The Riot MMO is still in early development. Therefore, we can’t be sure which classes will be in the upcoming MMORPG. At the same time, we are confident the Riot MMO will be set in the world of Runeterra. Assuming Riot’s MMO is based on the Runeterra, we can use the video game, League of Legends as a starting point in figuring out which classes will be in the Riot MMO.
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Class Naming Conventions
Riot has a pattern of naming their classes using broad descriptions. The Riot MMORPG could very well likely follow a similar naming convention. Here is an example of what we might expect.
Expected Naming Convention | Unexpected Naming Convention |
Tank | Armorer | Barbarian | Berserker | Justicar |
Support | Cleric | Healer | Sage | Shaman | Witch Doctor | Priest |
Warrior | Fighter | Soldier | Brawler | Paladin | Monk | Demolitionist | Doomsayer |
Mage | Arcanist | Magician | Conjurer | Druid | Shaman | Frostmage | Necromancer |
Marksman | Archer | Acrobat | Crossbowman | Grappler | Jester | Sniper |
Assassin | Bandit | Pirate | Samurai | Thief | Ninja |
Possible Riot MMO Classes
League of Legends is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) that features distinct character classes. Even though the classes have changed over the years this page will cover all of them. First we will discuss six primary classes League of Legends currently offers. Further down will include the League of Legends subclasses. If the Riot MMO adopts combat classes, then there is a good chance subclasses will exist.

The tank class excels at absorbing or mitigating damage from itself and team members. Tanks often possess threat or distraction mechanics to divert the attention of enemies away from vulnerable teammates. Notable characteristics include high health pools, improved defenses, leadership, and intimidation. The direction of the riot MMORPG appears to be a traditional fantasy MMORPG. If class systems are put in, you can be sure to see tanks filling roles in dungeon and raid spots.

The support is often thought as the healer in the group. Nonetheless, support roles can come in the form of damage mitigation as well. Support and tanks can be considered the most essential roles in the group. Without them, the damage dealers are usually too vulnerable to overcome enemy damage. Support characters also specialize in group buffs (temporary stat or improvements or damage resistances), crowd control, and status effect removal. Currently, League of Legends calls their support class ‘Controller’. Nonetheless, the Riot MMORPG will likely feature the holy trinity class structure, given the Riot MMO teams’ sentiments.

A broad class that includes most melee focus roles. Fighters excel at high physical damage and medium to high physical defense. The fighter class would include character types with a variety of defenses, health pools, and combat utility specializations. Fighters are traditionally differentiated from an assassin or tank. The Riot MMO will certainly include the fighter class into the game. It is possible that Riot will classify and expand fighters into subclasses, such as bruisers and warriors. Fighter subclasses could even be further separated by themes, such as barbarians, paladins, knights, monks etc.

The Mage class is a ranged damage dealer. Mages use slow but powerful casting abilities at the expense of decreased defense. Magicians frequently use crowd controlling abilities, such as slows, stuns. Mages tend to specialize in a particular element like fire, ice, or lightning. They make up for their low health pool and light armor with impressive damage. The world of Runeterra already has a wide variety of magic users. We could not imagine a fantasy based MMORPG without some mages. If Riot make a class based combat, then we will see mages in the game.

Marksmen are ranged class characters. They are often called Rangers in other games. Marksmen are damage dealers who prefer to fight from a distance. Some marksmen have a few abilities within melee range. However, they are usually to create distance once again. Basically, marksmen are the physical counterpart to mages. Marksman deal high ranged physical damage while possessing moderate to low defenses. Ranged classes are an icon part of MMORPG games. The Riot MMORPG will be inspired by League of Legends and is bound to include Marksman in the upcoming game.

In MMORPG games, assassins are the most lethal and stealthy characters. They have high attack speed and burst damage. Furthermore, assassins do well at displacing enemies in the form of slows and stuns. Thematically, they wield lightweight daggers, possess poison, use traps. Assassins are unique in they can move quietly and can appear near or completely invisible to the untrained eye. Of course, assassins already exist in Runeterra such as, Akali, Talon, Shaco, Nocturne and more. They have made their mark in Runeterra. Hence, there is good reason to believe the Riot MMO will have assassins inspired by some of the characters mentioned.

Riot MMO Could Have Subclasses
On May 27, 2017, Riot Games uploaded a game update news post to their website. The post discussed upcoming changes to their classes and subclass structure. As it turns out, subclasses are more important than you might think. For example, two players are primarily tank player. But the first player enjoys playing his tank like a linebacker. Essentially being the wall between oncoming damage and and squishy teammates. Conversely, the second player may enjoy playing their tank in the front lines soaking up damage, maintaining proximity to enemies and teammates alike. In order for the Riot MMO to be successful in the context of combat roles, they must give players as much flexibility as possible. The subclasses further differentiate the classes.
Tank Subclasses
Wardens are the ultra defensive tank subclass. They hold the line and soak up damage from the enemies. These tanks often look burly and intimidated. You will enjoy playing a warden if you like having the highest health pool and defenses in the game. Too many players love playing the traditional tank class for Riot to not implement this type of character into the upcoming MMORPG.
Vanguard are the edgy tanks. Those who enjoy skirting around the battlefield and preventing damage might choose the vanguard tank subclass. These types of tanks are excellent for engaging fights and managing threat from enemies. Although their health pool might not be as high, Vanguards may have more damage and utility as their disposal. Once again, this subclass is too distinct in the MMORPG culture to not be implemented.
Support Subclasses
Enchanters support their teammates more directly. They heal and mitigate damage as well as provide buffs to their allies. This support subclass will usually have lower defenses then their catcher counterpart. Naturally, support classes thrive on teamwork, but the way each these two supports interacts with their team is different. The Riot MMO will have both components of these subclasses in their potential support role. Whether they make the distinction clear to players is not clear yet.
Catcher support characters look for opportunities to stun and engage on enemies. It’s possible they may amplify areas of the battlefield for their teammates too. Generally, catchers are more aggressive than enchanters. Some MMORPGs don’t give their support classes the ability to specialize in crowd control and zone control in the way Riot’s MOBA, League of Legends does. So, we are unsure if Riot will have their equivalent to Catcher supports.
Fighter Subclasses
Juggernauts are almost a tank fighter hybrid. Plus, they are tankier than their diver counterpart. With high damage and high defenses comes with some drawbacks. The juggernaut class lacks mobility and crowd control. Basically, they a big threat if you come near them. The Riot MMO will likely have some aspect of the juggernaut fighter class. Juggernauts are the more traditional of the two fighter playstyles. Although they may choose a different name for this style. Perhaps, the Riot MMO will have a juggernaut subclass named something different, such as brawler, or solider.
Divers excel at gap closing onto enemies. They still have high damage and defenses, although not as much defense as the juggernauts. Therefore, divers usually possess improved mobility, especially for a melee class. They play an important role in group combat and once again are the opportunist of the subclass. We are unsure if the Riot MMO will include a diver type melee class. We can’t assume the combat mechanics in the upcoming Riot MMO will require an emphasis on gap closing. Although it’s hard not to imagine diver playstyles in PvP combat.