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The Riot MMO provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date information regarding Riot Games’ in development upcoming ARPG.
Project F is a research in-development game by Riot Games, Inc. The upcoming ARPG is expected to be a PvE action RPG. In other words, a player vs environment action roleplaying game. It appears to be a cooperative action game based in Runeterra where players can team up against enemies using champions from League of Legends. Project F is isometric, stylized and casual. It seems Project F has been in development for some time. If you’re looking forward to playing it soon and learning more, then read on.
Riot Project F Announced
Interestingly, Project F was never officially announced. We had our first glimpse of Project F during League of Legends’ 10-Year Anniversary Celebration live stream.
Beginning at the 32-minute 38-second mark there were a few sequences of Project F gameplay. Granted, it was early development footage of Riot’s Project F. It is important to note, Riot Games intentionally previewed Project F. Project F was not a leak. In fact, Project F has been under wraps for the most part since that very day.
What is Riot Project F
Project F is an upcoming ARPG set in the world of League of Legends. Actually, set in Runeterra to be more precise. It is a cooperative action game where players control the champions from League of Legends. You will traverse through Runeterra and defeat enemies along your way. Players will get to use iconic and familiar champion abilities that have been established through League of Legends gameplay as well as new abilities too.
Project F Landscape
There will be varying levels of inclination throughout your adventures. Given that Project F is an isometric game, the sense of height and depth will be an important design element if Riot wants to make this game a successful as possible. So, throughout your adventures you will have to descend higher terrain on occasion.
You can expect to see familiar landscapes that share a similar art style as League of Legends’. As with many isometric games, such as Lost Ark, Diablo, Path of Exile, etc., the background will contain interesting landscapes while the foreground will feature rich and detailed visuals.
Overall, it appears the art design will showoff bright and beautiful colors. Expect to see the following decorative elements; colorful trees, plants, flowers, roots, large stones plus a variety of terrains. While we aren’t sure yet, it appears players cannot fall off the map.
One feature we find to be a nice touch is the dust from the ground that rises as players jump from heights.
Project F Game Features
Ping System
It looks as though Project F might feature a ping system. Presumably players can ping locations on the field. Once a location is pinged, a red floating inverted cone will remain at the desired location for a time. Coordinated players can use pings to set focus areas, destinations, and other communicative commands. It could also be that Blitzcrank’s melee abilities inadvertently marks the ground for some unknown reason. Again, we saw early development footage. We expect most of the features to not be fully implemented.
Jumping Over Ledges
Another feature that Project F appears to include is jumping over ledges when traversing through corners of map without terrain. For example, when Ezreal walks forward, there is no terrain under him just a few steps ahead. Just before the ledge, Ezreal leaps over the cliff edge and lands on the other side. It’s unclear whether this will be a player command or our characters will jump over edges by themselves.
Cast Indicators

Project F takes a feature from it’s inspiration League of Legends. Ranged characters will have casting with indicators. It’s not known if the indicators can be turned off or not. Casting indicators are a useful feature. The indicator serves as a projection guide. Players can line up the indicator with their target for improved accuracy.
Friendly Fire
Friendly fire was a feature in the early development build. When a player is in a casting state, it means they are about to use an ability. At this point a cast indicator is visible. Likely only visible to the player casting, if it’s anything like the League of Legends feature. Now, when the player’s indicator intersects with a cooperative teammate, the color of the indicator turns red.
While the friendly fire colored cast indicator is insightful, it brings up more questions than answers. First, maybe it’s possible there are various difficulties in which you can damage your teammates. Second, allies could very well block teammates skill shots, hence the red indicator. Another possibility is while hovered over an ally, you cannot cast your skill shot. All of this is speculative of course. We will provide updates as they come.
Equal Base Movement Speed
From looking at the Project F short clip, we can see each player has the same base move speed. Keep in mind, equal base movement speed may not be the case at launch. Furthermore, it’s possible gear can be equipped and stats or talents can be acquired that affect the champions movement speed. Nonetheless, an equal base movement speed does reinforce the casual nature of Project F.

Possible Game Features
Boss Fights
We may see boss fights. In the image below, a Project F developer is seen with a reference image on his second monitor. Part of the image showed Wild Rift assets of Varus and Ashe fighting a massive image of the League of Legends item Static Shiv.
Boss Mechanics – Slow Effect

In that same screenshot, the giant Static Shiv appear to emanate a yellow aura outwards up to under the attacking champions’ feet. The yellow aura looks incredibly similar to the slow effect from League of Legends.

