Table of Contents

“Something dark clings to me.”
– Hwei

Lukai Hwei can be described as a guilt ridden emotional painter who comes to life through colorful art. He possesses a magical ability to control others' thoughts and emotions at the very sight of his living creations.
Hwei was born to inherit the Temple of Koyehn, a renowned conservatory of the arts. [7]
What's more, is one of the best artists of his time, although he would never admit this. [3]
The Visionary feels something dark has always been within him. According to him, Jhin was the catalyst to this darkness. With this intense conflict between good and evil, he's been spiraling down unexpected paths. [1]
In Hwei's splash art he is in front of the Placidium of Navori. This location is the Sacred Site of Ionian Harmony. Therefore, we know Hwei has been the Ionia's western mainland.
From the time Hwei was just as child, he was artistic and imaginative. The artist spent much of his childhood putting brush to canvas illustrating his wild imagination. His pieces were fantastical renditions of everyday life around him. While he was aware of this contrast, his perception of reality was through the lens of this art.
Temple of Koyehn

Hwei's artistic expression manifested as paint magic. As it turns out, his magic has the ability to emotionally influence onlookers. Consequently, he spent considerable effort honing this ability. The artist developed his paint magic skills at the Temple of Koyehn. Without this strict regimen, his art magic could overtake the audience's perceptions and bodily sensations. Conversely, there are practitioners of art magic who were unable, or uninterested in sharpening this discipline. Ultimately, they were a danger to themselves and the society and were eventually banned from Koyehn. Notwithstanding these rules of behavior, Hwei favored imaginative indulgences over discipline. [7]
Demonstration Gone Wrong
During his studies at the Temple of Koyehn, Hwei demonstrated the sea of Koyehn to the temple masters. While presenting, he attempted to blend his extraordinary imagination with his incredible talent as a painter. [3] Unfortunately, his control wavered. Emotions clashed through him as he gave in to the beauty of it all. Next, he blacked out and the last thing he could remember was the temple masters drowning. [7]
The next day, Hwei awoke with the temple masters surrounding him in fury. Fortunately, they were unharmed. While they would not expel the student, heir to the Temple of Koyehn, they asserted the responsibilities expected of him. [7] The masters wanted him to restrain his abilities and instead utilize the more disciplined practices offered. [3] At that point, he was troubled but also awestruck by the sheer power he possessed. Hwei yearned to see more of this. [7]
From that moment onward, Hwei maintained the temple's protocols. However, at night he pushed the boundaries in order explore the extent of his power. [7] During these night time bouts, the artists would employ expressive and emotional style that was shunned at the Temple. [3] Over time, the strength of his imagination increased in which he manifested a colorful art palette. Throughout his years of study at the Temple of Koyehn, Hwei spent countless hours creating pieces of at that were unimportant to him. [7] Regardless, Hwei excelled during his time at the Temple. He was even considered a well-respected member of the community, in part due to the suppression of his abilities. [3] His creativity needed to be relinquished, desperately. [7]
Catastrophe at the Temple

The first dawn after Jhin's visit at the Temple, there was a horrific event. Amidst the flames, Hwei imagined the air filled with electrifying color. Hwei now conceived the capability of the destruction, devastation and torment. This event reignited the same horror and fascination he experienced in his youth. [7]
A Time of Mourning
After the bottom four floors of the temple were set ablaze, the temple collapsed in a rapidly. Hwei escaped as the only survivor. He felt tremendous guilt and fatigue. He mourned as he relived each moment of the catastrophe. During the day, he organized burials with the villagers of Koyehn. At night, Lukai Hwei visited the remains of the Temple and painted. While painting here, his palette would take on the shape of the crest of the Temple of Koyehn. The very same that can be found over his chest.
The Virtuoso

