Table of Contents

“Demacia marches as one.”
– Garen

Demacia is a courageous, military based kingdom. This noble nation is home to some of Runeterra's most honorable individuals. That is not without its pitfalls. Demacia is plagued by its discrimination against mages. So far, Demacia has maintained is borders with incredibly meticulous military practices and a powerful feudal monarchy.
Another problem plagues Demacia. Their intense fear of magic has been attracting demons and shadow creatures throughout the regions. Various supernatural entity that feed on fear such as Evelynn [28], Nocturne, and Shaco all pray on the weak here. Some towns, such as Forrowbarrow, and Goldweald have been affected by demons. [37]
More recently, there has been a Mage Rebellion, instigated and lead by Sylas. Finally, the mages of Demacia has stood up and are fighting against their unjust imprisonment and even false crimes.
Demacia's leader, King Jarvan III was assassinated during this uproar. Sylas is the scape goat, but it seems Demacia may have yet another target on their back.
Can Demacia hold it together and reclaim the glory they once held or will Demacia falter under the pressure.

Feudal Monarchy
Level of Technology
General Environment
Fertile Countryside
Demacia is a nation on the eastern region of the continent Valoran. In terms of distance, it would take several months by boat to travel to one of the farthest continents, Ionia. [24]
There are a variety of terrains in Demacia. The environment is generally described as fertile countryside. Demacia's southern borders consist of expansive farmland. [31] Demacia's northern border is cold, cloudy, and mountainous environment. [32] Several rivers run through Demacia, all of which connect to Demacia's western bay. [33] Throughout Demacia there are forests, highlands, lowlands, and mountains.
During its colder months frost covers the landscape. In the countryside, the fertile soils freeze halting the growth of wildflowers. In the lowlands, fog occasionally sets over the landscape. [31] Similarly, in the northern mountainous regions, it can snow rather intensely. [32]

Kayle established much of Demacia's culture and law during her angelic reign and influence centuries ago. While she is no longer present in Demacia, her influence remains.
It appears Demacians speak a separate language from Ionia as Sona had trouble learning the Demacian language upon her arrival. [24] Some form of sign language exists in Demacia, as Sona, her musician friend Etra, and surrogate family, the Buvelle's all possess the ability to use it with Sona. [24, 25]
Demacia has what is called the Law of Stone, whereby visitors shall not use magic within the Kingdom of Demacia. [32]
Demacia is large enough to have several famous individuals. There was a famous theatre actresses who had died while playing the dual role of Kindred. Interestingly the theatre company claimed the actress' mask remained in her dressing room the entire time. It begs the question, who's mask was she wearing? Furthermore, the mask the actress was wearing disappeared mysteriously. [47]
Other famous people from Demacia include
- Dothan from Dawnhold
- Durand, the Sculptor
- Cithria of Cloudfield
- Jarro Lightfeather [48]
- Orlon, the commander
Citizens of Demacia
In their spare time, the citizens enjoy having drinks and watching bards play [40] at the tavern and socializing by hearthfires at places such as the Argentine Inn. The Argentine Inn has a concert hall. It is a converted barn where musicians such as Sona can play for an audience. Some musicians play on goatskin drums. [25]
The people of Demacia sent letters by courier to each other to correspond by distance. [25]
Among the Kingdom of Demacia there are several races. They include, humans, yordles, and half-dragons.
There is a festival in a village that honors Poppy. It's called the Festival of the Slayer. Interestingly, Poppy does not realized the feast is in celebration of the heroic acts.
Within the streets of Demacia, citizens use wagon pulled by horses to haul themselves and their belongings. [26] Horses were kept at a livery stable. [31] It is presumed horse owners would pay a fee to keep their horses supervised.

Many regions across Valoran believe in Kindred. Demacian's acknowledge Kindred as the personification of death. Kindred has two essences. Lamb offers a hasty death for those who accept their fate. Conversely, Wolf hunts down those who deny their demise ultimately ending in a violent death.
