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Square portrait of Lissandra

“So many secrets, buried in ice.
– Lissandra

Well over a thousand years ago [6], Lissandra was born as one of three sisters. Lissandra, Avarosa and Serylda. They were ambitious individuals fighting wars for power. Over time they became near unstoppable. Unfortunately, in their search for power they were humbled by the primal powers of the Freljord. Lissandra lost her sight after being raked by the claws of a primal god. Serylda lost her voice and Avarosa was deafened.

With Lissandra being blind, she invested her time observing visions through her dreams and others'. Through these dreams she couldn't help but notice this vast nothingness. Lissandra began communing with these entities of unknowable nothing called the Watchers. These abyssal God-like entities offered Lissandra a deal. They would offer Lissandra and her sisters near immortality in exchange for serving them and the coming of the Void. The Void would eventually arrive and undo all of Runeterra. Furthermore, Lissandra and her sisters would become the last to be spared before the end.

Lissandra agreed. They were gifted powers now associated with Iceborn. Although upon the arrival of the Void, Lissandra witnessed the doom Runeterra would endure. With her powerful True Ice, Lissandra entombed the Watchers in an extraordinary bout of elemental magic, while sacrificing her sisters in the process.

Now, Lissandra has been gathering members and hopefully more Iceborn for her tribe, the Frostguard with the hopes of keeping all of the dark past events a secret. Lissandra must gather more Iceborn decedents soon because she has discovered the True Ice holding the Frozen Watchers captive is eroding. [2]

Lissandra the Ice Witch in the Freljord wielding elemental ice magic

The Ice Witch


Born 9,000 - 8,500 BN

Personal Status

Place of Origin:
Ancient Freljord
Serylda (deceased)
Avarosa (deceased)



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Lissandra suspending a shard of frozen ice above her hand using magic

Lissandra's lore starts with her being born eons ago along with her two sisters, Serylda and Avarosa. During this age, there was significant conflict between the borders of the Mortal Realm and the realm beyond. Lissandra and her sisters looked to control the powers at war, albeit with considerable consequence. [2] As a matter of fact, these sisters aimed to conquer all of the lands of ancient Freljord. [3]

Over the years, she engaged in numerous battles with her sisters. Ultimately, the sisters were victorious in their attacks. [2] Eventually, the sisters formed what would be described as a great alliance. [6]


Draklorn Priestess from the Frostguard Citadel
Draklorn Priests

In Lissandra's attempt to acquire the powerful primal powers of the Mortal Realm, she was blinded after being swiped by the savage claws of a primal demi-god. [2][3] Over the course of a millennia, the Witch attempted to restore her sight. But even with her incredible achievements and power, she was unsuccessful. [3] Lissandra was blinded by a Primal God. As a consequence she spent time navigating through the dream world and observed the sporadic visions of the people around her.

Soon, Lissandra recognized there lay an omnipresent darkness below. Through their dreams, she communed with the entities that dwelled in this darkness. It offered infinite power and a means to an end. They are known as the Watchers, powerful God-like creatures that could only be described as an unknowable nothingness. Unbeknownst to her sisters, Lissandra made a deal with the Watchers. The Ice Witch and her sisters would be granted near immortality in exchange for preparing Runeterra for the coming of the Void. [2]

The Great Alliance

After being granted near-immortality, the three sisters and their most important followers become known as Iceborn. Iceborn possessed the ability to harness and withstand the most unfathomable bitter temperatures. As well, the Iceborn would be the last ones to be spared until the final days of the coming of the Void. With the incredible power they possessed they held great power of the Freljord.

Over time, their alliance shaped and tamed the once ferocious lands. For example, the enormous and untamed Balestriders were now under the control of the sisters. This level of success and control over the Freljord was the result of Lissandra's deal with the Watchers. Just as they aspired, the three sisters truly conquered entire frozen tundra. [6] Nonetheless, the sisters were unhappy with this pact. In hopes to quell the tension, Lissandra requested the Watchers for more time. Regardless, the Watchers were not interested in obliging. [2]

War of the Three Sisters

All the while, Avarosa and Serylda were sworn into a pact they had no say in. They felt servitude was inferior to inevitable death. Over time, they grew discontented with Lissandra's arrangement. These were dark times. [2] Towards the end of the final days of the War of the Three Sisters, Avarosa and Serylda has enough. They were frustrated with Lissandra's deal with the Watchers. With the intent to end Lissandra's pact, the sisters orders their warrior's to Lissandra's domain up in the mountains. Where of course Lissandra had her own army awaiting her sisters'. [6]

The Void

A voidborn creatures hovers above an Icathian city destroying everything around it in a purple storm
Void Abomination

