This Mageseeker Dialogue page includes all of the story text from the prologue to the final chapter. Use the drop down boxes to read the desired chapter.
Prologue: Sylas Dialogue
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
“Ah, the sweet smell of revolution. Blood sweat and broken chains. Finally, I can rid myself of the stench of prison. The magic I took from Lux is fading. I’ll need to find more.” “Demacia in ashes. Good. Today, we mages break free of our cages!” | |
Demacian Guard: Don’t let him leave! | |
You’ll have to kill me! | Demacian Guard: So be it. |
“Their glorious city lies in ruins. They deserve blood and horror for what they did to me. I hope Demacians remember this day forever.” | |
Garen: Sylas! Stop right there! | |
You want to go another round, Garen? I nearly killed you last time. | Garen: The city is in flames! The king is dead! The people want answers! |
I wish I’d killed your swine king, but I’m not the one responsible. One of the other mages he kept starving in prison must have done it. There is a lot of us in the city today. Setting the city of fire, though… I did do that one. | Garen: My sister Lux thought you were a friend. You betrayed her! |
All I did was borrow her magic to escape. …You knew she was a mage, right? She can’t exactly be honest with her big brother Garen, can she? You lock up mages like her. | Garen: You don’t know anything about Lux! |
Garen: You escaped death once. Now answer to my blade. | |
[A Mysterious Figure Saves Sylas] | |
Killan? | Killan: Sylas. We have to go, now. The whole city is after you. |
… | Killan: Follow me. I know a way out- |
[Sylas slaps Killan] | |
That was for leaving me locked up for fifteen years! | Killan: …I deserved that. |
Killan: I’m sorry. I was a bad teacher, and I’m still a mageseeker. You have no reason to trust me. But I know another way out of the city. Fewer soldiers. | |
Fine. But if you cross me, teacher, I’ll have your head. | Killan: If I betray you, you’re welcome to take it. |
“Some mages mage their own magic. But I like to borrow mine.“ “It’s not stealing if you give it back” | |
Demacian Citizen: Filthy mage scum! | |
Demacian Citizen: Stay away from me, mage! | |
Demacian Citizen: Get away, monster! | |
Pitiful Mageseekers. Don’t you want freedom? Rise up against Demacia and escape with me. | Mageseeker: N-never! I serve the King! |
Then you can die alongside our oppressors. | |
[After defeating enemies] | |
Killan: Do you trust me now, Sylas? I’m trying to help you escape. | |
The path was lightly guarded. You haven’t lead me into a trap. But why do you still fight for them, teacher? Join this revolution. Flee with me! | Killan: I still have students. I can’t abandon them the same way I abandoned you. You must keep running. There’s a secret path through this tunnel. I’ll hide you trail and meet you in the forest. |
[Sylas and Killan enter the Dark Forest] |
The Dark Forest
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
[Sylas and Killan enter the Dark Forest] | |
So this is it, Killan. Freedom lies ahead. | Killan: You deserve another chance. Your crime… I know it was just an accident. You were just a child. |
The Mageseekers do not know mercy. And neither do I. I’ll have my revenge on them all, from the lowliest prison guard to Eldred Crownguard himself. | Killan: If you plan to kill the Mageseekers’ leader, then you must find allies. You inspired an uprising in the city, but the countryside is already swarming with rebel mages. They’re just outlaw bands. They rob Mageseeker patrols and steal sheep from fields. |
Hmph. Revolution is a much grander cause than banditry. And revenge is… unprofitable. | Killan: Well, consider it. New friends are a powerful medicine for wounded hearts like ours. Whatever you choose, I’ll celebrate your victories from afar. You were a good boy, Sylas. And you’ve become a man with better morals than I. I know you can win. |
Thank you, Killan. That… that is good to hear. | |
Demacian Refugee: Is that Sylas, the escaped murderer? | |
Demacian Refugee: He’ll bring the Mageseekers down on us! | |
Demacian Refugee: That’s the mage who killed the king! | |
They think I killed the king, too? Interesting… and useful. | |
[Sylas whips his chain and grabs the attention of a large crowd] | |
Yes, I am Sylas of Dregbourne. Today, I left the city in flames. But my ambitions don’t end there! Last night the king died. But his son still lives. And the Mageseekers still take their orders from the same pampered swine who threw me in prison, Lord Eldred. We must spread the fire we sparked in the Capital today to every town and village in the Kingdom! Who is ready to bring the fight home? | Demacian Refugee: … Demacian Refugee: We’ll be imprisoned. Demacian Refugee: I don’t even know how to fight. Demacian Refugee: I just want peace. |
Leilani: I’m Leilani. Proud revolutionary and spellcrafter. Amateur stew maker. Do you mean what you said? Fighting for mages, overthrowing the aristocracy? | |
I was trying to fire up their courage. But it doesn’t seem like these mages have any! | Leilani: They’re tired and wounded. It’ll be a while before they’re ready to fight. But they’ve all heard rumors of you. How did you manage to kill the king? |
I… didn’t., actually. When I arrived in the throne room, he was already dead. But Lord Eldred and the rest of those Mageseeker dogs haven’t escaped my revenge yet. | Leilani: What sort of group are you fighting with? Are they camped nearby? |
A group? No… I am alone. | Leilani: Well, I lead a band of rebels in the woods. Escaped mages who want to fight. If we had a skilled warrior like you to teach us, we could give the Mageseekers some real trouble! |
After years in prison, I’ve seen what blindly following orders can do. | Leilani: I think you’ll find that rebels are not exactly rule-followers. Why not come see our base? I can promise you a bowl of my carrot stew! |
I am starving, that’s true. Very well, show me your rebel army. | |