It is said that a true Demacian will cooperate with lamb as any Demacian will accept their fate with valor. [38]
Demacia is a mighty kingdom with strong moral principles. They are a proud nation with a complex social hierarchy consisting of mages, aristocrats and everything in between. It's government tends to be considerably authoritative. Regardless, Demacians view themselves as proud and just population in general. In fact, Demacia is likely one of most patriotic people in Valoran. Overall, Demacians value courage, strength, and integrity.[1]
The Veiled One
Many Demacians worship the Veiled Lady, also known as the Veiled One. Centuries ago, her family referred to her a Morgana. Many believe those who pass on will be taken in the arms of the Veiled Lady into the afterlife. Although, she is not as revered as Kayle through the Illuminators, there are some remnant of her scattered throughout the woods. For example, in a pine forest lies an eroded stone figure of Morgana. [17]
Originally, those looking for reconciliation over their disputes would seek The Veiled Lady. They could find her in a dark damp cavern lined with candles. It is said she was sharp and wiser than anyone in the lands. The Veiled One would provide an ultimatum. She was not referred without caution because her final judgements were known to be harsh.
In contrast, there are Demacians who hope for the return of Kayle the Righteous Winged Protector to defend the nation in times of need. Conversely, there are those who fear the vengeful wrath of Kayle and pray against her return. [13]
The Illuminators is a honorable humanitarian religious order who help the impoverished. [16] Providing hospitality to those less fortunate is paramount to the order of the Illuminators. The Illuminators do not worship any God or spirit. [23] Nonetheless, their values are derived from the legends of the Winged Protector. [14] Fortunately, the Illuminators benefits from noble patrons and possess an extensive library. [24]
A notable member of the Illuminators is Kahina. She is a knight of the Illuminators who taught Lux her martial skills at Lux's residence [16] and grew a close kindship with Sona. [24] Another prominent member of the Illuminators are the noble couple Lord Barrett and Lestara Buvelle. Notable volunteers of the Illuminators include Lux [26] and Taric. [40]
The Illuminators have a temple. Outside the temple is a statue of the Winged Protector, Kayle. One may see candles of offering at the base of Kayle's statue.

Clerics members of the religious clergy who follow the Pope. They are tasked with teaching their pupils pupils politeness and restraint.
We can presume there are churches in Demacia. We know Cloisters exists, which are long covered walkways along supported by continuous columns. Traditionally these are building alongside churches, cathedrals, monasteries and other religious buildings.
Customs and Traditions
The King often parades in elaborate tours around Demacia. They wear lustrous armor during these ceremonies. The King visits the various towns in Demacia along with his knights and his others attendants. [20]
Stage performances take place at a theatre in Demacia. [47]
Criminals and even high ranking insubordinates are executed on the executioner's block. [40]
The determined country folk of Demacia wake up to the sound of a watchman's horn. [18]
Food and Drink
Bread, cheese, roast (meat) [41], corn [43] strawberries, and wine [25] are of part of the diet in Demacia. Mead is a commonly available alcoholic beverage. [37] Less, common is Lyrebuck roast. It is a delicious meal for the nobles.
Recently, turmoil is Demacia has been on the rise. The increase in unpleasant emotions such as anger and fear has attracted many demons to Demacia. [36]
One of the most ancient, if not, the first demon breathed into creation was Fiddlesticks. It is inherently shapeless and insentient. As the widespread stories tell it, Fiddlesticks horrifies its victims. It appears in an unrefined configuration arranged to maximize terror. Its sufferers experience hallucinations, paranoia, self-harm, and disappearances. This demon has been roaming the Demacian hinterlands finding its victims wherever excessive fear exists. [36]
Demacia has had an ongoing rivalry against Noxus and their Dauntless Vanguard equivalent, the Trifarion Legion.
Another continuing conflict comes from The Freljord. The barbaric warriors and beasts have attempted to invade Demacia before.
Garen helped win the Battle of Whiterock.
There was a battle in Brashmore Fields.
Battle of Storm's Fang
Lux and Garen's grandfather saved the king at the Battle of Storm's Fang. [16]
Argent Mountains
The lands beyond the Argent Mountains have long been contested by Noxian and Demacian military. The lands are contested. The highly contested areas has brought instability among Demacians. Prince Jarvan IV helped seize control over the Argent Mountains. [11]
Gates of Mourning
Some time after Jarvan was promoted to General, the Gates of Mourning had fallen. Prince Jarvan IV was quite confident at this point after winning numerous conquests. Although Jarvan's lieutenants advised him against delving deeper into Noxian territory. Regardless, the Prince marched on. Eventually, Jarvan's unit became slim, and he found himself surrounded by Noxian warbands. Jarvan called to retreat into the forests only to be hit by an arrow in his side. Jarvan would have definitely died if it were not for Shyvana, the Half-Dragon. [11]
Unfortunately Lord Barrett Buvelle, a noble, patron to the Illuminators and arts of Great City of Demacia, caretaker of Sona, husband to Lestara and father to Kahina, was slain by Noxian soldiers during the battle of Gates of Mourning. [24]
From Rune Wars to Demacia
Demacia was inadvertently established after the cataclysmic conflict called the Rune Wars. The war was fought over objects called World Runes. These world runes were rune fragments dispersed throughout Runeterra after their purpose had been exhausted by Runeterra' creators, The Celestials. Over time, mortals discovered the world runes' power. Eventually this erupted into a full fledged war. During the Rune Wars, a large group of refugees fled the war. These refugees ran in fear from the destructive nature of magic. Unfortunately, the early refugees were chased and harassed by troupe of dark mages. The refugees suddenly realized their pursuers magic became ineffective whilst hiding within this old forgotten forest. Alas, the refugees could settle in what has become Demacia.