Eventually, the Void erupted in the far north of Runeterra. It was at this moment where Lissandra's secrets were most apparent. But instead of abiding and allowing the Void to consume all of Runeterra, Lissandra used her Iceborn abilities to entomb the Watchers, halting them from directing the Void while simultaneously sacrificing her sister and their followers. The Watchers were now imprisoned in a glacial tomb of magical ice deep beneath the Frostguard Citadel. It was believed this ice would hold the Watchers captive indefinitely. Lissandra's lore will be among the first to provide an update on the state of their captivity. [2]

Secret Sacrifice

Lissandra's lore shows, later on, after her sisters were sacrificed, Lissandra would do anything to keep this fact hidden too. For if it were to get out, she might not be able to contain the secrets that prevent Runeterra from being destroyed completed. Regardless, Lissandra was never completely successful is obscuring her sister's legends. Through rumors and stories, people would pass on the legends. [2]

Frozen Watchers

A wide angle shot of Lissandra in front of a frozen statue with a view of underneath the ice.
Legend of the Frozen Watcher

Shortly, Lissandra realized her elemental magic will not hold The Watchers in place forever. What is more, dreadful Frozen Watchers were merely asleep. Incredibly, The Watchers were tainting and slowly eroding the True Ice around them, transforming it into something darker.

Now, the Frozen Watchers haunt Lissandra as they slumber and navigate through her dreams. Like clockwork, the Witch wakes in terror from these dreams only to fervently avow her loyalty to the Watchers like she promised.

Now, she observes the Frozen Watchers carefully seeking any opportunity to turn them against each other. [2]


Now, Lissandra is the leader of the Frostguard. Her reputation is a lot more forgiving than the truth bears. Many people believe Lissandra is a living saint whose followers bring healing and wisdom to the tribes of the Freljord. In reality her dark manipulation of the revered True Ice is just of many secrets this woman hides. [1]

Personality & Appearance


Lissandra in a frozen environment looking out beyond
Lissandra Concept Art

According to Lissandra's lore, she is reclusive, hostile and secretive. [1] Moreover, Lissandra is undoubtedly ambitious. She has participated in numerous battles which reinforces her aggression and ambition. Generally, The Ice Witch is quite fearsome and her reputation does not disappoint. Notwithstanding all of the ambition and aggression, Lissandra does have a somewhat soft spot for her sisters. For example, Lissandra attempted to buy more time from the Watchers in response to her dissatisfied sisters. [2] As expected from any competent leader, Lissandra has individuals who she puts great trust in. One of her scribes penned the original true account of what happened leading up to Frozen Watchers imprisonment. [6]

Now, Lissandra has a lot to lose. She protects her dark secrets at almost any cost including the life of others. The Ice Witch will entomb or impale anyone who dares expose her secrets. [1]


Lissandra, the ice witch putting her hand against the ice that holds back the frozen watchers
Lissandra in the Freljord with several Watchers behind her

Lissandra is a thin witch. She's typically seen with a eerie ceremonial [3] helmet which conceals her head from top down to her eyes and wraps around her neck. Her eyes are covered because she was blinded by a primal demi-god a long time ago. [2] Her skin is a pale blue which lighten up at the extremities. Her hair is all while likely as a result of her age. She hair is tied in a braided ponytail. She wears a dark plum colored sleeveless ceremonial [3] garb with pointy spaulders. When using her magic the tips on the spaulders can glow a deep blue.


Vaulted Audience Chamber deep within the Frostguard Citadel, Northeastern Freljord
Vaulted Audience Chamber

Lissandra is the spiritual leader of the Frostguard. She has established an epic Citadel where members of the Frostguard reside such as missionaries and healers. [3]

The Ice Witch has gained authority to such a level that she declared a decree upon the citizens of the Freljord. Any person who utters the forbidden legend is heresy against the true faith and will suffer execution. [6]


The Lissandra lore contains several relationships with other Freljordians. As the leader of the Frostguard, Lissandra is well connected. She has scribes [6], missionaries, priests and frozen thralls all under her will. After her departed sisters were sacrificed, Lissandra gathered what remaining followers she had a grew from there. These followers would venerate Lissandra as she was known as an Iceborn at this point. Lissandra's primary intent was to hold the Watchers in ice perpetually. With the understanding that True Ice had accomplished this, Lissandra figured deploying more True Ice power could buy her more time.

