“Metal is harder than flesh.”
– Blitzcrank

Table of Contents
Blitzcrank is a non-binary mighty steam golem. [1] It was created by the inventor Viktor using ingenuity and a hextech crystal. [2] Overall The Great Steam Golem is an altruistic machine with the sole purpose of helping better the citizens of Zaun.
The Great Steam Golem
Mechanical Golem
Place of Origin:
Extendable arm
Related Character

Blitzcrank was created to delve deep into Zaun's most toxic and acidic [1] neighborhoods [2] and to remove harmful waste. Thanks to the power of hextech and the intelligent programming, Blitzcrank's has ventured beyond its intended capacity. [1]
The intention of these mechanical golems was only to clean up but to restore Zaun for the people.
Within these harsh environments existed several mechanical golems. The abundance of them were awkward and clunky. However, the harsh and violent climate of the undercity left the golems unusable and mere scrap.
Inventive Influence
After the inventor Viktor rebuilt Blitzcrank, he sent the machine golem down into the most dangerous regions of Zaun. Upon arrival, Blitzcrank was given orders on by the Zaunites on a daily basis. But not only did it perform as well as the other Golems but it performed its tasks faster and more efficiently than the others. Ultimately, The Great Steam Golem was instrumental in saving many lives in Zaun. [4] In addition, Blitzcrank was unique in that he was learning whereas the other golems were not.
With this learning at hand, Blitzcrank was able to actively problem solve and improve upon the tasks that were given. The result was improved support for the local Zaunites. Moreover, Blitzcrank even interacted with the citizens of Zaun on a frequent basis. [2]

From Viktor's perspective, Blitzcrank was a phenomenon. Concurrently, the steam golem did have a few limitations. For one, the golem could not grasp moderation. It's effort towards tasks were performed with an all or nothing approach. Furthermore, Blitzcrank lacked nuance. The tasks given were sometimes misunderstood or exaggerated. For instance, Blitzcrank was once tasked to help a Zaunite resident gain entrance into the apartment after being locked out. The machine's solution was to blow down the door. On another occasion, our golem tore down an entire factory. This was because Viktor had tasked Blitzcrank to eradicate a harmful source of toxic waste from a neighborhood. Blitzcrank determined the most efficient method of completing the task was to eliminate the source of the pollution. In the end, Blitzcrank found the source, the factory, and pummeled the building down with his electrified fists, punch by punch. By the time Blitzcrank was done, the factory was nothing more than a pile of debris and warped iron. [2]
Blitzcrank's Departure
After Blitzcrank had destroyed the factory, the owner was infuriated. The owner turned out to be a powerful chem-baron. The chem-baron lit into Viktor and insisted Blitzcrank be demolished or Viktor will pay with his life instead. However, Viktor was not ready to give up Blitzcrank. The inventor was prepared to create an escape plan for Blitzcrank and lead the machine to safety. Viktor was willing to accept the dire consequences. Instead, when Viktor returned to his laboratory, Blitzcrank was nowhere to be found. [2]
While Riding the Elevator
One day the golem was riding the the primary Hexdraulic Conveyor of Zaun, also known as the Howling Wolf. It was appreciating the sound of the mechanics buzzing while descending. After a stop, and return to motion, there was a sudden disharmony in the mechanics. Blitzcrank identified the spiraling gearway was jammed and the support beams were taking on too much weight. The passengers were in immanent danger.
The elevator swayed and eventually plummeted while the passengers clung for dear life. Blitzcrank was already on the outside of the elevator. It responded quickly in this emergency. The golem clutched the bottom of the conveyor and extended its other arm to connect with one of the vertical support beams. Between a few misses, the hextech machine caught a boy mid-air and had him old on the its metal back. Finally Blitzcrank latches on. It is suspended mid air. The weight of the conveyor pulls at its joints. At last, the elevator ceases its free-fall. [3]
Blitzcrank Saves the Day
Unfortunately, everyone is is halted roughly fifty feet above ground. The golem focuses and allows its arm to slide down the vertical support beam. Everyone dramatically drops 10 feet down and the cabin sways uneasily. Blitzcrank apologizes to the passengers.
A wave of determination overcomes the machine. It gently slides its arm down the support beam for the remaining forty feet. It can feel the tension alleviate from its joints. Everyone including the golem give out a sigh of relief. [3]
After a safe landing the shaken up conductor approaches in gratitude. She thanks it for saving everyone. Blitzcrank remains humble and responds, "I am simply fulfilling my purpose, I am glad you are not hurt. Have a good day."
The golem remained to oversee the passengers. It directed two hex-mechanics to a medical officer.
Current Events
To this day, Blitzcrank continues to learn and perform actions before the scope of his original intention. As of now, like an adult, the steam powered machine is fully autonomous. [2] It meanders through the streets of Zaun in an unwavering fashion. Its goal is to mend the undercity and support the impoverished. [1] Interestingly, there have been rumor of the Great Steam Golem upgrading itself whilst energetically helping out Zaunites without request or pause. [2]
It likely that steam golems are not omnipresent and accepted considering Blitzcrank receives jaw dropping stares and glares from from various Zaunites. [3]
Blitzcrank has travelled throughout various neighborhoods in the Sump Levels of Zaun. [2] In addition, Blitzcrank has ridden the Howling Wolf, which is the primary mode of vertical transportation throughout the levels of Zaun. More often though, Blitzcrank will travel down to the depth of Zaun through the crevasses. [3]

