’s migration. Additionally, farewell ceremonies for those commencing the climb to Mount Targon’s peak take place at Ancient Gateways. Interestingly, the archaic metallic gateways have a beautiful shimmer to them. Riot Games published a video where the gateways can be seen in their Legends of Runeterra series on YouTube.

Targon Images Landscape
The Targonian mountain sides are unlike any other mountain in Runeterra. These divine carvings have unnatural and puzzling shapes and designs. Generally, the divine carvings can be seen in the upper peaks of Mount Targon. Consequently, the Targonians believe celestial creatures created this mountain. Among the Rakkor tribe, considerable speculation exists surrounding the meaning of these unusual shapes. For one, all believe they were created by the Celestials. Now, some believe the shapes in its entirety illustrate a map from another world. Whereas others believe the engravings mark a terrible period of time where man will sabotage man in a planetary war.

Targon Images Citizens
Rakkor Tribe
Among the Rakkor tribe, it is understood that ‘Rakkor’ means, ‘Tribe of the Last Sun’. Nevertheless, this tribe has been living in Targon for centuries. They are a devout and resilient group. Several skilled artisans and warrior call this tribe family. Honestly, the Rakkor are a humble group. They worship the sun and live as pilgrims. Notable champions of the Rakkor are, Pantheon, Leona, and Diana. Tribe members often travel around like pilgrims between solstices to ensure they remain in the grace of the sun.
Points of Interest
Mount Targon
It is believed the celestials, also known as the Aspects, pinched the Earth and pulled up with it, turf, lakes, and all. The celestials pulled up the ground so high, the peak of this mountain reaches the stars. Apparently, every few millennia, the celestials will use the body of a climber to play into their role as an aspect. These beings are known as Aspect Hosts. Supposedly, there can only be one aspect at the time. For example, the celestials designated Atreus as the Aspect of War.
Alternate Timelines
Corrupted Universe
In the Corrupted Universe, various champions of Targon and Shurima have been corrupted. In this alternative timeline, the Aspects of Targon have lost faith due to the corruption of Xolaani.