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Bandle City Images

While Bandle City is incredibly light on details, this page contains several Bandle City images.

Bandle City is a magical realm connected to Runeterra. The city is accessed through portals. This city is home to the Yordle race. Interestingly, the portals only open under certain conditions. Therefore, non-Yordles rarely find opportunities to access this realm. Still, there have been a handful of visitors who’ve returned to explain what they’ve seen. Although, none seem to agree entirely on what they’ve witness. From what we can gather, Bandle City contains boundless magic. Upon entering, the senses are overloaded. The sun shines bright gold all day. The water is crystal clear. Food and drink are palatable beyond imagination.

Interestingly, time flows differently in Bandle City. While Yordles in Runeterra age incredible gracefully, the opposite is true for visitors in Bandle City. Those who return report being lost in a dream-like state and appear to have aged unkindly.

Bandle City Images Subzones

The Bandle Tree

Located at the center of Bandle City lies the Bandle Tree. It spans into an unknowable height and far into the heavens. It is a marvelous construct.

Bandle Tree at the center of Bandle City with several Yordles gathered around
The Bandle Tree

Points of Interest

Portals to Bandle City

The portals can be accessed by Yordles. Those who are not native to Bandle City do not know the conditions which produce portals. For example, one portal that leads to a mysterious underwater cavern shows its accessibility during the low tide. At this time, engravings surrounding the portal can be seen. Yordles use particular hand gestures alongside the inscriptions to access the portal.

Therefore, Runeterrans almost certainly cannot read or wrote the language of Yordles. If they could, there is a chance they could produce Bandle City gateways.

See below, Teemo, the Swift Scout opening up a portal in the Bandle City image below.


Some locations in Bandle City attract a lot of magic. In the spirit realm, the concentration of magic imposes interesting effects to the nearby plants. Notice the before an after effect on the tree in the Bandle City images below.

Before and after effect of tree in the Bandlewoods

Bandle City is one of the most secretive regions in Runeterra. Very few images of Bandle City exist. Read our upcoming Yordle page if you want a related page with considerable content. If you are interested in a related page with a ton of content, keep a look out for our upcoming Yordle page.


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