“Yup, that tasted purple.”
– Lulu

Table of Contents
Lulu is a sorceress Yordle from Bandle City. Accompanied by her, is a little fae spirit named, Pix. The Fae Sorceress possesses illusion magic. She uses her magic to bring light-hearted job, and the occasional prank onto unsuspecting creatures. Lulu hopes to one day find the Glade again. It was there she learned to perform some of her most fantastical illumination magic, such as transmogrification and hypnosis.
The Fae Sorceress
Place of Origin:
Bandle City
Current Residence:
Roaming Runeterra
Related Character
Lulu's home is in Bandle City. [2]
Lulu is a known mage. There are others who know of her and consider her magic unconventional and potentially dangerous. [1]
A Little Fae Spirit

One day while wandering about in the material realm she stumbled upon what appeared to be a bird with a broken wing. Being the empath she is, she ran toward the bird. As she approached the bird, it transformed into a miniature mischievous fae spirit. The fae spirit quickly nabbed Lulu's walking stick and soared away. The sorceress chased playfully with giggles along the way. [2]
The Chase
While following the playful fae spirit, Lulu was lead into the forest. While in the forest, they traversed over large stones, underneath logs and around ancient unkempt stone circles. Eventually, the fae spirit flew into a cave behind a waterfall. She chased with the fae spirit remaining just out of reach.
Together they travelled deep down into the cave. They maneuvered around tangled roots and glowing mushrooms. While moving throughout the cave they crossed into the spirit realm unknowingly. [2]
Spirit Realm
The fae spirit and Lulu were still inside the cave but now also in the spirit realm. Reality became contorted and confusing. Up became down, forward became backward, and big became small. Eventually, the sorceress caught up with the fae spirit. The mage learned the fae spirit's name was Pix. At that moment, Pix snapped his finger and transformed Lulu's stolen walking stick into a spiraling staff and threw it back at her. The staff began to grow leaves and flowers. The sorceress gasped in response with contentment.
After all the chasing, giggles, and astonishment, Lulu and Pix became inseparable. Going forward they would continue their fun-filled adventures with a shared love of nature. [2]
The Glade

Pix guided the sorceress to the Glade. This location was even stranger than Bandle City. In fact, the Glade preceded Bandle City and its Yordles. A beautiful sanctuary tucked away, Lulu became the first Yordle to discover the Glade. Upon arrival, Lulu was instantly enamored with the Glade.
While in the Glade, Lulu's magic was intensified. She enjoyed bringing her hyperactive imagination to life here. The Fae Sorceress had become consumed by her time playing and creating in the Glade. In fact, the Sorceress lost track of the time and had forgotten anything else existed.
After some time, she remembered her experiences outside of the Glade. It felt like awakening from a dream. She returned to the to the material realm. Although soon after, Lulu missed the Glade tremendously. The thrill-seeking Yordle tried to return but couldn't find the way back. She asked Pix, but the fae spirit claimed to have forgotten as well. [2]