In a turn of events, the refugees fought against the dark mages with the upper hand. The dark mages fled from the forest. This start contrast of events led some Demacians to believe this haven was a gift from the Gods. Other Demacians believed this fortune was an acknowledgement of their troublesome journey. [4]
Settling in Demacia
Over the years, craftsmen combined the enchanted bark with crafts to repel magic. Further on, artisans discovered they could combine ash and lime with the enchanted bark to forge petricite armor and architecture. This discovery worked wonders to repel magic and keep Demacia safe from invaders. As it turns out, the discovery of petricite was used to form the exterior walls of Demacia, thus forming the boundaries of the nation.
Notable Events
Notwithstanding Demacia is rather self-supporting region, they have been becoming erring on extremes recently. Over the past century, Demacia has become increasingly isolated and closed off from other nations. These changes have caused Demacia to be subject to incredible uncertainty. [1]
Rune Wars
In the events following the tragedy of the Rune Wars. Galio was constructed.
Mage Rebellion
During the Mage Rebellion, King Jarvan III was mysteriously murdered. Demacian's have been leaving their home in droves. Not only mages, but citizens with mage family members. Even those who simply do not agree with imprisoning mages are leaving Demacia. The aftermath of the mage rebellion have cause the military and nobility to tighten up the rules, becoming borderline oppressive in response. As a result, rumor have spread that the strong will of Demacia is faltering and succumbing to anarchy. [1]
Much of Demacia contains unique forests and stones. Among the Demacian forests are trees and rocks embedded with anti-magic properties. These features are most common in the outer forests, villages, and farmland in the outskirts of Demacia. [1]
Demacia has a vast areas of fertile plains and hinterlands. Flowering plants such as gorse and thistle are common in these areas. These wildflowers let off an pleasant aroma.
There are also silver mines.
Farmland and Countryside
Outside of the Great City of Demacia there are hundreds of miles of hinterlands. Numerous towns exists among these lowlands and highlands. Many of these townsfolk farm for a living. Generally, the country folk appear frayed and fatigued but they carry on. [18] Interestingly, along the paths of the countryside one may see countless caravans lined in single fashion.
There are some dangers to be had in the countryside of Demacia. On some of the countryside paths are highway men who look to rob those who cannot defend themselves. [19] Furthermore, 'hillfolk' reside in the remote southern regions of Demacia. They can be rather aggressive and wouldn't hesitate to attach intruders on their land. [31] During hatching season, roaming raptors pose a threat to countryfolk. [37]
There are a number of types of trees that can be found in Demacia. There are ironbirch trees [34], unnamed red bark trees, oak, [22] alderwoods, [29] and pine trees. Many of the pine trees grow in the lowlands of Demacia's countryside. [31]
The trees within the pine forests are especially tall. Its possible for the woods to be almost completely dark even during noon due to the tall trees blocking out the light. Within the pine forests are vines, tree roots and mossy boulders. [17]
The Cloudwoods is a dense forest not too far from the gates of the Great City of Demacia. The forest is home to massive red-barked trees that can be seen from far. The forest is expansive enough that it would be difficult to find anyone whose been lost or decided to hide in there. In fact, it would take approximately two days of walking to cross Cloudwoods. Furthermore, Cloudwoods has a ton of fauna for people or wildlife to forage off of. Many of the branches in Cloudwoods are pointy, tarry and sticky from the trees' resin and thorns. Cloudwoods is not often traversed, therefore pathways are uncommon within the forest. Nonetheless, bandits are present and lurk in Cloudwoods during the night.