[Loading Screen] | |
Leilani: Here we are. Home, sweet home! | |
These ruins look old. Older than any Demacian building I’ve ever seen. I’m surprised the Mageseekers haven’t been able to find this place. | Leilani: Very few of them venture this deep into the Dark Forest. The ones that do, we kill. And we have guards keeping watch day and night. We’re safe here. |
For now, anyway… | |
A shrine for the Veiled Lady. You’re followers of hers? | Leilani: Some of us are. They swear she’s out there somewhere, watching over the weak. |
And what do you think? | Leilani: It’s a nice thought, but I’m not so sure. |
Even if she did exist, I doubt she’d help us. Gods don’t care about the lives of us commoners. | |
Sylas Reads a Note: Veiled Lady of Mercy, please bless me. You conjure justice to the forgotten. And righteousness to the downtrodden. Shroud me in your redemptive Veil. Veiled Lady of Absolution, please bless me. In this time of need I come to you Humbly asking that your chains bring me healing. Bless me with your Sword of Shadow. Veiled Lady of Atonement, please bless me. I come to you, seeking a respite from the past. And a door to a brighter dawn. Shroud me in your redemptive veil. | |
Demacian Refugee: Drink up! Life is short. | |
[Sylas arrives at the center of the camp] | |
Leilani: It’s still just a rough camp, but it’s all ours. What do you think? | |
No rats, no guards, plenty of sunlight… it’s a paradise! | |
[Sylas arrives at the western camp side] | Leilani: This is my speacialty-spellcrafting |
Spell stones made of petricite? That’s a brilliant way to store magic. | Leilani: Your chains are made of petricite too. |
Indeed. When I take magic from my foes, I store it in these shackles. | Leilani: Turning the Mageseekers’ chains against them… I like it! |
[Sylas arrives at his bed a bit further west] | |
From a prison cell to my own bed in the forest. These mages have been so kind to me. Why do I feel so ill at ease? Ugh. I’ll sleep on it. | |
[Sylas falls asleep] | |
I expected my first night of freedom to be more… restful. Should I really join up? Take orders from starry-eyed youths like Leilani? She and her soldiers aren’t like me… they haven’t seen the horrors I have. I can’t waste my time on inept novices. Every minute I’m not out there fighting is torture. | |
[Leilani arrives] | Leilani: So what do you think? Ready to join us? |
Your team is scrappy, determined and united. But it’s raw. | Leilani: I know. That’s why we need someone like you to train us. |
No I’m the wrong man. I want revenge. Bloody revenge. If I’m going to kill Eldred, I can’t spend month teaching young rebels how to fight. | Leilani: I know you’re strong, but battling the Mageseekers alone is suicide. |
If I can’t kill these tyrants, then I might as well die. After what they did to me, nothing but their blood will bring me peace. Look. If I free any mages out there, I’ll send them your way. | |
[Sylas leaves the hideout] | |
They’re hopeful, but I don’t need hope. I need rage. I need allies willing to die for the cause. For a mission like mine… hope is a liability. | |
[Sylas enters the Dark Forest] | |
Mission Objective: Dark Forest – Main Mission Rather than join someone else’s army, you have struck out alone into the Demacian wilderness. Fight any mageseekers you encounter, and free all the mages you can. New Objective: Find a free captures mages – Find mages for your cause | |
The vengeance I seek waits for me back in the capital. But first, I need supplies. The Mageseeker camps in these forests should be well-stocked. Time to bring the fight to them. | |
[After defeating several lava gromps, Sylas approaches a Polar Lizard] | |
“Well, shit. Don’t think this fellow’s going to team up with me.” | |
“A polar lizard summoning lava gromps? That’s a new one.” | |
“He really doesn’t like fire, does he?” | |
[The Polar Lizard jumps away] | |
“That’s one less beast to fight. For now, anyway.” | |
[Sylas continues venturing through the Dark Forest] | |
“Where there are Mageseekers, there are mages in chains” | |
[Sylas defeats four Mageseekers and enters their camp] | |
Mageseeker: The criminal is here! | |
Mageseeker: Die, sum! | |
[Sylas defeats nine Mageseekers] | |
Captured mage: Thank you, boy, thank you! | |
Captured mage: Finally, the Veiled Lady helps us! | |
Captured mage: Our prayers came true! | |
[Sylas releases seven captured mages] | |
Is everyone all right? Any injuries? | Captured mage: I’m well enough to run home. |
Run home? Join me instead! We have Mageseeker throats to cut. | Captured mage: We are not soldiers, boy. |
Captured mage: No one can defeat the Mageseekers. | |
Captured mage: If you’re smart, you’ll run away while you still can. | |
[All the captured mages walk away except for one, who approaches Sylas] | Aidan: You’ll need this is you’re attacking the Mageseekers. |
A healing potion? | Aidan: Yes. I made it myself. Good luck. |
[Aidan walks away] | |
I thought more of them would be eager to rise up. Rebels like Leilani are rarer than I thought. Perhaps I wrote her off too soon. | |
[Sylas leave the Mageseeker camp and ventures south] | |
Collection: You found a lost baby Silverwing! Many lost silverwings can be found around Demacia. Try to find and rescue them all. | |
Sylas Reads a Note: Kover said there’s gold to be made in those ruins in the woods… ancient relics from the Rune Wars. Told me right in the middle of supper. Wasn’t fully listening, but I heard what was important: there’s easy money to be made! I said I’d go out there, and you know what the old man did? He laughed at me, thought it was a really funny joke. Said I don’t have the skills. Not true though, I’m quite good with numbers. He reckoned that’s not the kinda skill that’s helpful out there… guess he was thinking anyone goin out there needs to be able to fight. So I took what little coin I had and hired two fellas. Tough and strong, NOT as good with numbers… which guarantees that I get a bigger cut of whatever we bring back! See, I ain’t empty in the head, even if Kover thinks I am! | |