Nevertheless, Lulu ventured out to find the Glade herself. However, she began to think the path back to the Glade was ever-changing. Either way, the Fae Sorceress committed to whichever pathway fancied her at that moment. Like an adventurer, the mage delved into danger whenever she needed some excitement. Throughout her travels she visited a variety of regions. Excitement, magic and chaos always seemed to be amidst Lulu. [2]
While visiting Demacia, the Fae Sorceress saved a group of students from a terribly dull history lesson. She escorted them to a nearby clearing. Although, chaos did enter the mix when Lulu began to play with the students, which resulted in the students accidently being turned into toadstools until the next moon rose. The students' parents searched fervently for their children in the meantime. After returning to their human forms, nobody believed the kids when they told the others what had happened to them. [2]
During Lulu's time in the Freljord, she thought it would be humorous to transform two rival tribe members' weapons into flowers just before their weapons would collide. The fighters were disoriented to say the least. [2]
Recently, Lulu had been enjoying her time exploring Ionia and playing in the glowing everblooms in Qaelin. Among her exploration, there were pranks done on the very serious acolytes of the Order of Shadow, who witnessed in awe.
Current Events
Lulu roams Runeterra [1] hoping to stumble upon the Glade again. One of Lulu's most recently visited locations was Ionia. [2]
Lulu has always been quite a compassionate individual. She spends a substantial amount of time in her eccentric daydreams. [2] However, she is not the most perceptive individual. She can be naïve in regards to mortal's cultures. For example, upon observation, she assessed a group of Noxian expansionists, including Draven and Tamara, as friendly people. In reality, those Noxians are dangerous and ruthless.
Additionally, the Fae Sorceress can be forgetful. She unfortunately, lost her portal key after running away from cragwolves on a beach. Moments later, she was distracted and had already forgotten for her search for her portal key. She even forgot they were hiding from the Noxians and decided to brighten up the area with magic to help find the missing portal key.
Navigation not Lulu's forte. Most Yordles are adept at portal navigation, however the mage is not. Moreover, upon exiting a portal, she thought she had gone blind, once again. As it turned out, her oversized hat was simply drooping over her eyes. [3]
The Fae Sorceress is not a trained combatant. As a result, sudden danger can be startling to her. As occurred when Draven whipped his spinning axes in close proximity of Lulu. The sorceress recoiled in fright. Simultaneously, she is no stranger to danger. Even in the midst of a threat, Lulu remains lighthearted and thrill-seeking as ever. It's unlikely Lulu is afraid of heights. She once road on Tristana's back, and they catapulted high into the air together with laughter in their hearts. [3]
World Views
Lulu views the restrictions of reality as uninspiring. As such, Lulu feels everyone can use a bit of enchantment in their life. This of course compels her to use her illusion magic on the world around her. [1] This is why the Glade is Lulu's favorite place to be. Thus, she enjoys using her illusion magic to manifest what comes up in her overactive imagination, especially while in the the Glade.
Overall, Lulu is appreciate of her explorations and looks forward to all the new experiences and enjoyable moments to come. She has come to terms with not having found the Glade again yet. After all, she has retained a portion of her power acquired in the Glade. [2]
Lulu has a love for nature. [2]
Interestingly, some belongings in Lulu's possession while travelling with Tristana included, coins, dice, valuable stone chips, and some glittering fluff. Most importantly, Lulu had a whispering key used to travel between portals. [3]
Lulu is short and has purple skin. She wears an gigantic hat and wields a wooden staff. At one point, Lulu waked around with a walking stick. Now it is a spiraling staff, thanks to Pix. [2] Her staff has a coiled end and a shepherd's crook handle.
Her hat is a deep red with gold accents around the brim and a robe to match. The front is open slightly and bound together. She wears brown leather boots with long thick purple hair that reaches her heels. Her pointy purple ears poke through each side of her hat. Her eyes are wide and a vibrant green with white sharp teeth to compliment them. Like most of the other Yordles, she is short with a thin frame.
The sorceress' robe has magical pockets that appear and reappear upon searching through them. It is not clear if the magical pockets are the result of the robe or Lulu. [3]
Glade Abilities
- With a flick of her wand [2] Lulu has the ability to cast dreamlike illusions and fantastical creatures
- She can shift reality in a moments notice by warping the fabric of space [1]
- The mage can transmogrify herself into whatever she wants to appear as [1, 2]
After leaving the Glade, Lulu retained some of her powers while in the material realm. [2]
Material Realm Abilities
- The Fae Sorceress can alter the physical form of some objects.
- She can increase the size of small objects, change the color of objects and put creatures under hypnosis. For example, the mage spent some time turning ferocious beasts into tiny, wonderful frogs and squirrels.
- Using her staff, Lulu can illuminate a large area. The magic effect sends a wave of glitter from the tip of her staff.
- Another ability she can cast using her staff is a powerful glistening starburst bolt that can send enemies hit flying backwards
- The Fae Sorceress' hat has the ability to defend Lulu. During one known instance, her hat smacked away an oncoming arrow [3]
Lulu and Pix are close companions. One day Lulu stumbled upon what looked like a bird with a damaged wing. Upon inspecting, Lulu discovered Pix was a fae spirit. Together they ran around the forest and traversed areas Lulu had never experienced before. One notable location was the Glade. Pix had led Lulu here.
The Fae Sorceress was unsure exactly why Pix guided her to the Glade. Lulu contemplated that perhaps Pix introduced her to the Glade simple to have a friend to play with. Or perhaps, because the Glade needed Lulu for some deeper reason. After having endless fun, they left the Glade. Lulu wanted to return but couldn't remember where to go. Pix apparently forgot too, but Lulu suspected it was possible Pix just didn't want to return yet. [2]

Lulu has travelled with using the Bandlewoods. Lulu is fond of Tristana and trusts her but finds her overly serious. [3]
Lulu is aware of Heimerdinger and his hex-goggles. [3]
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