Cloudwoods is home to many animals including nocturnal and diurnal wildlife. [6]
Demacia's mountains are rich with precious minerals. [1] In the most north eastern region of Demacia, between Uwendale and The Graygate are gray colored shale cliffs. [32]
Corvo Pass
Corvo Pass is a steep and dangerous mountain pass south of Wrenwall. It consists of narrow switchbacks, or tight zig-zagging dirt paths. The path makes for a good shortcut between Wrenwall and Demacia's most southern border. Nonetheless, the path is unkempt and fill of dense thicket. [31]
Greenfang Mountains
Battle of Greenfangs
The river of Serpentrion runs through Fossbarrow, a couple weeks north-west of the Great City of Demacia by horse. It's an intense river that flows down from the mountains. [7]
The Demacian army once had a major battle in the Greenfang Mountains. They faced off against a group of adept warmages called the Arcane Fist. Demacia's military took strike of arcane bolt after bolt. The Demacians were worn out and immobilized by the mud. Just in time, Galio stepped in. Galio absorbed the Arcane Fists' attacks and crushed them into the ground. [5]
Great City of Demacia
The Great City of Demacia was once a quiet forest. After the devastating events of the Rune Wars, a group of refugees fled into the forest. To their surprise they found the trees and stone contained anti-magic properties. Now known as petricite, these trees and stone naturally contain enchanted properties that repel magic. Perfect for a getaway from a magic war. And as luck would have it, these scared refugees created a settlement. It was to hideaway from the catastrophe caused by those who used the magical runes to wage war. Over time, this region grew into what is now, the Great City of Demacia. [1]
This city is heavily defended by Demacia's most impressive military members. At the edges of the city gates stand Demacian sentries. [6]. Furthermore, the walls of Demacia are reinforced with petricite stones to serve as protection against magic. The Great City of Demacia's gates are large archways that open up to large expanse fields.

The Grand Plaza
At the center of the Great City of Demacia lies the Grand Plaza. It is a large gathering area where citizens can congregate to form an audience for Demacia's highest ranking members in power.
Citadel of Dawn
The Citadel of Dawn, also known as the Royal Palace [41] is where King Jarvan III used to reside. It is a magnificent collection of towers designed by the most skilled Demacian architects. It luxurious appearance cannot be mistaken. The King, Prince Jarvan IV, and other nobles can be found here. [41]
Hall of Valor
This is the location where the seat of the throne exists. This grand room boasts marble surfaces and an abundance of radiant sunlight.
Occasionally King Jarvan III would honor members who performed great deed for Demacia, such as Garen numerous victories in battle. [8]
Hall of Blades
The Hall of Blades is the location where the aristocrats perform swordsmanship dues to settle noble house matters. This room features tall and narrow lancet windows. Quite fitting considering lancet windows' name is derived from the lance weapon. Furthermore, it was designed with shimmering pale marble walls. The ground of the dueling area is beset with expensive granite flagstone. The room is large enough to entertain a number of visitors to watch the duels. Those privy enough to watch the duels are noble house members, noble servants, and random civilians desperate for some action. [3]
Nearby the Hall of Blades exists a commercium where various noble houses gather to engage in formal dinners.
Infirmary of the Sisters
Garen was treated at the Infirmary of the Sisters after his fight with Sylas moments after his impending execution. The name Infirmary of the Sisters of likely in honor of the Winged Sisters, Kayle and Morgana. Historically, convents often had infirmaries within their institutions.
Mageseeker Compound
The Mageseeker Compound consists of the Arcane Registry and Retaining Cells. [42]
Arcane Registry
Within the Mageseeker Headquarters lies the Arcane Registry. It essentially a group of library buildings. Inside one of them featured a large dimly lit multi-level room. There were numerous bookcases supporting countless books and scrolls. The Mageseekers retain all confiscated writings in the Arcane Registry. The entrance to the Arcane Registry is guarded. Additionally, the materials stored in the Arcane Registry are securely locked up. Luxanna Crownguard was permitted to enter the Arcane Registry due to her noble status. Of course, most citizens would not be permitted access to the Arcane Registry. [41]
Retaining Cells
Within the Great City of Demacia, near the Arcane Registry lies the Retaining Cells. After the Mageseekers arrest mages, they are locked in the retaining cell while they await their trial and quite possibly convicted.