One day when he was cleaning up some rubble from the temple, he stumbled upon a petal-like lotus flower. He knew it belonged to Jhin. A mixture of emotions crashed through him. However, rebuilding the temple with the villagers of Koyehn was a real consideration for him after this event. Ultimately, the Visionary decided to leave the island of Koyehn and his people behind with just his paintbrush and palette and perhaps at most only a few belongings. [7] Hwei decided to leave because he was devastated and wanted closure to settle his mind. [3]
Hwei mastered his discipline several years into adulthood. During these years, the paint mage began to prepare for his inevitable inheritance of the Temple of Koyehn. Hwei felt a sense of passion and humility in regards to his acquisition. Nonetheless, he had the respect and affection of his peers during this moment. [7]
Hwei is from Ionia. As such, he states Ionians know the contrast between light and dark. [4] Armed with this, he looks to use art to confront Ionia's criminals and comfort their victims. [6] Simultaneously, he feels guilty for turning art into a weapon. He fears his family will judge him. [4]
Since Hwei was left the island of Koyehn he still seeks answers. He is still in Ionia. But, The Visionary finds he can best accomplish this by unveiling the full expression of his art to others. On top of this, Hwei seeks out heinous individuals some of the most covert regions. Hwei let's loose artistic scenes of suffering upon these criminals which serves as a way to understand the depths of his own agony.
Conversely, Hwei supports victims (and those who witnessed the event) of the Temple of Koyehn's catastrophe. Hwei helps by creating a shared space for tranquility and mitigation.
Between Hwei's good deeds, and twisted methods of self-understanding, there is a stark dichotomy. It appears one side might prevail and Hwei continues to makes headways. The pathway Hwei will settle on is still undetermined. [7]

Hwei puts so much effort and time into his artistic endeavors he hardly has time to maintain his physical appearance. The Visionary isn't concerned about maintaining the physical pretenses and how others perceive him. He's very much involved in his own affairs. As well, Hwei would prefer his audience to observe the artwork over the artist. [3]
Young Hwei
When Hwei was a child, he was kind and intelligent. [7]
The Anti-Hero
Hwei is an genius artist who possesses a high level of commitment. This unwavering artistic endeavors have come at a cost. [3] Through art, the Visionary uses art to clear his mind and provide positivity within his otherwise dark mind. [1] The Visionary is focused on this clarity. Concepts such as justice and revenge are not of interest. [4] He is described as brooding antihero. In other words, he is generally an unhappy individual who lacks traditional heroic qualities.
Moreover, he feels a great deal of humility due to his constant struggle to improve, notwithstanding his near unrivalled artistic abilities. Hwei feels frustrated because he cannot paint exactly what he imagines. [4] What more is, the artist does not acknowledge his unequaled artistry.
He chronically needs to express how he's feeling and envisioning both artistically and magically. This expression is the source of his power. [3] However, his creative visions were forbidden during his studies at the Temple of Koyehn. As a result, the Visionary repressed this expression. But, when the artists does share these creative visions, we feels a strong sense of euphoria. [7] Because his power is immense and due to the repression, he is mesmerized and fearful by the extent of his power. [3]
Hwei's thought process is analogous with a combination of impressionism (every day objects painted in a stylized way) and surrealism (bizarre images painted in a realistic manner). In other words, he sees everyday life in extraordinary manner and brings them to life. [3]
The Light & Dark
The Visionary feels something dark clings to him. It is likely his perception. As he perceives destruction and despair. Furthermore, to Hwei, the lines between good and evil are blurred. The dark side of him is not quite well understood as he has repressed the this darkness for some time. [4] Nonetheless, it seems with the power of art, Hwei draws closer to finding either closure or accepting hopelessness. [6]
Nonetheless, he sees a light in himself. Hwei is motivated to ensure the light in him stays in reach. That's because Hwei has a baseline empathy and kindness as part of his personality. [3] Hwei actively chooses kindness and only resort to other measures if pressed. [4] He feels, he alone is the only one who can reach this light. Not even the spirit of Ionia can guide him. [4] When he embraces the light, the colors come flooding back. The Visionary puts forth that through art, life's most intrinsic elements can be made clear. [1] He advocates for awareness. Through art he's interested in answering ever question, burden, and vision. As well, Hwei values life and nobody can take this from him. He strives to not waste any moments considering he feels life is too short. [4]
Conclusively, there is a duality to Hwei's personality. One of hand, he begins to introspectively explore the repressed dark side through inflicting suffering upon wrongdoers. As he explores this darkness within, he illuminates a path of positivity and endless possibility. Simultaneously, the artist possesses the qualities of a kind and gentle person. There truly is an ebb and flow to this cycle. And it is still unclear which side will prevail. [7]
His mind is a considerable burden on him. The mage is determined to make sense of his and others' suffering. [4] In the meantime, Hwei appears to be caught in a loop. The perpetual burden in his mind is relived through art. [4]
Relive the pain
Relieve the pain
The Burning Question
Hwei is haunted by loss [4] and the vibrant visions of his imagination after the temple in which he was heir to [7] suffered a horrendous massacre. [6, 7] After Jhin destroyed the temple of killed Hwei's temple masters, it brought upon a number of emotions within him. He felt fear, sorrow, betrayal, and awe.
Furthermore, this even brought upon a burning question inside Hwei. Why? He is undecided whether he wants to seek the answer or repress the need to understand this burning question. [7]