On the same map where we have Blitzcrank, Lux, and Ezreal fighting, all three champions can be seen fooling around a campfire. There are no enemies present. Furthermore, they appear to be at a dead end with only one direction to go….into the forest. In the meantime, the players are running around and using abilities around this empty campfire area. Perhaps this starting area can serve as a communication hub amongst teammates before they begin their quest or journey. Alternatively, these checkpoints could be scattered throughout zones in order to let players rest, change armor, tools, loadouts, or reestablish their strategy.
Champions in Riot’s Project F
We know of at least three playable champions in Project F. The following champions include, Blitzcrank, Lux, and Ezreal. Below includes a brief overview of the mentioned champions for those unfamiliar with the League of Legends champion roster.
Blitzcrank is a support-style tank. In the world of Runeterra, he a a mechanical golem dedicated to protecting Zaun from harm and supporting its citizens.
In League of Legends, he uses powerful lightning infused mechanical forces to subdue, retract, and stun foes for his allies. Meanwhile, he soaks up and blocks damage effectively for his teammates.
Lux is a support-style mage. In Runeterra, Lux is an aristocrat from Demacia with the ability to manipulate light. Unfortunately, Demacia prejudice against mages.
While playing League of Legends, Lux possessing offensive and defensive magical abilities that can stun and damage enemies and shield allies.
Ezreal ranged damage dealer. According to the lore, Ezreal was born by wealthy Piltovan archeologists. Ezreal now explores foreign lands and uses his powerful yet mysterious Shuriman gauntlet to defeat his adversaries.
Gameplay wise, Ezreal is a ranged short-ranged damage with good mobility including short teleports.
Project F Champion Abilities
In the snippet, we saw several champion abilities adapted from League of Legends. At the same time, there were a number of innovative abilities that fit with the theme of the respective champions. It’s worth mentioning the champion auto attacks have a low cooldown.

- Basic Triple Auto Attack Combo: Blitzcrank uses three separate attack to perform a combo.
1. Blitzcrank uses both fists to attack foes directly in front of him
2. Blitzcrank begins with a wide left hook and then a wide right hook to damage enemies directly in front of him.
3. Finally, Blitzcrank leaps into the air, extends his arms and and smashes the ground doing damage doing damage in a radius around him.

- Basic Attack: Lux let’s out a projectile of light as well as a short arcing swipe with her wand damaging foes directly in front of her.
- Final Spark: In Project F, Lux possesses what is known as her Ultimate ability, Final Spark, in League of Legends. Lux projects a narrow beam over an incredible distance, dealing dealing high damage to all enemies.

- Ezreal lets out a grappling hook that returns to him upon reaching its destination.
Possible Champions in Riot Project F

