Asmongold Riot MMO Reaction
Several Riot MMO Asmongold videos have been gone viral. Asmongold Riot MMO videos combined have millions of views on YouTube. This page expands on the first Asmongold Riot MMO video. Now, not everyone knows who Asmongold is and how influential he is. Let’s briefly explain who Asmongold is before we analyze his video.
Table of Contents
Who is Asmongold
Asmongold, who’s real life name is Zack Hoyt, is most known for being the most popular World of Warcraft streamer. He has held this title for several years. Interestingly, much of his viewers do not even play World of Warcraft. That speaks to how entertaining Asmongold is. Beyond the Twitch platform, Asmongold is active on a number of social media platforms. His YouTube videos have millions of subscribers and his Twitter has nearly 1 million followers.
To put his success in perspective, according to win.gg, Asmongold attained roughly 450,000 concurrent views on Twitch during the end of the Johnny Depp and Amber Herd trial. This feat occurred at the end of May 2022. Beyond his success online, Asmongold is known for being relatable, humble, funny and smart.
Riot MMO Asmongold: Video #1
Although this the Asmongold’s first YouTube upload about the Riot MMO, he already knew about it. At his point in time, the Riot MMO has already been publicized for 1 year and four months. Also, it’s important to note, these YouTube videos are video records from Asmongold’s Twitch steams. In this video, Asmongold is reacting to a video of another YouTuber. These reactions are usually at the request of his Twitch viewers.
Asmongold is Curious about the Riot MMO

Fans of the MMORPG genre have felt the popularity and quality dwindle since the early 2000’s. These fans have seemingly been desperate for a new mind-blowing MMORPG to drop and become the spiritual successor to World of Warcraft. With this sentiment in mind, the attitude has been something along the lines of, ‘Make MMORPGs great again’. This attitude has been echoed by many popular content creators like, KiraTV, LazyPeon, Asmongold and others.
To this end, Asmongold seems distrustful of the Riot MMO reclaiming the inspiration of the MMORPG genre.
Ryve Genesis Shows Excitement for Riot MMO Reclaiming the Glory of old MMOPRG Days
Asmongold: [Sarcastically] It’s very convincing. We gotta get out the copium.
Asmongold is likely of the camp that, there will not be a WoW killer. The only thing that will kill WoW, is WoW itself.
Asmongold is Relived about the Riot MMO
Riot MMO Release Date
Asmongold is considerably relived to hear has no pressure from a publisher to release the game by a specified date. Simultaneously, he has reservations about how true the statement is and will be over time.
Riot MMO Target Audience
Also, he believes Riot’s inclination to attract casual players is not only smart, but necessary. The casual nature of the upcoming MMO is something Asmongold supports. Furthermore, the discussion around building a game that can run on low spec PCs but also show off the brilliance of powerful PCs is important. Asmongold is fully behind this. He feels World of Warcraft accomplished this fabulously. Whereas New World, for example, might be harder to ‘get into’ because of the higher graphics requirement.
Riot MMO Gameplay Features

Asmongold is relieved that the Riot MMO will likely use the holy trinity combat structure. For those who don’t know, the holy trinity system is where group content has discernable combat roles. Specifically, consisting of a tank, healer, and DPS (damage dealer / damage per second). Asmongold thinks the holy trinity combat structure is simply ideal. He brought up New World as an example, where the development team tried to stray way, but inevitably came back.
Another game feature Asmongold was pleased to hear about was the camera perspective. The Ryve Genesis video put forth suggestive information in favor of a third-person perspective. Asmongold was pleased, stating a greater sense of immersion can be achieved in third-person perspective as opposed to isometric.
While on the subject of aesthetics, Asmongold is a big fan of a transmog (to transpose equipment style). He was happy to hear this and suggested some level of transmogs and cosmetics should indicate a level of skill the player has attained.
Customization Features
Greg Street gave hints about the Riot MMO being on the lower end of the spectrum of class customization in favor of improved class balance. Asmongold supports this direction although he would like to skewed more moderately, like Lost Ark. His fear is that a warrior is simply a warrior without any customization. He would like to see maybe a couple of types of warriors, or some moderate level of customization.
For context, see the table below to visualize the relationship between class customization freedom and class balance. Asmongold prefers moderate class customization so the developers can spend more time iterating and less time balancing.
Within the realm of speculation, the Riot MMO may very well have a successful competitive PvE and PvP environment. We are unsure if the game will have open-world PvP. Asmongold is explicitly against forced open-world PvP. He thinks a dynamic opt-in open world PvP feature is okay.
Game | Combat Customization | Class Balance |
World of Warcraft | High | Complex |
Lost Ark | Moderate | Moderate |
Final Fantasy XIV | Low | Simple |
In addition to minimal combat customization, racial customization could be limited too. Of course, Asmongold also agreed with this direction.
Asmongold strongly believes abilities in PvE and PvP need to function differently.
Respect for Players Time Features