The Retaining Cells have numerous levels. The most dangerous mages are imprisoned at the lowest level. Due to their increased threat, the measured used to retain these mages are more severe. For example, the most dangerous mages are shackled and administered petricite elixirs by Mageseekers to suppress their magic abilities. [41] [42]
Dregbourne is a crowded district within the Great City of Demacia. The district has tenements among other dwellings. [31] Sylas is from Dregbourne along with a member of Sylas' rebellion camp, Happ. [27]
Annulment Slums
Demacia is an anti-mage society. Ironically, Demacian uses mages, known as Mageseekers, or Annullers to catch mages and banish them from the Great City of Demacia. When the Mageseekers find mages, they aggressively move them to the Annulment Slums. A poor area outside the walls of the city.
High Silvermere
High Silvermere is also known as the City of Raptors. When in the plains, one can actually hear silverwing raptors screeching from above. In addition, High Silvermere is where the noble Luxanna and Garen Crownguard were raised. Furthermore, High Silvermere is known for its rocky mountains and Silverwing Raptors.
Within High Silvermere, exists a sub region called Knight's Rock. The Crownguard family own a home in Knight's Rock, High Silvermere.
Fossbarrow is a haunted town located north west of Demacia. Leading up to its main gate are rutted tracks. The main gates are made from iron with two towers on each side. The exterior walls of Fossbarrow are made from polished granite which run along the hills. Within the town runs the buildings were crafted from stone, timber and green rooftops. There is also the aggressive Serpentrion river that runs in through the town. On the east end sits a tall Illuminator temple.
Fossbarrow was named after the late Fossian Crownguard. His tomb is an hour north of Fossbarrow off a small dirt pathway. In addition, Fossbarrow used to be haunted by a nightmarish demon. Legends has it, Fossian Crownguard killed a demonic entity by piecing its black hard with a Demacian blade. Currently, Magistrate Giselle is the political leader in Fossbarrow.
Fossbarrow is cursed with demonic shadows. Its residents often wake up from nightmares. Their hearts pounding from their chest and the feeling of being pulled into he ground plagues them.
Just north of Fossbarrow are dogtooth mountains that separate the Freljord from Demacia. At the base of the dogtooth mountains are a plethora of Demacian pine trees.
A splendid small mountain countryside town in north eastern Demacia. Uwendale makes for great hunting grounds. Also the birthplace of Quinn. Unfortunately, Uwendale is often invaded by wyverns. The hamlet used to be a flourishing place with specializing in hunters and farmers. In addition, rangers were tasked with defending the wilderness outside Uwendale. They would exterminate any wild threats upon the small town. The beasts would often come from the peaks bordering the Freljord, just north of Uwendale.
When Quinn became a Ranger-Knight of the Great City of Demacia, she also brought honor to the small town of Uwendale. [20]
Regardless of the small town's dangers, Poppy has travelled through Uwendale where villagers had spotted her saving the village from highwaymen, furious wolves and wyverns. [19]
Other Towns
- Lissus
- Pinara
- Velorus
There once was a famous hero of Dawnhold named Dothan. As the tale goes, Dothan single-handedly defensing the harbor against the skinwalkers.
Cloudfield is where Cithria, an infamous member of the Dauntless Vanguard was raised.
Ehrenmount is a designated military training area on the cost of Demacia. The Dauntless Vanguard train here, including Garen Crownguard and Fiora Laurent. There area supplies of weaponry, combat dummies, punching bags and a fighting ring. [35]
Evenmoor is a town south of the Great City of Demacia. When Jarvan IV was younger, a massive swarm of argoth were headed for Evenmoor. [12]
Goldweald is quite possibly an evacuated settlement in the hinterlands. Just outside of Goldweald are pasturelands and agriculture lands. Its closest settlement is Amberfel connected by the old trade road. Goldweald has a mayor where who manages the town's meeting hall. Unfortunately, the townsfolk's recent surge of fear of magic has made themselves a prime target for demons. In particular, Fiddlesticks.
Goldweald was troubled by the ancient demon Fiddlesticks. The demon terrorized the town by horrifying the townsfolk one-by-one. Most residents would see hallucinations of their greatest fears. Furthermore, the victims would babble and quiver nonsense until Fiddlesticks would have them violently vanish.
