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Piltover Images

In these Piltover Images you will notice this city is rather established. In fact, Piltover is the most innovative and one of the most wealthiest countries in Runeterra. After a massive explosion, there was a split between this dual city. Now, Piltover remains on the top half, while Zaun remains on the lower half. Unintentionally, this explosion cleared a massive area to the east which allowed free trade to and from other nations with ease. During this expansionary phase, Piltover has cultivated education, engineering, art and magic into their new culture.

Piltover Images Subzones

Sidereal Avenue

An affluent area in the City of Piltover. The rumors are that the streets of Sidereal Avenue are paved with gold. Sadly, it is only a metaphor soon to be found out by the many travelers attracted to the promise of Piltover. Nonetheless, Sidereal avenue is home to affluent and important ongoing of Piltover.

Sidereal Avenue, entrance to Piltover Treasury
Sidereal Avenue

The Ecliptic Vaults

The Ecliptic Vaults used to be known as the most secure bank in. Then, Jinx broke through the reinforced doors. The reputation no longer stands.

Inside the Ecliptic Vaults in Piltover. Many citizens are inside
Ecliptic Vaults

Piltover Treasury

Street view of Piltover Treasury with citizens and guards walking
Piltover Treasury

Incognia Plaza

Zindelo’s Incognium Runeterra

The late and famous inventor Valentina Zindelo created this contraption. In this Piltover image you can see it’s situated at the center of the Incognia Plaza in Piltover. It is said the Runeterra device can locate anyone in Runeterra. Since the mysterious death of Zindelo, many speculate the plans for Incognium Runeterra have been stolen. Unfortunately, the machine is inoperable in its current state.

Valentina Zindelo invented the Incognium Runeterra in Piltover
Zindelo’s Incognium Runeterra

Piltover Images Landscapes

North Piltover

Horological Institute

A workshop supported by wealthy patrons. Inside are hextech researchers working.

Workshop inside the Horological Institute. Hextech researchers are working inside
Horological Institute

Piltover Images Architecture

Piltover Images: Sun Gates

The Sun Gates are one of the most important features. They are essentially large sea gates that allow considerable trade between Valoran and Shurima. Importantly, there was a series of terrible earthquake following Zaun’s elimination of a narrow strip of land using explosive chemtech many years ago. Zaun wanted to facilitate trade between Valoran and Shurima. This event sank many districts into fissures, along with poisonous gases. The affluent erected more cities along the cliffs. This event created a dichotomy between these environments which to the separation of the city. After some time, the Sea Gates were constructed. It’s name is out of respect to Shurima.

Sun Gates in Piltover right over Zaun.
Sun Gates

Points of Interest

Piltover Images: Workshops

A workshop in Piltover


A citizen of Bilgewater buying fish from a merchant
Charlatan Fishmonger
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Shurima landscape buried Temple beneath desert sands
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