[Sylas approaches purple magic emanating from the ground] | |
“An ancient magic crossed this path…” | |
“Strange…” “I’ve never felt such powerful magic.” | |
Sylas Reads a Note: kid went and god himself lost out in the ruins. warned him it wooden be so simple, but he never lissens. he left this without tellin me. his mam-bless her soul- put me in charge of the boy after she died. Never consider myself his father or nothing, and he sirtanlee never called me pa. still, he’s my respawnsability. might be that im a bit too hard on him. he’s a good kid, in the right circomestands. never shoulda told him about the place with the ancient relics at it. i know how he gets! honest, i don’t beeleave in nothing, but i pray to the winged lady he ain’t dead! i packed all the rashons in the house… i’m goin after him! | |
[Sylas stumbles upon the Polar Lizard again] | |
“Without the lava gromps, I’ll never defeat this creature” | |
[A fireball falls from above and finishes off the Polar Lizard] | Leilani: Still think you don’t need me? |
Leilani! What are you doing here? | Leilani: Recruiting! I don’t give up. Take this petricite spell! That beast is weak to flame! |
“What power!” | |
[Sylas defeats the Polar Lizard] | |
Leilani: How’d the spell feel? | |
Incredible! You made that yourself? | Leilani: I did. And if you join us, I can make you dozens more. I know you think we’ll slow you down… But we have skills you don’t. Together, we’d be unstoppable. |
I doubt we see eye-to-eye on how to run a rebellion. | Leilani: I noticed. You want to flame out in battle, and we want to live to build a better future. But I think you’ll join us anyway. I think you need our power. |
I must admit, that spellcrafting of yours is incredible. All right. I’ll join you on one condition: you help me kill Eldred Crownguard. | Leilani: The leader of the Mageseekers? |
Yes. There’s no point in any of this unless we aim high. After the king died, Eldred became the most powerful man in the kingdom. He put me in prison, so I want his head. You can help me get it. | Leilani: A mission that dangerous will take time and planning. But with our skills combined, I know it’s possible. |
Then we have a deal. You help me kill Eldred, and I’ll try taking orders from you. | Leilani: Welcome to the rebellion, Sylas! Come on, let’s return to camp. |
[Sylas and Leilani return to the camp by nightfall] | |
So how did you learn to craft spells from petricite? | Leilani: It was my mentor Kara’s idea. She’s a spellcrafter too. She taught me everything I know. |
She sounds like a wide mentor. Where is Kara now? | Leilani: Mageseekers captured her. We’ve been trying to rescue her, but it seems impossible. |
That’s a shame. Her wisdom could be valuable in our fight against Eldred. | Leilani: I just hope she’s still okay. |
In the meantime… can I try out some of the spells you’ve forged? | Leilani: Of course! Here, I’ll add them to your arsenal. |
[Player purchases new spells and upgrades] | |
I bet Leilani’s mentor can give me the power to destroy Eldred. I should ask Leilani about rescuing her. | |
[Sylas approaches Leilani’s station] | |
Your mentor, Kara… do you where the Mageseekers are keeping her? | Leilani: We think so. But we weren’t strong enough to free her. |
I could break her out. | Leilani: I bet you could. Might be good practice for you, too. |
Practice for what? | Leilani: Working with the team. |
Hideout Dweller: Back again, eh? | |
[Sylas approaches the War Table at the center of the hideout] | Leilani: Take one of our fighters with you. He’ll increase your odds. |
Lorne: Reporting for duty. | |
[Sylas chooses ‘Thornbarrow’ as his next mission] |
Mission 1: Thornbarrow
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
Leilani: Good luck out there, Sylas. And remember, if you go looking for Kara, rescuing her and other mages is the priority. Not hunting Mageseekers. | |
In my experience, those goals are never at odds. | Leilani: You and Kara will get along well. She’s bloodthirsty, too. |
[Sylas leaves the Hideout] | |
Cutscene: Mageseekers Master’s Office | Wisteria: You summoned me, Lord Eldred? |
Eldred: Thank you Wisteria. I called for you when I heard that Sylas escaped the city. I asked for his corpse, but none of the Mageseekers in the city could bring it to me. You will succeed where they failed, won’t you? | Wisteria: I’ll lead a squad to find Sylas myself. |
Eldred: Are you sure you’re up to it? With your history? | Wisteria: He knew me years ago, when we were children. The world shaped us… differently. |
Eldred: It has shaped you into a stronger weapon. In the meantime, we must turn the people against him. | Wisteria: They already believe that he killed King Jarvan III. |
Eldred: Then we should accuse him of crimes against the common folk, too. Fill the villages and towns with lies about this rogue king killer. The old king disapproved of these tactics. But now he’s dead. The younger Jarvan is… inexperienced. He should be easier to convince. | Wisteria: Do you want Sylas alive? Or in pieces? |
Eldred: Better have him killed on sight. Hold nothing back. | Wisteria: I never do. There will be no mage rebellion on my watch. And Sylas will bed for mercy on his knees. |
[Cutscene Ends] | |
[Loading] Thornbarrow Leilani’s mentor, Kara, has been taken to the Mageseeker headquarters in Thornbarrow. She’ll make a useful ally in the fight against Eldred. Infiltrate the compound, and search for her! | |
[Sylas arrives in Thornbarrow] Find Kara [New Objective: Find the Mageseeker Headquarters] | |
[Sylas approaches a man sweeping] | Citizen: The King Killer is here! Call the guards! |
The rumor is spreading. I have a dark reputation now. I wonder if I can use that to my advantage. | |
[Sylas Reads a Note]: Home of the starving family – our new farm, safe from war and famine, in this land where magic’s fangs are blunted Together we raised these walls with our new countrymen. Denis Daytree laid the foundation, the brothers Laurent raised the roof May good fortune and friends bless our home in this new paradise | |
