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Ionia Images

These Ionia images will illustrate the story and ongoing this region. Ionia is an eastern Asian inspired archipelago. Ionia is a region with an immense history with its inhabitants intrenched deeply in their traditions and culture. As you would expect, the culture is rich with sword masters, ninjas, meditation, peace, harmony, and balance.

Interestingly, the veil between Runeterra and the Twilight realm is very thin here. Champion such as Shen maintain the balance between these two realms. As you see thee Ionia images, its magical nature and beautiful terrain will be most obvious.

Ionia Images Subzones

Western Ionia

The Placidium of Navori

This region is positioned at the center of Ionia. Naturally, the Placidium of Navori is the most sacred region in Ionia. Many people travel here to learn and sightsee. Unfortunately, the Placidium of Navori has been a target for Noxian invasions.

The Placidium of Navori, the center of Ionia
The Placidium of Navori

Temple of Koyehn

The Temple of Koyehn is located in northwestern Ionia on the Island of Koyehn. It was once a beautiful and serene place. A catastrophic event occurred destroying the Temple of Koyehn. It was a renowned conservatory. Hwei is a notable student of the Temple of Koyehn.

Destroyed Temple of Koyehn
Temple of Koyehn

Eastern Ionia


Not much is known about Puboe. Although it is a human town that likely has a hatred for the Vastaya. The Ionia image below shows a prison deep within a dungeon inside a fortress.

Puboe Prison

Puboe Prison is situated in the Eastern region of Ionia in Puboe. The prison is inside a deep dungeon within a fortress. It is guarded by sword wielding dark acolytes. It used to be controlled by the Shadow Order. Notably, Xayah saved Rakan from here when numerous Vastaya were locked up in Puboe Prison. Additionally, Akali was tasked to assiasinate a Ionian traitor here.

Xayah in Puboe Prison, Ionia
Puboe Prison

Ionia Images Landscapes

Ionia is a beautiful ancient island. Ionia is sometimes, referred to as the First Lands. This ancient land is infused with magic which can almost be experienced through the very air one breathes.

Ionia Images Architecture

There is a powerful symbiotic relationship with magic and nature in Ionia. As a result, most of the architecture of Ionia is built into the lands itself. Houses are constructed not by man, but by nature itself. This is quite literal in so far as those tarnish the lands have been strangled by their own homes.



A giant turtle walking through Ionian waters
Heisho, Shell of the World
Ocean drake flying above the water in Ionia
Ocean Drake
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Regions of Runeterra
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