With this mission in mind, Lissandra and her followers would scour the Freljord for any Iceborn decent to join the Frostguard. [2]


Lissandra has two sisters. Avarosa is one of her deceased sisters. After a tragic deal made by Lissandra and the Watchers, Lissandra sacrificed her two sisters, Avarosa and Serylda in order to keep the Void at bay. Now, supposedly Avarosa has been reincarnated and heads one of the three major tribes in the Freljord. [2]


Frostguard grouped up in the Freljord

Lissandra worked hard alongside the early members of the Frostguard to rewrite history. After all, a lot of secrets had been buried in ice. Early on, the Frostguard seized all written accounts of the truth. Even though the true events had been covered up well, there were rumors and tales shared about what actually happened. Not only that, there were whispers going around that Lissandra's sisters, Avarosa and Serylda would be reincarnated to reunite the disbanded tribes. So, to avoid the truth getting out, our Frostguard leader had any individuals renowned as reincarnations executed silently. [2]


League of Legends Nunu Summoner Icon

Lissandra met Square portrait of Nunu Nunu, a young but powerful boy at the Frostgaurd Citadel. Square portrait of Nunu Nunu was an orphan who lost his mother during a raid that destroyed their wagon and separated the two. The Ice Witch was mainly curious about the old Notai stories Square portrait of Nunu Nunu heard through his mother's songs. But she also shared with Square portrait of Nunu Nunu how to pray. Of the stories Square portrait of Nunu Nunu knew, one in particular Lissandra wanted to know of was a sole surviving Yeti that possess ancient magic and a gem that can manifest wishes into reality. [4]

During Square portrait of Nunu Nunu's stay at the Frostguard Citadel, Lissandra would have discussions with Square portrait of Nunu Nunu. Not only did she press Square portrait of Nunu Nunu about the stories, The Witch also taught Square portrait of Nunu Nunu some prayers. Moreover, she provided her perspective the ancient powerful Yet (Square portrait of Nunu Nunu had not yet clued in her mentions of the Yeti were the subject of stories and songs she inquired about). Lissandra told Square portrait of Nunu Nunu this Yeti would kill anything that would seek out its power. [5]


One of Lissandra's sisters is Serylda. She is now deceased after . It is believed she has been reincarnated and now leads one of the many large tribes in the Freljord. [2]

The Watchers

A Watcher destroying the Frostguard Citadel with powerful magic and force with soldiers running away

Lissandra's lore relating to Watchers is indirectly connected to several other Runeterra stories. After being blinded, she began observing others' dreams. Through these activities, she could sense the omnipresent dark nothingness. Lissandra communed with the Watcher through their dreams where they would offer her and her sisters near immortality in exchange for servitude for their coming Void War. Then, she obliged and with the powers gifted by the Watchers, the sisters were known as Iceborn. They possessed incredible power.

However, Avarosa and Serylda had not initially known about the deal Lissandra made with the Watchers. Avarosa and Serylda had to respect for this deal. They felt death was more honorable than servitude. With the tensions of the sisters rising, Lissandra asked the Watchers for more time. They declined.

As the Void war commended, the Voidborn began appearing in the far north of the Freljord. Lissandra taken aback, reneged on her deal with the Watchers. The Ice Witch felt she had only two options. To allow the end of Runeterra to unfold or the stop everything right now. She chose the later and erupted her elemental magic entombing the Watchers in True Ice and killing her sisters in the process.

Initially, she thought the True Ice would have the Watchers frozen for eternity. Soon after she realized they are still alive but only asleep. Lissandra has been watching them carefully deep in the Frostguard Citadel. Through her observations she discovered the True Ice is thawing. As well, the Frozen Watchers are corrupted the True Ice around them into something darker. She feels if she doesn't recruit more True Ice power, then the ice holding the Frozen Watchers will thaw. At which point the end of Runeterra will be nigh. [2]


League of Legends Willump Summoner Icon

Lissandra lore is light on her interactions with Willump. Nonetheless, long ago, Lissandra and her sisters approached Willump. The purpose and outcome is not currently clear. Over a long period of time, Lissandra ordered several of her Frostguard members to kill the ancient and powerful Yeti, Willump so she could seize his power. Without fail, Willump killed all of the Frostguard soldiers that came his way. Lissandra's motives are to attain the power Willump possesses. [4]


The lore of Lissandra doesn't discuss her ability directly. Still, we know before she lost her vision she was quite powerful. After disrespecting the wild magic of the mortal world she was clawed along her face and lost her eyesight. Since then, she began using her visions through her and others' dreams. While observing these visions, she noticed and uncharted and expansive darkness where she'd commune with the denizens of this abyss. Through a deal, these unknown beings granted her near immortality and the powers of an Iceborn.

With these enhanced elemental magic abilities, Lissandra can entomb and impale almost anyone or anything.

Possibly due to the limitation of the powers granted by the Watchers, Lissandra will, from time-to-time, retreats in her reclusive ways to rejuvenate her abilities bestowed upon her by the Watchers. [2]

Also, she can use her powers to distort the venerated True Ice. Using her elemental magic [1], she can create malefic Dark Ice. Alongside manipulating True Ice, The Ice Witch can contort trolls into Frozen Thralls that obey her every command. [7]