[Sylas defeats six Mageseekers and five Forest Rats and approaches a large gate] | |
A lot of soldiers for such a small town. Kara must be an important prisoner. | Citizen: [inside house] Haven’t we suffered enough from the mages? |
Citizen: Our town is a battleground because of you. | |
Citizen: They’ve come to kill us all! | |
[Sylas on a bridge looking down below] | |
The Dauntless Vanguard, here? They must be guarding something big. | |
[Sylas approaches a woman atop a mountain peak] | |
Your magic… it’s powerful! | Nia: You’re not a Mageseeker, are you? Because I roast Mageseekers for fun. |
No. I’m with a band of rebels. We could use a strong fire mage like you. | Nia: Any excuse to torch the Mageseekers is good enough for me. |
There’s a hideout in the forest, that way. Tell them I sent you. | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] I’m worried about the Hinterlands. I’m worried about the state of your command, Jonas. Every day we hear stories about demons from the commonfolk! We swept Fossbarrow under the rug for a reason: blame the mages, walk out clean. But now something is pulling these creatures into populated areas. Your people are supposed to suppress magical intrusions, anywhere, anytime. I don’t care if it’s the green endless or some dump like Amberfel, you find these ‘demons’ and take them out. Blame a local mage if you can find one, and if you can’t then just string up a bandit and call them a mage. If you can’t do your damned job then I expect you to turn in that fancy petricite trinket and go back to sponging off your family’s estate. And if I hear a single word about this being related to the purges, I will personally ride to your waystation and shove a dismissal letter down your throat. – Commander Horatius | |
Citizen: You’re not welcome. | |
Citizen: It’s the escaped prisoner. Save us! | |
Running to the soldiers and aristocrats for protection? The false gods will abandon them in an instant. | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] A curious thing happened on the road the other day – I came upon a woman in the shade, lamenting her woes. She told me her tale, of how her lover was lost in the Western Sea, and how she wanted to find some comfort speaking with another again. I must confess, I found her most alluring-her eyes seemed to glow with an unnatural fire that drew me in. Her lips were reminiscent of the season’s ripest berry, two pale locks of hair peeked from under her hood, and a locket of bright purple lay on her bosom. She apologized profusely in a melodious tone when her nails cut a thin line across my cheek (an accident I’m sure). Oh what a joy I felt to find her, and what excitement to see her again tonight, and with any luck, to feel her caress on my hand again… | |
[Sylas approaches a Dauntless Vanguard] | So… the king killer thinks he can fight an army. |
[Sylas defeats the Dauntless Vanguard member] | |
Even the best armor won’t protect swine. | |
[Sylas enters a the Mageseeker Headquarters] | |
Mageseeker: Uh, does anyone else hear footsteps? | |
Prisoner: Have you come to rescue us? | |
Prisoner: My mother… help me find my mother. | |
Prisoner: I’m not a mage. They got the wrong man. I’m not a mage. | |
[Sylas approaches a large prison cell] | |
Don’t worry! I’ll get you all out of there. | Prisoner: Break our chains! |
[Sylas pulls a lever] | Prisoner: The door… it’s opened! Or have I finally gone mad? |
The guards are dead. Run for the forest. My allies will help you. | Prisoner: Who are you? |
I… I’m an escaped prisoner too. The Mageseekers deserve death for what they did to us. For every day they kept you here, I’ll make them pay with pain. | Prisoner: They’ll regret locking us up! |
[All prisoners leave except for one] | Rukko: I’m called Rukko. You’re really fighting the Mageseekers? |
Yes. Follow the others to the woods. It’s safe there. | Rukko: No, wait. I want to help. I want to fight. I need to rescue my brother. The Mageseekers tried to recruit us, but we refused… So they put us in prison. I need to find him! |
You’re braver than I, boy. I became a Mageseeker at your age, before I realized what it meant. | Rukko: Could the rebellion help me rescue my brother? I’ll do anything… I’ll kill if I have to. |
Well, out most important goal is to execute the Mageseeker leader, Lord Eldred. Once Eldred is dead, I’m sure that finding and rescuing your brother will be simple. | Rukko: Great! I’ll come with you, then. |
What? That’s not what I meant. Battle is no place for children. | Rukko: I’m not a child! |
You have spirit, but you’re no solider. I’ll take you as far as the front door. | |
[Sylas and Rukko explore the prison and approached a large Veiled Lady engravement on a stone wall] | |
What’s all this? | Rukko: It’s about the Veiled Lady. Look, there’s writing! We have reported sightings of the Veiled Lady, but conflicting evidence of her location |
She may possess dark magic and is a potential threat. | They think she’s real? But she’s just a story. |
If the Mageseekers think she’s a threat, there must be something to the rumors. | She sounds… dangerous. |
So are we. Besides, a danger to the Mageseekers is a boon for us. | |
[Sylas and Rukko venture further and approach a desk] | |
This looks promising. [Sylas Reads a Paper on the Desk] Before I could interrogate the prisoner, the Commander ordered us to transport her to Clarion Cove. Says she’s too dangerous for us to handle. | |
Clarion Cove, huh? I hope Leilani’s ready for a hike. The Commander’s plan is to experiment with- | |
[A Gate Suddenly Opens and Guards Approach] | |
Excuse me, I was reading. | |
[After Sylas defeats several guard. Even more approach] | |
If you have any magic in you, boy, now’s the time to use it! | Rukko: I… I thought you said I wasn’t a fighter? |
