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“Dragons. Runeterra’s mightiest creatures!”
– Smolder

Smolder's real name is Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis but his human friend named him Smolder. He is an imperial dragon and an heir. [3, 4] Being a dragon, he ages a lot slower than humans. [4]
Smolder is an imperial dragon, and is therefore incredibly powerful and has Camavoran ties. [4]
The Fiery Fledgling's ancestors lived in Camavor long before the region was even given a name. Eventually, when man settled upon Camavor, his ancestors aided the humans in their war. Eventually, Viego took the throne. Upon his departure to the Shadow Isles, Camavor fell to ruins. The kingdom would deteriorate. Another imperial dragon would not hatch for centuries. [5]
He has been told stories of the Camavor Royalty. He has heard the Royal Family of Camavor had offered rings to his ancestors. [3] Additionally, Smolder has been told about his familial relations to Vol Visperi-Desinvein, an important dragon matriarch. [3, 5]
Real Name:
Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis
The Fiery Fledgling
Imperial Dragon
Personal Status
Place of Origin:
Current Residence:
Cliffsides of Noxus
- Grandmother Viper (Ancestor)
- Unnamed Mother
Related Characters
Aurelion Sol
Sadly, Smolder was removed from his mother after being hijacked by Noxian beastmasters. The Noxians were travelling by sea, however Smolder's Mom discovered the Noxian ship before they could arrive at their destination.
Smolder's Mom exterminated the Noxians with her flaming breath. Nonetheless, their ship was destroyed. Amongst the disorder, the hatchling was swept away, and lost at sea. [4, 5]
Smolder is an imperial dragon. As such, he has tied to Camavoran royalty. While being distinct from other dragons such as elemental drakes, Aurelion Sol, and Shyvana, there are still some similarities. [4]
Smolder Is Stranded
Smolder was washed up on a island he was unfamiliar with. This island was near the mainland of Noxus. He young dragon was lonely, afraid, and hungry. Fortunately, his mom had taught his how to hunt small game. So he proceeded to employ his skills in this foreign location. [5]
Smolder and Marinos
During one of his hunts, he encountered a small human boy. [5] While there, he was looked after by what became an improbable friend, Marinos. From this friend, Smolder learned some non-draconic mannerisms. For one, Smolder learned how to speak thanks to Marinos. [4]
Moreover, it was Marinos that gave the hatching his nickname, Smolder. They became friends. From that point on, Smolder's ability to communicate with humans improved. This contributed to their deepening friendship. [5]
Sadly, their friendship had remained a secret in order to protect the dragon. Marinos was concerned that if Smolder was discovered, the young dragon would shipped to the Noxus mainland and be auctioned off. [5]
As time passed, Marinos became an adult and eventually had a family of his own. Smolder, still being a child, spent more time alone to discover small aspects of his draconic capabilities. [4]
Growing Up
One such skill Smolder began to work on was breathing fire. Prior to learning this ability, Smolder had been only producing sparks while sneezing. Smolder was thrilled to learn how to breathe fire. [5]
Smolder on his Own
When Marino came into adulthood, he and Smolder had less time to together. So the Fiery Fledgling took to his own to learn about his draconic ways. He began practicing to breathe fire. Previously, he could only produce sparks while sneezing. While learning to emit dragonfire on command, he accidently burned down a forest canopy. At first he didn't even notice until it spread further. [3, 5]
In another conversation, he says he was on a different pretty island in response to someone trying to find him somewhere else.
One time Smolder had a dream he was chasing insects but began to tumble down a hill. The bugs turned into a city leading him to crush the city. [3]
Smolder Meets his Mom
Smoke rose from the burning trees. Luckily, it attracted Smolder's Mom. Just then, while learning to breathe fire, the young dragon heard a tremendously loud roar. He saw his mother swoop down. She embraced Smolder with love. Smolder's Mom clutched the scruff on his neck and flew away. This was the first time Smolder had a chance to experience the lands from above, as a dragon should. [5]
Smolder's Family
Stated by Smolder himself, his family is small. Basically, it just him and his mother. They were separated when Smolder was young after being kidnapped by Noxian beastmasters. After the young fledgling was washed away on an island, decades went by before he was reunited with his mom.
Smolder's mom had been looking for clues of her sons' whereabouts for a long time. One day, Smolder sneezed and accidently burned down a forest. The aftermath. The event grabbed the attention of smolder's mom and drew her in.
In Smolder's voice lines, he references a story told by him suggesting he is related to a grandmother viper lady.
In turns out, this is Grandmother Viper, a dragon matriarch, also known as Vol Visperi-Desinvein. [3, 5]
Current Events
Smolder resides with his mother in the cliffsides of Noxus. Each night, Smolder hears the stories his mother shares with him about his kin. She also shares with him what it means to be an imperial dragon and their responsibilities. [5] As well, Solder's Mom is now teaching him how to tap into his draconic powers. Furthermore, she is imparting imperial dragon lore and showing him the artifacts that preceded them. With that, the fiery fledgling has a bright future ahead of him. [4]
When the time is right and Smolder is grown enough, the Fiery Fledgling and his mother will both return to their ancestral home. There, they will begin again a new golden age for Camavor. [5]
Smolder is a young and enthusiastic dragon. Much of his personality is derived from his separation from his mother. After he met Marinos, he learned how to speak and picked up human mannerisms. Now, Smolder moves, converses, and has humor similar to humans. Another interesting mannerism is Smolder drapes his wings over his back as if a royal cape. [4]
His youth comes out when his uses terms such as 'gigantinormous' in place of gigantic as well as passionate narrating during storytelling. [1] He is playful, energetic and likes to roleplay about being a ferocious and strong dragon.