The townsfolk tried to defend themselves against this treacherous affliction. They would lock their doors, board up windows, stick together. An old spy named Davil even rallied up a ragtag militia to try to eliminate the supposed "mage". The aforementioned is an account of an afflicted witness. As a result, his judgement has been compromised. The views of Fiddlesticks and Goldweald could vary considerably. [37]
The Graygate
The Graygate is a massive gatehouse featuring a heavy iron portcullis and drawbridge at its center. It acts as a first line of defense for Demacia's most north-eastern border. Notwithstanding its name, The Graygate was built from petricite. Therefore, rather than gray, the fortified gateway is actually white. [32]
Ezreal visited Jandelle and described it as a "charming hamlet". Jandelle has bewitched eldlock trees. Supposedly the original Kindred masks were formed from these trees. [47]
Meltridge is a small river town northwest of The Graygate. [32] The river runs on the north side of the town. [33] It gets a fair bit of snow considering it is in the northern region of Demacia. There is a waiting ship docked at Meltridge that travels between the town and the Great City of Demacia. Boatmen are busy during the day. After working hours children and dogs can be seen running up and down the streets. The town has numerous taverns for the locals to relax after a long days work. [32]
Its walls are white. [32]
Terbisia was an impressive town with several districts inside. Its architecture was crafting from hard mountain granite and Demacian oak wood. On the outer edges of the town, was a barbican for defense. Its defensive walls were about 30 feet high and its stone looked sun-bleached. Unfortunately, Terbisia had suffered an awful earthquake leaving numerous fissures in the land. The outer defense walls had crumbled. Blocks of stone lay everywhere in the vicinity. Furthermore, they were countless casualties from fallen rubble and collapsed buildings. [7]
Vaskasia is a timber settlement / village. It is situated south of the Great City of Demacia and just on the other side of Cloudwoods forest. For the most part, inhabitant of Vaskasia is not up to speed on details of the noble families of Demacia.
Most of the villages in Demacia are located away from the Great City of Demacia. Surrounding the villages are forests, farmland and mountains. [1] Wrenwall is no different. In fact, Wrenwall sits high up the mountain, north of Corvo Pass. Naturally, arriving at Wrenwall is can be an arduous task. [31] Once arrived, Wrenwall has an old castle known as, Castle Wrenwall. [31] In addition, the village has a garrison [11] made of stone. [21]
Other Settlements
- Amberfel
- Cloudfield
- Everpeak
- Jandelle
- Needlebrook
The Demacia Vault
Deep within the petricite groves there is a forgotten vault beneath the stump of a massive petricite tree. Ryze stores his world runes shard within the roots of this ancient tree. This vault is significant because it contains the world rune shards which possess extraordinary power. If this power were to be left in the wrong hands, events such as the Rune Wards could occur again. [45] [46]
Memorial Road
Memorial Road is a road far off from the of one of the main highways outside the Great City of Demacia. It is far away enough from the capital that one can see the city lights at night. Memorial Road is most known for where the statue of Galio remains. At certain times of the year, Memorial Road attracts pilgrim tourist who look forward to beholding views of Galio and worshipping him. [6]

Fiora is a the youngest member of the noble Laurent family. Early on, she was being positioned into being married into a suitable aristocratic family for the purpose of forming strategic allegiances among the Demacian nobility. Fiora quietly resisted her family's desire to arrange her affairs for political purposes. Instead, she took to her brother's rapier and learned to duel in secret.
On Fiora's Eighteenth birthday, Fiora had a prearranged wedding to attend to. On that day, she stood up and announced she'd rather die than to allow someone else to determine the course of her life. In that moment, Fiora brought shame upon the Laurent family and her betrothed. In response, the Crownguard family declared a duel to the death to ameliorate the humiliation.
Fiora quickly accepted the duel. She would fight a veteran warrior from the Dauntless Vanguard, chosen by High Marshall Tianna Crownguard herself.
In an unusual turn of events, Fiora's father, Sebastien attempted to poison Fiora's opponent with a drink that reduce his reaction time. Sebastien was caught and arrested.
Now, in order to redeem the crimes and disgrace of her family, Fiora would have to duel her Father. Upon the day, Fiora would duel her father, an excellent swordsman. As it turned out, Sebastien was no match for Fiora. She swiftly buried a series of rapid blows into Sebastien and a final strike into his heart as she wept.