Well, no better time to prove me wrong! | |
[Rukko erupts from the desk in the center of the room and creates a massive magical tornado and decimates all enemies on the room] | |
Ha! That’ll do! Let’s bring these letters to Leilani. | |
[Sylas and Rukko return to the Hideout] | Leilani: So, Sylas brought recruits. Never thought I’d see the day. …Wait, is that a child? |
Rukko: I’m not a child! I’m sixteen! | |
Rukko’s tougher than he looks. He took out a room full of Mageseekers. | Rukko: And I’d do it again! But I have nowhere else to go. Just give me a chance. Please. |
Leilani: You’re home now, Rukko. We’ll make sure you stay safe. Sylas, you and I will talk about this later. Any sign of my mentor? | |
We found a note saying they took Kara to Clarion Cove. | Leilani: Clarion Cove? I’ll see what our scouts know about that place. In the meantime… you should get some rest! |
[Sylas wakes up] | |
I should go talk to that boy, Rukko. See how he’s fitting in. | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] I flew today. I remember the first time, as a child, leaving the ground and joining the sky. I believed it a blessing, that I could move so quickly, so effortlessly… But that was the last time I flew, until today. Imaging having sight, but opening your eyes to take in the beauty of the world was an act of blasphemy. Imaging having touch, but to ever do it would invite horror upon everything you know, and everyone you love. Could you resist seeing? Forbid yourself from feeling? I cannot, and I will not. Here, I can finally be all of me. I can for the first time since that day I left the ground, feel a full and real connection with the world. I can help people here. I feel free. How could that ever be wrong? | |
[Sylas Decided to Interact with Leilani Sylas Chooses: Revenge] | |
So I’m curious. What’s your revenge story? | Leilani: My what? |
Come on, Leilani. Everyone has a revenge story. Someone we want to get even with! I had a warden who loved to terrorize his prisoners. He would knock his staff against the wall-KNOCK, KNOCK, when I was trying to sleep. One day I’ll sneak into his chambers, and knock my chains against his wall. And when he wakes up, sweating, I’ll knock my chains into his head. So what’s yours? | Leilani: Er, I don’t have a revenge story. That’s not really something I dream about. |
Then why in the name of the gods are you leading a mage rebellion? | Leilani: I want to live in a world with free mages. That’s why I’m here. |
You do know some of us join rebellions specifically so we can known some Mageseeker heads in? | Leilani: Why do you think I picked you? I’m not against targeted, strategic violence. But I’m here for the world we’ll get to live in when all the revenge is over. Retribution is less… exciting to me. |
I suppose that’s why you’re the leader. And I’m the head-knocker. | |
[Sylas Decided to Interact with Leilani Sylas Chooses: Background] | |
You know I’m from Dregbourne, Leilani… but where did you come from? | Leilani: I’m from a little village not far from here, where my grandmother grew up. She was a fire mage, which was dead useful when you needed to make dinner for eleven from old scraps. |
That’s a big family. I only knew my parents. I’m sure I gave them plenty of trouble. | Leilani: Even when we barely had a meal to share between us, we had fun. My aunts and uncles distracted us with games. We were always laughing and signing, banging on pots and pans. |
So what happened? | I left home after my grandmother died. I was the last mage in the family, and… it wasn’t safe for them. I haven’t been back since. |
But now you’re leading a movement. I bet your family would be proud. | When we reshape Demacia, families won’t need to be separated like this. I know I’ll see them again. We just have to do a little work, first. |
[Sylas Decided to Interact with Leilani Sylas Chooses: Starting a Revolution] | |
Tell me, Leilani. Did you always know you wanted to start a rebellion? | Leilani: Well, no. When I was little I dreamed about running an inn, with a little garden where I could grow vegetables. But I grew up poor. And a mage. Which means I’m treated like a criminal for something I never chose. So I spent years hiding. Then I realized, I don’t want to hide. I want to change things. |
I always thought Demacia could use a little chaos. Tear down the old structures. Clear out the swine. | Leilani: And then rebuild a Demacia that works for everyone! |
Rebuilding… I know it can happen, but lately the only thing I have time to think about is vengeance. | Leilani: We’re going to make it real, Sylas. You’ll see. |
[Sylas approaches Rukko] | Sylas! What do you think? I set up a little forge, just like at home! With tools like these, I can make your chains hit harder! |
[Leilani approaches Sylas] | Leilani: Sylas, I asked the scouts about Clarion Cove, the place they took Kara. If the rumors are true, Chief Scientist Hesbeth has a laboratory there. |
Hesbeth? Eldred’s craven lapdog? When I was a child, the other Mageseekers would only whisper about him. | Leilani: When they send mages to his laboratory… we never see them again. |
Do you think he’s experimenting on Kara? | Leilani: He must be. We have to act fast. When you’re ready, come meet me at the planning table. |
[Sylas approaches the War Table] |
Side Mission: Ternmoat Headquarters
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
Secondary Mission: Summary: This mageseeker laboratory has been collecting a lot of petricite recently. Petricite absorbs magic-so whatever they’re planning can’t be good. Investigate, and discover what secrets they’re hiding. Objective: Find out Mageseekers plans | |
[Sylas leaves the Hideout and ventures to the Mageseeker laboratory. He kills some Mageseekers and heads downstairs to find hidden perks kept by Mageseeker scientists] | |
This spell… It’s like Leilani’s work. Except very unstable. These could prove useful. But I should destroy them before I leave this place. | |
