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Noxus Images

A dedicated page to Noxus images. Noxus is an expansionary empire. Its denizens value strengths and power among all others. Its region is based on a rocky desert type biome. Therefore, it’s climate and geography are unsuitable to vegetation and livestock. Noxus is surrounded by dangerous deserts. But within, a solid city and fortress can be seen from miles away. Now, Noxus has its own army. The Triferion Legion is Noxus’ most elite and skilled army. It boasts some of the strongest fighters and mages in Runeterra. These Noxus images should illustrate the power and might that Noxus is known for.

Noxus Images Subzones


Immortal Bastion

The Immortal Bastion, at the heart of Noxus, is far more ancient than the empire itself. It is said that it was constructed on the order of the dread revenant Mordekaiser, and parts of it have been razed and rebuilt over the centuries, such that there are layers to its streets, and some districts now lie below ground. Few dare walk these streets after dark without guards to protect them.

Universe League of Legends
Bastion Center Tri-Towers

The Tri-Towers are located at the center of the Immortal Bastion. It is theorized the Bastion Center Tri-Towers are the headquarters of the Black Rose.

Concept Art of the Bastion Center Tri-Towers
Bastion Center Tri-Towers
Immortal Bastion: Fleshing Arena

The Fleshing arena, also known as the reckoners arena. A fighting pit within the immortal bastion where slaves and gladiators fight for entertainment. Several champions from the League of Legends have fought here. Riven the Exile and Xin Zhao the Seneschal of Demacia to name a few. Interestingly, Xin Zhao was a slave taken from Ionia who became the best gladiator of him time. Over time, he was outcast to fight against an unbeatable group of Demacians. Eventually Xin Zhao was brought in by the Demacians to protect King Jarvan III and eventually Prince Jarvan IV. More Noxus images of the fleshing area will be added soon.

Noxus Fleshing Arena - Reckoners Arena
Fleshing Arena



Mortoraa is the wealthiest district in Noxus. It is located in the Immortal Bastion. The most affluent citizens of Noxus live in Mortoraa, including the mysterious Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper. During the day, Mortoraa can be appreciated. Noxus is known for its cramped and dingy districts. Conversely, Mortoraa is rather spacious. Now, during the night, Mortoraa has a reputation for being ominous because there are no street lamps and torches lit there.

A view of the district Mortoraa

Noxus Images Various Regions

Conquered Shuriman Port City

Noxus is known for expanding and conquering other lands. Surprisingly, not always violently. Noxus has been expanding their territory to its south and encroaching onto northern Shurima. These Noxus images clearly showcase the Shuriman architecture within Noxus borders.

Noxus Images - Shuriman City Port
Noxian Invaded Shuriman City Port

Eastern Noxus

East Noxus on fire during the Rune Wars with Ryze
Noxus during Rune Wars

Noxus Images Landscapes

Northern Noxus

Dalmor Plains

Dalmor Plains is a dangerous and vast rocky desert set between two small Noxian towns. Not much but wild drake-hounds, elmarks and Kled with his drakalop travel the area.

Noxus Images - Dalmor Plains
Dalmor Plains


The Grand General

Swain is the current Grand General of Noxus. He hold the most influential and powerful position in Noxus.

Swain the Grand General of Noxus wielding magic and looking out at the landscape
Swain the Grand General


Lord Mallat kneeling and bound in Noxus
Lord Mallat


Mordekaiser sitting on his throne

Mordekaiser’s Servants

A massive iron servant of Mordekaiser charging into battle
Iron Legionary
A cultist servant of Mordekaiser performing a ritual
Deathgrasp Cultist


An undead Noxii warrior killing someone at night
Bladepierced Revenant



A razormace brawling in a Noxii fighting pit
Red Barbed Razormace
Demacia Images
Demacia Images - Citadel of Dawn
Citadel of Dawn, Palace of Jarvan III
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