In the end, Fiora would become the successor to the Laurent family in addition to clearing her family of its crimes and disgrace. As well, the quarrel among the Crownguards' and Laurents' would cease. [2]

Centuries ago, Galio is constructed by a well-known sculptor named Durand. Durand was commission to make some type of petricite shield to defend against enemy magic attacks. Two years later, Durand unveiled his masterpiece. It was Galio, a colossal winged statue made from petricite. Galio is situated atop a pedestal [5] on Memorial Road. [6] In order to use him in battle, the Demacians would place Galio in a cart and physically pull him onto the battlefield using pulleys and swapping between groups of several dozen exhausted oxen. Once in battle, Galio would absorb the all surrounding magic. From there, he became sentient and could aid in battle. Typically by crushing their foes beneath his feet.
Galio's Sentience
As time grew, Galio absorbed more and more magic. This absorption of magic gave him sentience. In fact, Galio remains sentient even while remaining dormant in Demacia, away from battle. Galio remains as a statue unless there was a sufficient amount of magic to absorb. This fact saddened Galio because he craved battle.
Galio's Personality
At the same time, Galio had a gentle personality in regards to all things Demacian. In the meantime, Galio contemplated the meaning of life. His own, others, and where all the humans were vanishing to. Over time he understood the difference between himself and mortals. They were ephemeral and he was immortal. Humans would not simply repair all their wounds after a devastating battle. Still, he continued to ponder why he was made this way. Why couldn't he possess his own magic and live in full animation. Nevertheless, Galio appreciates the beauty of life, even if only to experience once a century, or so.
Galio Recently
More recently, Galio grew quite close to Lux. Lux possessed enough innate magic power to wake Galio from his slumber. Simply by standing next to him. Ultimately, Galio urged Lux to live her life, not in fear, but in honor, for being a mage is part of who Lux is. Sadly, Demacia has become more isolationist. Naturally, wars have subsided and magic has become increasingly uncommon. Now, Galio longs to come in contact with someone in possession of such powerful magic that Galio could be awake for eternity. [5]

Garen was born in Knight's Rock, High Silvermere. At the age of twelve he would become a squire and train to be come a member of the Dauntless Vanguard. During his training he would form a close friendship with Prince Jarvan IV. Garen appreciated Jarvan IV's calculated demeanor.
At a young age, Garen knew he would defend the throne of Demacia. Naturally, he is a member of the noble house, Crownguard. Like his father, he would have to join the military. Growing up, his father was a decorated military officer and his aunt Tiana was the Sword-Captain of the Dauntless Vanguard.
It was thanks to Garen's aunt, High Marshall Tianna Crownguard that helped him earn a spot in the Dauntless Vanguard after being honored by King Jarvan III.
Armed with his upcoming success, Garen has noticed his sister Lux had been acting differently since he'd come back home to High Silvermere. Garen suspected her sister of possessing forbidden magic powers. The though defied every possibly association with being a Crownguard, let alone a Demacian. Nevertheless, he'd brush he thought off and keep his distance from Lux in case he were right. In the meantime, Garen would keep his head down and train harder than ever. [8]
With all of his effort paid off, Garen has taken the position of Sword-Captain for the Dauntless Vanguard. Garen is a true embodiment of Demacian values. Courage and pride.
Jarvan IV

Prince Jarvan IV is the son of King Jarvan III. Unfortunately, his mother, Lady Catherine died while birthing the prince. Otherwise, the prince received the finest education and treatment in the land. Of course, during his adolescence, Prince Jarvan IV was taught the valuable lessons and principles of Demacia. He learned about his accountability to the nation through philanthropy and political leadership. Furthermore, Jarvan IV was mentored by his father's seneschal, Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao taught the prince the art of war and spiritual philosophies. [11]
Jarvan IV became close friends with Garen Crownguard. They met while training as squires. [8] As well, Jarvan IV respects many of the qualities Garen possesses. [11] Soon after, Jarvan was given the honorary role, General. Now, taking place in battle was not mandatory as a General. Nonetheless, Jarvan IV was eager to establish himself.
One of Prince Jarvan IV's conquests was to seize control over the Argent Mountains. This proposition would provide more stability to Demacian's as well as bring justice to Jarvan's family as his grandfather was slain by a Noxian brute in the Argent Mountains. He was successful. Not only there, but many times after, Jarvan would lead Demacia's armies to victory.
Jarvan IV and the Gates of Mourning
It was the Gates of Mourning that devastated Prince Jarvan. He had heard the fall of the Gates. Jarvan IV was up for the call. This time Jarvan IV would traverse deep into Noxian territory, even against the advise of his lieutenants. Sadly, they unit did not even make it to Trevale. Noxian warbands wore his battalion thin before Jarvan was enclosed by Noxians. They retreated into a forest, where Jarvan IV would be stricken by an arrow. He lay flat drifting in and out of consciousness.