[Sylas defeats dozens of Mageseekers as he descends deeper down the Mageseeker Laboratory] | |
It’s a shame to part with such useful items. But they’re far too unstable. | |
[Sylas approaches a large circular desk in the center of a room in the cellar] | |
I recognize this handwriting from the books Lux gave me back in prison… This is by Durand. I can think of a few reasons why the Mageseekers might want his knowledge of petricite, and none are good for us mages… | |
[Sylas heads back to the Hideout and approaches Leilani at the War Table] | Leilani: So the Mageseekers think they can top our spellcrafting? Ha! Let them try! But those Durand documents you found… I think the Mageseekers are planning something. |
Have you considered your mentor may have something to do with all of this? | Leilani: You don’t know Kara. She’s protective of her spells. The Mageseekers can’t break her that easily. Let’s keep digging for clues as we sabotage their labs. |
[Sylas Decided to Interact with Rukko Sylas Chooses: Family] | |
You must miss your family, boy. If you ever want to go back to them- | Rukko: There’s nowhere to go. The Mageseekers took my brother. He’s all I have left. |
That’s terrible. Is your brother a mage, too? | Rukko: We were all mages, but we were really good at hiding it. My dad taught us how. We suppressed our powers. We watched for Mageseekers. Every day we pretended we were normal. But they still found us. |
The Mageseekers are relentless. It wasn’t your fault. | Rukko: They… they tried to recruit my brother and I. They promised us freedom. But I just couldn’t. |
Then you were a stronger man than me, Rukko. Besides, their bargains are lies. Nothing you did would have stopped them. We’re going to get your brother back, once we take down Eldred. | Rukko: We’d better. |
[Sylas Decided to Interact with Rukko Sylas Chooses: Fighting Skills] | |
You have some talent in battle, boy. How did you learn to use your magic that way? | Rukko: When he was alive, my dad didn’t want me to fight. He taught us to hide instead. But when wild animals came for the sheep, everyone in town would help guard the fields. So I’d be on my own, all night. |
Sounds like a good time to practice. | Rukko: We used torches to scare them off. So I wasn’t the only one leaving burned grass behind. |
Smart man. But remember- | Rukko: Yeah, I know. Leilani think I’m too young to fight. But I’m older than you were, when you went to prison. |
I’m only telling you to be careful. Or Leilani will have my hide for bringing you into danger! | |
[Sylas approaches the War Table] |
Mission 2: Clarion Cove
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
Main Mission: Summary: The clues you suggest that Kara is in Clarion Cave, a wealthy coastal town. Its Mageseeker fortress seems well-defended. Infiltrate it and search its dungeons for Leilani’s mentor. Objective: Find the Mageseekers Headquarters | |
[Sylas leaves the Hideout and arrives at Clarion Cave] | |
Citizen: Call of Mageseekers! | |
“Ah, shining white marble and the stench of elitism. Clarion Cove is so very… Demacian.” | |
Citizen: They’ve come to kill us all! | |
Citizen: Leave us alone, mages. | |
Citizen: You’re not welcome. | |
Citizen: Haven’t we suffered enough from the mages? | |
Citizen: Call the Mageseekers! | |
“As a boy, I thought about stowing away on a ship.” | |
Citizen: Filthy mages! | |
“The freedom of the sea, so close to prison… it makes me sick” “Fish, crab traps, and free magic. It’s my lucky day” | |
Citizen: Hide the children! | |
[After defeating a few Mageseekers, Sylas approaches an old man] | Oberon: I’ve been watching you. You move with such grace. I would gladly teach you how to move as one with the wind. |
I work with a band of rebels. We could make good use of your talents. | Oberon: You have a keen eye for greatness, my friend. Lead the way. |
Citizen: It’s that murderer, Sylas! | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] The Veiled One, I saw her when I was a child. I swear it’s true. We were in the forest, me and Eriana. Playing, chasing foxes, throwing acorns at each other. Some men with swords came out of the trees. Wanted us to tell ’em about our village. How many soldiers? What defenses? Eriana was brave, like she always was, but they hit her and she fell down all dazed. I tried to be brave, but a man said he’d kill Eriana if I didn’t speak up. But before I could say anything, the Veiled One appeared beside me in a burst of dark light. I saw her, clear as day; cold violet eyes and chained wings, killing fire in her hands. | |
[Sylas spots two Mageseekers surrounding a man on her knees] | Mageseeker 1: This one’s been causing trouble. Mageseeker 2: Hesbeth might have use for him. Should we send him to the lab? Mageseeker 1: Nah. Captain said to make an example of this one. Mageseeker 2: I’ll do the honors then. Step aside. |
The way is blocked… I can’t save him. But there are others I still can. | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] I can’t unsee it, and it refuses to unsee me. …eyes of many in dark …eyes unblinking in light round and round, they spin in their sockets, but still fix on me when I try to follow them, they snap shut within that makeshift face like a hungry jaw and then through clenched mouth and dry tongue, I hear the screams of my gelding- the one father got- just for me- outside my window it’s been two weeks since I found him strewn across the paddock …where is father? still I hear the wails and hoofbeats …footsteps? they told me it’s sorrow that replays the sounds, but then why do they move as I lie still? outside my window outside my room outside my eyes circling, circling, round and round, the birds keen as their shadows grow beneath me I hear them again- | |
[Sylas approaches a Veiled Lady shrine] | |
“They worship the Veiled Lady here? I suppose even townsfolk need miracles.“ | |