During the League of Legends 10-Year Anniversary stream, a developer had a reference page on his second monitor. It appeared to be two League of Legends champions outside of the traditional League game environment. In fact, is looked like a rudimentary Project F environment based on the ground particles seen in the anniversary video. Although, the screenshot of Varus and Ashe were assets from Wild Rift along with Wild Rift user interface. In the frame, you could see Varus and Ashe attacking a large massive image of the League item Static Shiv. Presumably the image of static shiv was a placeholder image for a boss.
Moreover, there was a clip in the video where Lulu was being designed for Project F in Unreal Engine. This Lulu was distinguished from the Lulu in League of Legends. Therefore, it’s safe to conclude, Lulu was at the least being designed in the early development stage.
Therefore, it is possible Varus and Ashe could be in Project F.
Possible Champion
Lulu is a yordle from Bandle City. Specifically she is fae sorceress. While wandering in Runeterra she befriended a fairy named Pix. We she delighter to find many of her newfound abilities remained while back in Bandle City.
During gameplay, Lulu is a ranged support champion. He has a lot of crowd control and can provide her allies with buffs such as shields, increased health and movement speed.
Possible Champion
Ashe is an Iceborn Warmother. She is from an inhospitable norther region called the Freljord. She leads the Avarosans, which is one of the three major tribes of the Freljord.
In League of Legends, is a ranged damage dealer, known as an ADC (attack damage carry). Ashe also features support features in her kit, such as slows, and revealing fog of war for the team.
Possible Champion
Varus used to be a magically ascended hunter from Shurima ages ago. After the loss of their king, his kind had succumb to insanity and blood magic, becoming Darkin and wreaking havoc on Runeterra. The Darkin were imprisoned in their weapons by the Aspects. Accordingly, Varus in his bow. Two Ionian men relinquished Varus. Now Varus consists of a Darkin and two men who resist his every more.
Varus is simply an ADC, with a mix of attack and magical damage.
Classes in Project F
Several League of Legends champions will be designed in Project F. We also know Project F is an action roleplaying game with a cooperative option. With the brief gameplay in mind, each champion will be unique. As a result, Project F could implement at the very least a basic class system. This is an role-playing game after all.
For example, Blitzcrank make possess tankier stats such as increased health, resistances, and mitigative abilities.
Next, there could be support classes and mage support classes. If League of Legends is to be reimagined, Lux would fall into the mage-support class type. Also, Lulu would belong to the support-mage class type.
Another class would be ranged damage dealers. Naturally, Ezreal and Varus would belong to this category.
We’ve yet to see a brawler, or physical fighting class type. Would would an Action RPG be without one. It would be interesting to see champions such as Darius, Garen, Tryndamere, Olaf and others of the like fit this role.
It’s possible Assassins could be a class in Project F. We have a ton of them in League already. Assassins champions that come to mind include, Nocturne, Evelyn, Talon, and Fizz.
Riot Project F Gameplay
Aside from the League of Legends 10-Year Anniversary YouTube video there is one more gameplay clip to show. From that video, there is a deleted scene. We posted this video to our Discord channel and Twitter. In the Riot Project F video, Blitzcrank is being maneuvered and using his slam ability as seen before.
What’s interesting is, in this video clip, there is a HUD with Blitzcrank’s name in the bottom left corner. We also noticed the character’s direction is snapped to the position of the mouse cursor for easy positioning.
Who is Working on Project F?
There are several employees working on Project F. We’ve developed an R&D Team Org Chart with all known Project F employees displayed.
A few of the confirmed departments within Project T include:
- Design
- Game Production
- Art
- Tech Art
Among Project F staff, Katie Chironis is one of the original team members. She is the design director for Riot Games’ Project F, the upcoming ARPG. Katie started the early development of Project F when there were only three designers. Here’s what Kate had to say.
I helped bootstrap a new game as one of three early designers on the project. I focused on core game loop, player systems, the fundamental building blocks of enemies/encounters/AI, and helping establish the initial vision for several different types of content in the game. I prototyped heavily during this time period to “find the fun” in UE4/Blueprint.
Katie – LinkedIn
It’s likely the quote from Kate refers to Project F because in the League Anniversary from October 2019, we can see Kate working on Project F.
Project F Concept Art
In an uncut version of Riot Games’ League of Legends’ 10-Year Anniversary video, Project F art was seen. In a brief frame, the camera was paning over a wall full of Project F concept art.

In this Project F image you can see Ezreal and Blitzcrank wandering a cliffside in what looks like Ionia. There are cherry blossom trees and tons of flora. Once again, there is a great deal of variation in terrain inclination. This image reinforces the likelihood of players teaming up with fellow champions for our adventures.

This image gives us a closer look at the environment in Project F. There are several Lilly pads and a continuation of the thorny branches we’ve seen throughout the research and development footage. If you look closely, you will see a small icon in the center of the main Lilly pad. Some of our Discord members believe it is an icon of a human as a reference for size comparison.
Riot Project F Release Date
We’re not sure when Riot Project F will release. Even Kate Chironis, a likely Project F employee said she’s unsure of the release date.
I am optimistic that players will get to see it, but I don’t know when.
Kate Chironis – Twitter
Nonetheless, we can speculate the game have a trailer, gameplay or other public media in late 2024. Remember, Project F likely began around pre-development in May 2022. This is based on Kate’s start date at Riot Games from her LinkedIn experience. In the experience description she describes work that lines up with Project F. Furthermore, 17 months later, Riot showed an early development of Project F where Kate was actively iterating.

Let’s summarize what we know about Riot Project F, the in-development ARPG. Project F appears to be non-canon. We saw three unrelated champions fighting alongside each other. Specifically, Ezreal, Blitzcrank, and Lux generally do not interact in canon lore. Ezreal is from Piltover, explores Shurima. Lux is from Demacia, and Blitzcrank is bound to Zaun as far as we know. To have all three of them fighting alongside a common enemy defies canon lore.
Also, Project F looks to be a casual friendly game. We believe it would make a great party/couch game. It wouldn’t be a surprise if this game became available for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC. Project F does not appear to be graphically intensive. It comes off as a nice coop couch game you’d play on the weekends with friends.
Project F will be created in Unreal Engine. We’re unsure whether it’s Unreal Engine 5 or 4. We can expect to play as several champions such as, Blitzcrank, Lux, Ezreal, Lulu and likely more.
Stay tuned for more updates on Riot’s upcoming Project F.