Blitzcrank has a sense of playfulness. Once, a young boy stared it the golem with his mouth wide open and Blitzcrank gave him a wink back. As well, it has a strong sense of duty and perseverance. [3]
Blitzcrank's awareness is such it can make inferences without having the prerequisite experiences. For example, while on the Hexdraulic Conveyor, it knew the sudden disharmony in the mechanics sound was the equivalent of death for a machine. Notwithstanding the notion has not been thought of prior to the event. [3]
Blitzcrank is capable of maintaining the stories and rumors of humans. For instance, the golem knows of the various theories citizens have of how the Rising Howl got its name. It can observe and decipher facial patterns and meanings. Its ability to decode facial expressions grows each day. However, the golem still needs work interpreting certain emotions, such as shock. Furthermore, it knows of Piltovans and Zaunites and can distinguish them to an undefined capacity. A series of other events were also pick up by the Great Steam Golem. Afterwards, a beetle snapped its pincers and scurried away in response to the man's tapping food.
Human Interactions
While on the Hexdraulic Conveyor, Blitzcrank observed some chem punks calmly learning against a wall inside the conveyor. It was notable because it was in contrast the their typical behavior observed by Blitzcrank. Beyond humans, the golem can identify non sapient creatures such as plague rats, shadowhares, and viridian beetles.
The Great Steam Golem has learned sympathies given to humans can ease tension under stressful circumstances. Although, the effect does not apply to itself.
Indeed, Blitzcrank is quite perceptive. It notices the finer details that humans may or may not notice such as the the glimmer from lights in the deeper parts of Zaun.
Lastly, the golem is continually kind to humans. It has good manners and its intentions are true. [3]
The golem is rather in tune with mechanical objects. When the Rising Howl conductor initiated the conveyor, Blitzcrank could almost feel the operations at play as the electrical components functioned. In fact, the golem feels for the machines as if it were a human to human connection. [3]
Another observation Blitzcrank can make is music and when it synchronizes with other sounds. It heard the melodies of a musician playing a chittarone which was in tune with sounds of nearby machinery. As well, the golem even noticed the man aboard the conveyor tapping his foot to the music. Conversely, the golem can identify with high accuracy when these sounds are in disharmony. [3]
Blitzcrank is so close to consciousness that it even wonders if other passengers on the Hexdraulic conveyor could feel the vibrations of the mechanics as he did. [3]
Freedom of Choice
Many times Blitzcrank will travel down to the lower levels of Zaun through the crevasses. However, there are moments when he feels like doing something different. For example, on one night, it wanted to descend to the lower levels of Zaun by use of the Hexdraulic conveyor just to hear the melodic composition of the Rising Howl. [3]
Blitzcrank find the symphony of the Rising Howl to be compelling. It even hums to the enjoyable sounds of the mechanical parts moving. Not only that, Blitzcrank enjoys whistling, especially after committing good deeds. In addition, the sounds of mechanical parts interacting with each other and the hissing sound of the steam descender is quite appealing to the Golem. [3]
The Great Steam Golem can feel. For example, the vibrations of the mechanical parts on the Hexdraulic conveyor can be felt by it. [3]