[Sylas Reads a Note] Captain Verin, I must bring URGENT attention to an insidious arcane phenomenon hiding on tables throughout Demacia: King’s Gambit! Harmless dalliance? Nay! Secret SORCEROUS FILTH! What do we know of the origins of these so-called “telling stones” that introduce countryside youth to Dauntless Vanguard? The very idea of stones speaking reeks of magery! Concerned contacts say there are other versions, with symbols unknown but ASSUREDLY FOUL. Let me lead a task force to investigate! With DIREST CONCERN, Mageseeker Inciter Junior, F. Falden PS: I wish to requisition a seven-weight of petricite to test a magic-proof tellstones set. I have lost no less than 23 times straight to peasant, Zel, at the Steel Steed. He must be a cheating mage! | |
[Sylas enters the Mageseeker Headquarters] [New Objective: Find Information about Kara’s whereabouts] | |
[After defeating several Mageseekers and delving deeper into the Mageseeker Headquarters] “The lab entrance should be here somewhere.“ | |
[Sylas finds and pulls a lever that opens a sliding bookshelf to reveal a secret passage] | |
“Another dungeon. Another lair of filth and despair.” | |
[Sylas enters the hallway, descends many flights of stairs, arrives at the basement, defeats a few Mageseekers and approaches a man in front of a large jail cells with several empty petricite mech suits around] | |
What kind of twisted person made these? | Lorne: We should see if these mages want to join us! I could use them on my team. |
You’re right. These mages might be willing to put their lives on the line. | |
[The two prisons are released from their jail cells] | Prisoner 1: The scientist. Lord Eldred lets him… experiment on us. Prisoners disappear, and then reappear with unspeakable… changes. |
Don’t worry. I’ll make him pay. | Prisoner 1: Be free, and give them hell! Can I get a hot meal first? Prisoner 2: Every Demacia king! How about a queen? |
[Sylas approaches a yordle and a Mageseeker] | Yops: A person! Help, person! |
I’m not here for your “patients”. I’m here for you. | Hesbeth: Come closer, and the yordle dies. |
[Sylas breaks the bindings on the Yordle with his chains and frees him.] | Yops: Hey, thanks, scary shirtless man! |
Hesbeth: Guards! He’s in here! | |
Yops: Time to put you on the lab table for a change, Hesbeth! | |
[Hesbeth runs away] | |
Get back here! Hesbeth is mine! | |
“…Yordle! Wait!“ | |
[While chasing Yops and Hesbeth, Sylas enters an open area on a platform with a giant petricite helmet in ruins. After a few moments the helmet glows while and then erupts in flames and the gates rise blocking Sylas in. Shortly after the helmet begins attacking Sylas] | |
[Sylas defeats the Gian’s Helm] | |
A petricite giant. Though they hate magic, the Mageseekers sure like to use it against mages. | |
[Yops approaches] | |
You let Hesbeth get away? | Yops: He’s faster than he looks. If I was at my full strength, he’d have no chance. |
You should have left the fighting to me. What’s a yordle doing in Demacia, anyway? | Yops: There are more of us than you think! We rarely show our true forms. |
Hesbeth must have been curious about you. | Yops: Oh yes! He wanted to know everything. How yordle powers work. Why we live so long. I don’t even know those things! But now Yops is a free yordle! I can do ANYTHING! Go ANYWHERE! But now that I think about it, I don’t have anything to do. Or anywhere to go. |
Well, I’m with a group of rebels. If you want to fight back against the Mageseekers, you could join us. | Yops: Stop the experiments? That’s what I want! Take me to your leader, Naked Chain Man! |
Excellent. I think my allies will be impressed to see I found a yordle! | |
[Sylas returns to the Hideout and approaches Leilani with Hops] | Leilani: Did you find her? Is Kara alive? |
She wasn’t there. And Hesbeth escaped us. But my mission wasn’t entirely for nothing. I brought us a yordle. | Leilani: Wow, a yordle? I didn’t know your kind were actually real! |
Yops: Oh yea, we’re all over the place! Less common in Demacia, though. You guys are below average on yordles and flying cats. | |
Hesbeth was running tests on Yops. That lab was filled with… experiments. Living ones. The things he does to his prisoners… I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. | Leilani: If he’s experimented on Kara- |
We’ll kill him. Pay him back for every drop of blood he’s shed. | Leilani: Let’s go get you settled in, Yops. Maybe you can tell me more about Hesbeth’s horrors. |
[Sylas goes to bed and wakes up] | |
Ugh. Another night of restless sleep. I should check in with Leilani. See what she wants from me today. | |
[Sylas approaches Leilani] | Leilani: You’re awake! Good. I have news for you. We’re not alone in these woods. Our scouts found a hidden mage camp in the ruins of Terbisia. And get this- Luxanna Crownguard is with them! |
Lux?! So she left the capital… good for her. | Leilani: Did you two know each other? |
We knew each other, yes. And then… Well, I stole her powers to escape prison. I exposed her secret to the world. | Leilani: How did you meet an aristocrat like her? |
Lux used to visit me in my cell… | |
Cutscene: Sylas’s Prison Cell | |
Lux: I don’t have much time, Sylas. | |
Doesn’t matter. Did you bring what I asked for…? | Lux: Yes. These were the last books on petricite I could find. And I brought you something else… |
A teacake? You spoil me, little light. | Lux: I just don’t want you eating more rats than you have to. |
You could tell that uncle of yours to send us down some better food. | Lux: Lord Eldred? I could try, but he’d never listen to me… He’s a cruel man. But I’m the youngest Crownguard. I can’t do anything to stop him… |
You can, and you will, Lux. Stand up for yourself! You have power within you that your uncle can only dream of. Master it, and you’ll become unstoppable. | Sylas… you’ve taught me so much. I only wish that I could repay you. |
Life is long, little light. One of these days you may yet. | |
Cutscene Ends Scene returns to the Hideout | |
