The Void
This page is dedicated to the collection of The Void Images. Now, The Void is an unimaginable place of existence outside the confines of space and time. Before Runeterra existed, entities called The Watchers resided in the Void. Because the void is an unknowable nothingness, even The Watcher did not know of their own existence, nor did they understand the fabric of their reality. After existence was created by the Aspects, the light emanating from the new universe awoke The Watchers. Naturally, The Watchers were enraged by the annoying light that interrupted their peaceful slumber. However, The Watchers were too big to enter this new reality. Eventually, The Watchers created Void Rifts into Runeterra and created semi-sentient creates to gather information. They figured by gathering intelligence on this universe, The Watchers could vicariously eradiate this reality. At this time, we call these void constructs, the Voidborn.
Table of Contents
The Void Images Subzones
Void Rifts
After this reality awoke the The Watchers, they created tears in the fabric of reality. They are known as Void Rifts. It is through this spaces, deep underground where The Watchers send their constructs. Of course, we call them Voidborn. Most importantly, they only seek to gather intel and further inform the Watchers how to turn our reality into oblivion. The Void images of the rifts show interconnected tunnels deep underground.

Glacial Prison
In the most north western region of the Ice Sea, an Gulf exists. The Glacial Prison exists here. In the Glacial Prison one can see through the clear ice the Frozen Watchers. In the past, Ryze travelled to the Glacial Prison the retrieve a World Rune. Understandable, the Voidborn as attracted to the power of the World Runes. Naturally, Ryze needed to retrieve it from the horrific creature.

The Void War
During 2,500 BN to 2,000 BN the Void War commenced. It began with a south eastern city called Icathia which was under the protectorate of the Shurima Empire. Icathia was desperate to gain independence. One day, an earthquake unearthed a great void rift. They saw this as an opportunity. Recklessly, Icathia unleashed the void with the intention of using it as a weapon. Icathia was instantly decimated. The Void grew and sprawled into Shurima. Several of the strongest Ascended Warrior battled to the end in order to defeat the Voidborn.
Outcome of the Void War
Ultimately, an Ascended warrior named Horok figured out how to infuse a blade with the power of the Void. Horok used his Nether Blade to slice through the roots of the rift. Two other Ascended Warriors, Sebeke and Sabake helped defeat the Voidborn which marked the end of the Void War. Below see the Void Images of the Void War notwithstanding the war did not take place within the Void.

Points of Interest
The Rupture
While not directly Void Images, is is closely related. So, on the outskirts of Icathia, there is a large eruption that is bursting through the earth. Inside the rupture is a deep tunnel that only the foolish would dare descend. Interestingly, the rupture have allowed the discovery how to starve the void rifts. Essentially, by depriving the void rift of organic material and magic, it will cause the growth of the void rift to slow. Eventually, the void rift will even recede.

The Void Citizens
Within the Void Citizens we will showcase one image per Voidborn Champion. Afterwards, we will include a button linking to a dedicated Champion Images page. This is a Void Images summary page. Now, the Watchers reached into created void rifts. Essentially, tears into the fabric of reality. With this, the Watchers reached into the tears and sent their constructs through the void rifts. As this point, these constructs are referred to as Voidborn. Due to the Watcher’s intention to learn and destroy Runeterra, no two Voidborn are the same.
Voidborn Physiology & Sociality
Each Voidborn is unique. As the Voidborn are created and set through to Runeterra, they are young. Young Voidborn have a grey appearance and are generally flexible. As they age, they grow in intelligence and develop a dark hard and sometimes purple chitin-like exterior. Furthermore, the Voidborn operate within a social hierarchy. Some Voidborn, such as Kog’Maw are young and inferior. Others, like Rek’Sai are wild and feared by other Voidborns themselves. Lastly, a few Voidborn sit at the top of the social hierarchy such as Bel’Veth. In fact, Bel’Veth is permitted to execute other Voidborn who inconvenience her and The Watcher’s objectives.

He is an intelligent Voidborn that ranks incredibly high on their social hierarchy. He has been ordered by the Watchers to gather intel and help destroy all on Runeterra.

Void Warriors
A couple of void images of these Void Warriors. Do not confuse Void Warriors with Voidlings or Voidspawns. Void Warrior are not in League of Legends or Legends of Runeterra. Nonetheless, it is possible Void Warriors could be included in the upcoming Riot MMO as a killable mob.