Most seasoned MMORPG players would not be surprised to hear speculation on a dungeon/raid feature in Riot’s upcoming MMORPG. Still, there is evidence to suggest Riot’s MMO will feature dungeons and raids.
First, Greg Street, the VP and EP of Riot’s MMO said the upcoming game will be an MMORPG. With that in mind, it is pretty standard for MMORPGs to have dungeons and raids. Many players enjoy grouping up with friends in order to defeat a boss and progress the storyline. Furthermore, Greg Street has also stated the game will appeal to a wide audience (as Riot Games, Inc. usually does). This game will embody Riot’s game design philosophies. To that end, this game is unlikely to try to reinvent the wheel. Instead this MMO will probably capitalize on nearly perfecting popular game designs. Just as it has done with pre-existing genres, such as MOBA, DCCG, and tactical FPS.
A Real Hint
It would be foolish to think Greg Street does not have considerable influence on the direction of the game. Combined with the hints at mass appeal direction of this game, it would not be out of the realm of possibility to see the following features:

- Dungeons / Raids
- Group Finder / Dungeon & Raid Finder
- Enhanced gear progression from group content
- Holy Trinity class design for group content
- Dungeon & raid quests
- and more…
How Many Players per Group
In MMORPGs we’ve traditionally seen 5 members per group. The holy trinity has been the predominant arrangement for combat. The holy trinity consists of one tank, one healer, and the remaining are might be damage dealers. With a group of six members, developers might set up one tank, two healers and 3 damage dealers.
In fact, Greg Street made a tweet stating that during his WoW development days, there was evidence that six members for small group content might be optimal. Therefore, between on traditional MMORPGs and Greg Street’s experience, the Riot MMO could see 5-6 player dungeons.