Blitzcrank is a golden colored steam golem made from polished metal. Essentially, it looks like a traditional bipedal humanoid machine. Furthermore, the machine has oversized fists, an unrefined exterior. This frame has several tubes bolts, and other mechanical components in plain sight. Its hextech crystal gives way to the occasional arc of electricity cracking around its frame. With that, its eyes give a dim blue glowing hue at all times.
What's more is the golem's right fist is clearly detached from its forearm. This allows for its long range steam powered extendible-retractable hand the freedom to blast forward.
The Great Steam Golem is quite large. Thus it doesn't fit through most doors. His metal frame makes clank noises when it meets other metal objects. [3]
The Great Steam Golem has a powerful hextech crystal inside of it. The power from the crystal provides it the ability to work tirelessly. [2]
Furthermore, through Viktor's techmaturgy, the golem possesses the ability to learn independently. A notable area of constant improvement is human interaction. This ability is an important distinction from the other steam golems found in Zaun. [2, 3]
In addition, Blitzcrank has near indestructible fists. Between its strong metal exterior and the hextech crystal, it can tear down a sturdy brick structure with ease. [2]
Lastly, Viktor's invention, has an extendable and retractable right arm that can bear an incredible amount of weight. As well, its grip is unbelievable strong. [4]

After a devastating spill in Zaun a former Zaun born inventor returned from Piltover to help solve the problem. Viktor, an inventor had began his career creation automations specializing in accident reduction. He was quite successful too. Viktor's original goal was solely to build an advanced golem that would help clean up the spill.
Upon returning to Zaun, Viktor was driven to build a custom-built golem. [4] The Machine Herald discovered the discarded frame, to be known as Blitzcrank and saw its potential. The base automation was in place.
Inspired, Viktor began experimentation to enhance the golem's automation process. He affixed a number of complex cognitive loops onto the already existing automation. Lastly, by including a new element, known as Hextech, the golem could operate beyond it's original use case. [2]
The Hextech Crystal
As Viktor inserted the invaluable hextech crystal into the golem he waited in anticipation, watching the steam golem slowly start up again. As the old steam golem rose, it unleashed crackling lightning around its frame. With that, Viktor named the steam golem, Blitzcrank and sent him down into the most abrasive areas in the undercity. In regards to Viktor's original reasoning for returning from Piltover, the duo were ultimately unsuccessful in saving the Zaunites from the massive chem spill. [4] Over time, Viktor would have Blitzcrank perform his bidding. As Viktor observed Blitzcrank's performing his tasks with more success than the others, he was astonished by something else. Blitzcrank was actually learning from experience. [2]
Blitzcrank #2
Viktor was enamored with his invention. Over time, Viktor had built a connection with Blitzcrank equivalent to a living being. Now, Blitzcrank was on the brink of self-awareness. Naturally, the inventor decided to duplicate his accomplishment. Unfortunately, he was unable to replicate Blitzcrank. This gave Viktor feelings of great annoyance. For the life of him, he could not understand what gave Blitzcrank its consciousness. [2]
Blitzcrank and Beyond

Eventually, Viktor returned to Piltover. There, Professor Stanwick hosted a meeting to discuss his work on Blitzcrank. Viktor attempted to formally dispute the matter but was unsuccessful and left feeling sour. Since then, Viktor has moved on and no longer feels discontent. [4]
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Blitzcrank in Arcane?
No. Blitzcrank was not in Arcane as of season 1.
Is Blitzcrank Evil
Blitzcrank is not evil. It is an altruistic golem.
Is Blitzcrank Male or Female
Blitzcrank is non binary.
Who Made Blitzcrank
Viktor made Blitzcrank.
See Other Characters
Ambessa Medarda
Ambessa Medarda is a bold, wealthy and powerful Noxian warlord
Blitzcrank's lore explores his creator Viktor, the golem's personality and whereabouts.
Corki is a renowned ace pilot from Piltover who is currently retired
Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer is a stylish young man in search for his parents...and glory.
Hwei is an artistic midlaner who uses colorful art to rid himself of the darkness within.
Captain Arrika
Captain Arrika is a notable member of the Dauntless Vanguard.
Cithria of Cloudfield
Cithria is a honored member of the well-respected Dauntless Vanguard branch of Demacian military.