For a while, I think she believed that we were truly friends. But her brother Garen learned that I had been talking to her. He was going to have me executed. | Leilani: So… you stole Lux’s powers. And then everyone learned her secret. |
I had no choice. It was the only way to escape. | Leilani: If you could go back… would you do it again? |
Yes. I would. I know I’m not a good person, Leilani. I’ve never had the luxury. If I could do it all over again, though, I would tell her why. Make her understand I was just trying to survive. | Leilani: In the future we’re building, there will be room to care for each other. Not just survive. |
I’ve not heard of such a place. But it sounds nice. | Leilani: By the way, Yops is looking for you. She’s over by the training grounds. |
Refugee: Yops is kind of cute! | |
Refugee: I don’t think I’m cut out for missions. | |
[Sylas approaches Yops] | Yops: Hey, Chain Man. You’re lucky to have me around! |
And why is that? | Yops: I’m the best there is at training rookies. Come to me if you want to see how they’re doing! So I heard you’re looking for someone called Kara? I overheard some guards talking. They moved her to Devineur |
That’s a solid lead! I’d better go there next. | Yops: Watch out. Devineur is probably crawling with mageseekers. Wish I could teach ’em a lesson, but I’m still feeling weak after all that time in the cell… |
Then rest up, Yops. I’ll be bringing more rebels to you for training soon! | |
[Sylas approaches the War Table] |
Side Mission: Cypress Glen Headquarters
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
Main Mission: Summary: Scouts have located another secret spellcrafting laboratory. Investigate this Mageseeker base, and discover what they’re doing with all of that petricite. Objective: Find out Mageseekers plans | |
[Sylas stands in front of the War Table] | Leilani: Sylas, our scouts have located another secret spellcrafting lab. I get the feeling there’s more to this than just copycat spells. You’ve just got to find out what. |
[Sylas appears in a Mageseeker Laboratory. He defeats several Mageseekers and Dauntless Vanguards. Upon arriving at the basement, Sylas approaches and defeats a Giant’s Helm] | |
Flawed as you are, you served me well, little spells. Rest now with your makers. | |
[Sylas approaches north and breaks free four prisoners] | |
We cannot rest until the last Mageseeker lies dead or in chains. | Prisoner 1: The burden is heavy. But it’s ours to bear. |
You’re still young, but rebellion cannot wait. Are you ready? | Prisoner 2: I will do my best, for all of us. |
Every Demacian a king! | Prisoner 3: How about a queen? |
Don’t just watch me break this kingdom-help me see to it! | Prisoner 4: Let’s tear it all down! |
[The four prisoners join the Rebellion Outlaws. Next, Sylas walks north and approaches a large desk] | |
What does he mean by “signs of life?” I should tell Leilani about this. | |
[Sylas returns to the Hideout] | |
I think they’re making some kind of automaton. Though what exactly it does, I can’t say. | Leilani: They’d only be building something like that for one purpose. |
Hunting mages? Absolutely. I wouldn’t put it past the Mageseeker to try playing gods. | Leilani: If that really is what’s happening, I wonder if Kara caught wind of how they’re using Durand’s research… We’d better have our scouts scour all of Demacia for these spellcrafting labs. |
Refugee: I miss my children more than anything. | |
[Sylas approaches the War Table] |
Mission 3: Devineur
Sylas Dregbourne | Interlocutor |
Main Mission: Summary: Leilani’s mentor is a prisoner in the Mageseeker laboratory in Devineur. Hesbeth, the Mageseeker’s lead scientist, has a laboratory here. Break in and bring Kara home! Objective: Find Kara New Objective: Find the Mageseeker Headquarters | |
[Leilani follows Sylas] | Leilani: What is we’re too late to save her? |
Worrying won’t make a difference. | |
[Sylas and Leilani approach the Mageseeker Headquarters] | |
Leilani: You go first. I’ll make sure we aren’t followed. | |
Sounds good. Once they’re dead, come in after me. | Leilani: Hold on, Kara. We’re almost there. |
[Sylas Reds a Note]: Diary, The mage threat is far graver than any of my brethren seem to comprehend. Have they not read the treatises and histories of the Rune Wars? The world was almost torn apart by rampant, uncontrollable magic back then; next time we will likely not be so lucky. For the safety of all, I believe that the mage thread must be completely expunged, once and for all. Simply locking them away is not enough. And yet my views are considered extreme, even among the mage seekers? Pah! Mageseeker-Adept Aldrich Lowe | Leilani: Nice work. These stairs should take us down to the prisons. |
[Sylas approached a petricite automaton] This is madness. What is Eldred trying to create? | Prisoner 1: Each day they take someone else. We don’t know where to. |
[Sylas approaches a prisoner which he recruits] | |
The Mageseekers will break and bow before us! | Prisoner 2: And then we’ll slit their throats! |
[Sylas Reads a Note]: When ma fell in the markets, I knew I was done. She was clutching at her chest and looked so hurt, so scared. Everyone was staring at us, but no one was helping. What could they do? So I did what I could. Bright light, a touch of my hands, and her chest stopped hurting. The mageseekers found me before the sun set. I didn’t hide, there was no point. Now I sit here where they poke and prod, I drink their stony potions, and I die a little each day. But I die knowing I’m no demon, and neither are you. Whoever you are, whoever sits here next, you’re a Demacian too. | |
These cell doors won’t break easily. Believe me, I’ve tried. | Leilani: Even if we free these prisoners, they won’t be safe. Most are too weak to fight. |
Prisoner: Break our chains! | |
Prisoner: Each day they take someone else. | |
Prisoner: Help me! Please! | |
[Sylas approaches and defeats a petricite automaton and Leilani approaches] | Leilani: That must be the lever to open the cells. |