However, he is overconfident. [4]
Amusingly, he calls Camavor, Camaroar. [3]
The ambitious dragon believes he will one day become the most fierce and best dragon.
The Fiery Fledgling feels that dragon's are Runeterra's mightiest creature. As well, the thought of dragons growing up to be massive and strong are appealing to him. [1] Along these lines, Smolder does not appreciate being treated like a mere hatchling. [3]
The young dragon questioned what Elder Dragon's do and suggested their power simply lied behind their old age. Simultaneously, he holds Imperial Dragons in high regard like his mother. [3]
The little dragon was amused to hear about Camavor royalty giving his ancestors rings and imagine the rings being incredibly massive.
Sometimes Smolder will get soot in in his nose. [3]
Smolder was elated when he first learned to breathe fire. [5, 6]
The young dragon enjoys eating several gromps when ravenous. [3]
The young dragon believes dragonfire can beat anything, as long as it is flammable. [1]
He is dissatisfied to admit he has to work on his landing skills. There was one time where landed in a tree, unintentionally. [3]
The Fiery Fledgling thinks humans are strange. Specifically, he finds it unusual that some humans are small and round, and the next moment they are thin and wrinkly. Perhaps this reference gives insight to how dragons experience time.
Smolder hates errands. Another thing he doesn't like is when he misses out on the fun.
Also, the dragon has complained before that flying is difficult.
Smolder is dissatisfied that Marinos prevents him from proving to outsiders that imperial dragons aren't extinct. [3]
Smolder doesn't like hurting Yordles and thinks they are cute. Although, he is not too fond of ghosts. [3]
The little dragon thinks Camavor sounds like an exciting place to visit and would like to go. [3]
One of Smolder's favorite games is, finders not keepers. He describes the game as where his friends run around and collect various shiny objects, but instead Smolder get to keep them.
The Fiery Fledgling is interested in playing with Marino's new baby. [3]

The dragon has some knowledge on the history of Camavor. He stated the kings are queens of Camavor were aware they should treat dragons like royalty. Furthermore, he retells a narrative where Camavor royalty thank a dragon for saving them. Then the royalty proceeds to offer precious gifts to the dragon [1] such as rings. [3]
The Fiery Fledgling is aware not everyone can understand his mother. [3]
The fledgling has used the term bullfrog to express frustration. [3]
Smolder is a small red dragon with blue accents. He has blue wings with horned tips on the top of them. Interestingly, he has blue eyebrows and two parallel flaming horns [4] that sit near the center of his head. He has another running flame at the tip of his tail. His face, underbelly, and inside of his wings are cream color. Moreover, he has scales in various places on his body, such as near his ears and neck. The dragon has three toes and mostly red legs with blue accents on the top portion.
His eyes are green with black pupils. His bottom row of teeth are not sharp looking unlike his top teeth. When he sneezes, dragonfire comes out. [1]
Smolder possesses dragonfire. He can breath dragonfire on command. [1] Although, this wasn't always the case. [5]
Additionally, Smolder can fly [2] and has the ability to smell. [3]
Noxian Beastmasters are a threat to imperial dragons. They stole Smolder and returned on a ship back to Noxus awaiting their prize. [5]
Smolder is not related to Shyvana, Aurelion Sol, or the elemental drakes. [4]
Smolder's Mom
He has considerable respect for his mother. He feels her size, intimidation, and loudness are admirable characteristics. With this respect comes shared values. For example, Smolder has a great respect for imperial dragons because his mother feels that was as well. [3]
When Smolder was a hatchling, his mother taught him how to hunt small prey. [5]
The young dragon's mother showed concern for her son. As well, it is presumed his Mom asked him to be more careful when sneezing near surfaces. The Fledgling replied, "I'm fine, Mom" and apologized, explaining it was an accident. [1] One can gather the Fiery Fledgling is close with his mother because he says, "Hi, my name's Smolder. My mom says hi too" among other voice lines. Moreover, he likes to make his mother proud after asking her if she noticed his kills.
Interestingly, we do not hear his mother speak English, unlike her son. [2]
Smolder's mom does not like the story about the Kingdom of Ghosts. Smolder likely does not fully understand why. [3]
Aurelion Sol
The Fiery Fledging asked Aurelion Sol why he was wearing a crown and addressed him as Mr. Airy Lion Soul. He has some things in common the Star Forger. [3, 4]
Shyvana and Smolder on are good terms. However, he is not directly tied to Shyvana. Nevertheless, they still have some things in common. [4]
Marinos is Smolder's best friend. [3] Marinos helped Smolder improve his ability to communicate with humans. [5]
They grew increasingly distant as Marino's grew older. The boy had taken on the typical adult responsibilities. [5]
He is likely older than the young fledgling. They used to play Dragon Attack together. Additionally, Marino's shared numerous stories with Smolder. One of them, he retells was about the Kingdom of Ghosts. Recently, Marinos had a new baby and was wondering if the baby dragon would want to play with him. Also, Smolder wanted to tell Marinos about the time he saw Viego, The Ruined King. [3]
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Shyvana Smolder's Mom
Shyvana is not Smolder's mom. [4]
What is Smolder's Full Name?
Smolder's real name is Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis. [3]
Is Smolder a Boy or Girl
Smolder is a boy. [4]
Who is Smolder's Mom?
Smolder's Mom is a descendent of Grandmother Viper, an iconic dragon matriarch who lived in Camavor centuries ago. [5]
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