Asmongold generally doesn’t mind mindless grinding. He understands why some players don’t like repetitive grinding. Still, he likes the additional content especially for those who have the time and resilience to repetition. Further, some players may find this type of occasional gameplay soothing and relaxing. As long as players are not forced to repetitively grind content, then he is okay with mindless grinding.
Another time consuming feature some game have is corpse running. Asmongold is not a fan of this. To be clear, corpse running is the period where a dead player must run from an area (such as a graveyard) and back to their body. Depending on the spirit location and the slain body, a corpse run can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. In most cases, this does very little for immersion and enjoyment. Especially when you’ve already died hundreds of times.
General Direction
Asmongold likes Riot’s style of perfecting an already existing genre. He feels players are simply looking for a high quality game. Not a risky breath-taking project that may or may not miss the mark. Of course, implementing some unique features are welcomed.
In the original video Asmongold is reacting to, Ryve Genesis expands on a tweet by Greg Street. Greg said the Lead Rewards Designer job is one of the most important roles. Asmongold agreed and is looking forward to all levels of players experiencing good pacing and satisfying rewards during all stages of gameplay. He added, Vanilla World of Warcraft excelled in this regard, which contributed to its success.
Asmongold’s Suggestions
Asmongold suggests the game should be a mixture of action combat and tab-target gameplay. His suggestion is essentially hybrid combat. Interestingly, we are of the same opinion. In fact, we actually wrote an article about how Hybrid combat is the most likely outcome for the Riot MMORPG. Nonetheless, Asmongold’s rationale is the tab-target will attract casuals while the action combat will keep the game exciting.
Lastly, Asmongold mentioned he would like to see a stylized art design, while having high fidelity as well.
After completing the Ryve Genesis video, Asmongold responded to a tweet Greg Street had just made whilst steaming.
This tweet spawned some more topics for discussion. Greg’s tweet encouraged discussion on gameplay features. Asmongold chimed in by tweeting the above.
Within his tweet, Asmongold explained he likes catch up mechanics like rested bonus. He likes how Lost Ark works in this regard. This would combat the feeling that if one doesn’t log in every day, they will fall behind.
To back this up, Asmongold doubled down on having account wide progression. For example, he doesn’t want to go through attunement type content twice, or even repeating quests multiple times for alts.
On the subject of time saving, Asmongold is in favor of instant teleportation. To allow payers to teleport to fixed locations and hubs. Similar to a hearthstone and a teleport. In fact, we think having a portalmaking profession would be would be cool and quite likely. Just make sure players cannot teleport to any defined coordinates on the playable map.
Asmongold loves when end-game gear remains useful across a large spans of time, and even expansions. It doesn’t feel good when your end-game gear you worked so hard for is obsolete on the first day of new content or a new expansion.
Key Takeaways

Overall, Asmongold is hyped about the upcoming Riot MMORPG. Asmongold has a ton of respect for Greg Street and the Riot MMO team. There are a ton of directions and features he supports. Plus, he cares enough to chime in on some suggestions to the game. There is one specific quote we were happy to hear. The YouTube link is timestamped for auto-play below.
Also, Greg said he’d come on the show whenever he’s got stuff to talk about.
The Riot MMO: Everything We Know | Asmongold Reacts
Keep an eye out for our future Asmongold Reaction summaries.