Hwei stands in a in a meadow with his powerful imagination. Hwei's mind was consumed with visions for the night. His visions contorted the world around him. He held only his brush. Next, his ethereal pallet appears.
Then, he allows the memories to reemerge. The art mage begins to paint and thus relives the memories. The following memory retells the events of Hwei extorting a villainous individual.
While painting, Hwei envisions a man burning in front of him. Together they were standing in the man's armory. The paint mage had spawned this blistering magic-made fire. This fire did not produce ash or catch onto its environment as a natural fire would. This blaze was controlled by Hwei and it burned more vividly than any other real fire could.
As the man burned, he would feel the pain of those he inflicted pain to. still in his own armory. Fire engulfed the premises. He expressed considerable agony. The man attempted to grasp onto a weapon rack lined with serrated carvers. These were Noxian steel with Kashuri handiwork. As The Visionary observed the weapons, he gathered this man had used these blades to wound and murder people. In Hwei's mind, this man had caused misery to others and now deserved misery in return. [8]

The Ionian mage began to interrogate the man in pain. Hwei created a conflagration to compel answers. Hwei wanted to know who the man worked with, the duration and his reasoning. The man conceded and offered to provide Hwei with whatever he wanted. Money, armaments, even vengeance. But the emotional mage didn't want any of those things.
Instead Hwei transferred his mental burdens inside his imagination into the man's. As well, relieving Hwei from the mental weight he previously carried. Now, both Hwei and the man experience flashbacks from the catastrophe at the Temple of Koyehn. Except the man is consumed by it, and Hwei can bare it. It was a delicate process, as the art magic could destroy the man. [8]

As the Ionian mage continues to paint, he revisits another memory. A woman transported him across some turbulent water on a row boat. Gulfweed stuck to the oars. Hwei manifested painted water lilies for the woman as thanks but the were consumed by gulfweed.
She rowed with a cadence, although she mentioned the circumstances were not always this pleasant. In the past, the woman has been forced to transport marauders, arms runners, and assassins with malicious intent. These wicked intentions were absorbed by the water which produced murky and choppy waters. As she retold her experiences, Hwei could feel the guilt in her voice. In response, The Visionary used his paint magic to manifest beautiful water lilies and life around her. Further, Hwei encouraged the woman to bring about positive memories among the deep rooted treacherous ones. Similar to the burning man in the previous memory, Hwei took on the burdens of the woman, relieving her pain and sharing it with Hwei. The waters calmed and the woman's eyes showed signs of delight. Finally, they approached safe shores. [8]

The last memory for the night was of himself and Jhin. They stood side by side in a studio at the Temple of Koyehn. It was completely dark save for a candle. Through an open window, one could see aggressive waves of water crashing into itself repeatedly. After some creative rhetoric Jhin accused Hwei of giving forced performances and hiding something from the audiences. Jhin wanted to know. Hwei denied it, while simultaneously using his art magic to manifest eyes to peer into Jhin's emotions Jhin could be feeling. However, Jhin was as cold as a rock.
During that moment, Hwei conceived of plans during their next meet. How he would analyze his every move, question his motives, and draw out his dark actions through art. Still, Jhin insisted Hwei was not true to himself. [8]
The memories end and Hwei finds his paintings completed for the night. The visions persist for a moment after his painting. Around the Visionary are black and gold cracks emanating from the earth, songbirds on golden colored cages, and an all-seeing eye straining full of veins. The visions subside and all around Hwei is simply forest. He begins to cry and his ethereal palette fades away. [8]

Hwei is a male with a thin frame and a disheveled [3] appearance. His hair is dark, long, and shaggy. It's parted to one side and covers his forehead and face a bit. On the back, he's tied up his hair in a short pony tail. He normally stands at 5'10" (178cm), but while slouched he stands at approximately 5'8" - 5'9" (173-175cm).
He wears a dark purple coat with gold and teal accents. The front of his coat has orange accents as well. [1] On his chest lies an orb which is the crest of the Temple of Koyehn. [7] with a paintbrush dangling down from it. He has black pants, brown shoes and a dark neckband. In addition, Hwei wields a paintbrush that resembles a staff. When the artist uses magic, it glows purple staff. [1]
When he is inspired by art, his eyes glow in a multicolor fashion and a suspended mix of arc shaped paint hovers behind him. As mentioned, his paintbrush staff glows in a multicolor style. [1]
He owes much of his skills to his previous masters but after time and exploration he has transcended their skill and created his own unique style. [2]

Lukai Hwei paints the artistic visions that fill his head in a dynamic and magical way. He can manifest his art in the physical world like 3D images. Anybody who witnesses his art can be affected by it if Hwei so desires. While under the the effect, he can control their thoughts and emotions. [3, 7] In addition, Hwei can transfer the burdens of his imagination onto others. In turn, the victim would live with the hardship indefinitely. It is a delicate process, as it is possible for the process to destroy the receiver. [8]
He wields a Ionian paintbrush and a pallet suspended behind him. It's important to note, the paintbrush itself is not magic. It is the magic within him that courses through the paintbrush. With these tools and his inner magic, the art mage is capable of destruction or support. [3, 7]
The Visionary's paint magic is really brought to life when he can feels a sense of inspiration, connection and unhindered creativity. [7]
From a young age, his connection to the shades of the world was so powerful, the very color of his eyes changed to resemble his mood. [3, 7] This ability is involuntary and cannot be controlled. [3]

Hwei and Jhin met when Jhin was visiting Koyehn. While Jhin was visiting, they grew close. Now, Hwei has a strong respect for Jhin. He feels Jhin opened his eyes to so much. As the Visionary makes progress on understanding the light and dark within him, it pulls him closer to Jhin. This is because Jhin unraveled Hwei. [6] Hwei wants to make Jhin proud. However, Hwei feels that Jhin draws out his darkness. That is because that darkness can appreciate Jhin's forceful, limitless expression. [3] Together, both Jhin and Hwei had a vision for destruction and despair. [4] As it turned out, Jhin actions altered Hwei's course forever. [3]
The Visit
Artist Khada Jhin visiting the Temple of Koyehn around the time when Hwei was preparing for the inheritance of the temple. Hwei guided Jhin throughout the temple. They frequently traded creative viewpoints, all the while respecting each others' differences. Overall, our fellow artist recognized Jhin's virtuosity and appreciated their time spent together. [7]
The Departure
On the night before Jhin planned to leave the Temple of Koyehn, he challenged Hwei. Jhin suspected the art pieces Hwei showed others were fake. Moreover, Jhin wanted to see a real performance from him. The heir wanted to decline the challenge but he couldn't resist. So Hwei obliged. And so his paintbrush flowed effortlessly guided by the decades of practice. The night was brightened by the colors of his creative mind. The Visionary welcomed the great flood of deep rooted melodic emotions. Jhin observed all of it. [7] Hwei had never let anyone experience this level of his art before. [3] Although Jhin's remained enigmatic as he signaled his departure. Jhin added, he would be leaving Temple tomorrow to "watch to lotuses bloom". [7]
Blood Flames & Flowers
At dawn Hwei and the other temple members awoke to find a number of disasters.
- The Temple's four historic paintings were destroyed.
- A lifeless alignment of the the very four temple masters Hwei almost killed during his demonstration.
- An explosive combustion of the four lowest levels of the temple.
This atrocity triggered terror and awe within Hwei all at the same time. The paint mage has no suspicious Jhin would be capable of these actions prior to these events. [3] Later on, when he was cleaning up the remnants of the temple, he found a petaled like lotus flower he knew belonged to Jhin. Right there, a plethora of emotions engulfed the paint mage. [7]
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Hwei from?
Hwei is from Ionia and was most likely born in Koyehn.
What Lane is Hwei
Hwei is designed to be a mid lane champion.
Is Hwei a Boy or Girl
Hwei is a male.
Is Hwei Hard to Play
Hwei is a deep and complex champion, according to Reav3
Who is the Voice Actor for Hwei
Stephen Fu is the voice actor for Hwei [5]
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- Hwei - The Visionary | Champion Trailer - League of Legends
- Champs, Lore & More | Dev Update - League of Legends
- Champion Insights: Hwei - League of Legends
- Hwei Voice - English - YouTube
- /dev: The Voice of the Visionary - League of Legends
- Hwei - Champions - Universe of League of Legends
- Hwei - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Paintings Framed in Half-Light - Universe of League of Legends
- Isa Mari Doodle-on X: "Hwei's height..."