After some time, an odd-looking purple skinned half-dragon named Shyvana carried Prince Jarvan back to Wrenwall while she tended to his wounds. As it turns out, Shyvana was being hunted by the gruesome elemental dragon known as Yvva. As soon as Jarvan's watchmen discovered the dragon, Jarvan leapt out of bed and commanded the Demacian's with true authority and leadership. Notwithstanding, Shyvana dealt the killing blow, Jarvan saw the true potential of the Demacian army at that moment. Prince Jarvan IV returned the head the slain dragon to his Kingdom in triumph.

Centuries ago, Kayle was born during the Rune Wars along with her twin sister Morgana. They were both born to an ascended mortal named Mihira. Therefore making Kayle and Morgana uniquely half-ascended. Mihira was a powerful angelic justiciar. Now, Kayle took on a light, but righteous angelic appearance, in contrast to her sister's dark angelic look.
With her mother being an ascended warrior, she became the target of powerful dark sorcerers. In response, Kayle and Morgana's father, Kilam took his kids across the Conqueror's Sea to Demacia where they could be safe from magics' harm.
As they grew up, Kayle continued to diverge from her sister Morgana. Kayle began authoritative and argumentative. During the girls' teenage years a flaming sword hammered from the skies and slammed into the ground. Their father recognized this as Mihira's sword. The sword was severed in two. Kayle responded with enthusiasm, clutching the sword quickly, feeling connected to her mother. Morgana was reacted cautiously but obliged.
The inhabitants of their settlement took notice. They all believed Kayle and Morgana were blessed by the stars. From that point onward, Kayle and Morgana became representatives of light and truth.
Vengeful Kayle
Throughout Kayle's new role she would award Demacia with many victorious battles. She could flying fervently obliterating her foes with magic from the heavens. This was in stark contrast to Morgana who took on a forgiving method of delivering justice. Unfortunately, Kayle became increasingly vengeful. Even so much to organize an organization of judicators to hunt down reavers and outlaws.
Delving further into retribution, Kayle was furious to find one of her best members murdered in a riot as a result of a desire to eliminate Morgana. As Kayle flew up and was about to smite all the mortals below her, Morgana intervened and began an epic battle.
The battle stop suddenly when the sisters heard her father cry out in pain as the victim of the chaos below. Kayle was devastated. She flew away to Mount Targon with the promise she'd never allow mortals to overcome her emotions again. [13]

Lucian grew up in Demacia. He admired his father, Urias, a member of the Sentinels of Light and all his stories. For he too hoped to become a Sentinel of Light. His father did not want this for Lucian, as it was a dangerous life. Lucian looked forward to becoming his father's apprentice but that never happened.
In the meantime, Lucian would stay in Demacia, helping those in need. Lucian would not thrilled about Demacia's culture, especially the mage's exile. One day, on his way back home, Lucian saw a stranger at his doorstep. Her name was Senna. She was Urias' apprentice and went on to explain how Lucian's father has passed away to the wraiths of the Black Mist. Together they participated in the tradition and held a vigil for lost Sentinels on behalf of Urias.
During the vigil, a group of wraiths of the Black Mist appeared, stalking Senna in perpetuity. As Senna fought one creature it smacked Urias' pistol from her hand. Lucian grabbed at and fired a shot of light at the wraith. It bought them a moment while they duo fled.
Sentinels of Light Initiation
Unbeknownst to Lucian, he was the first out of the Order to fire a weapon of the Sentinels of Light. It was unordinary for just anyone to do what he did. It was his wave of emotion that he channeled through the weapon that accomplished this.
From this point, Senna would teach Lucian the doctrines and skills of the Sentinels of Light. They fought alongside each other and grew closer. This bond bloomed into love. They were the excellent match. Lucian's charisma fit well with Senna's tenacity.
Encounter with Thresh
Overtime, Lucian observed Senna's curse. How she was doomed to be hunted by the Black Mist indefinitely. Lucian's love grew into reckless fanaticism, looking for a cure. While searching though an abandoned vault, they came into contact with the ghastly Chain Warden, Thresh. Thresh was powerful, but Lucian refused to back down. His desperation was exploited by Thresh. Senna maneuvered in front of Thresh to save Lucian as Senna's poor soul was reaped by Thresh's sickening lantern.
Lucian became obsessed with smashing Thresh's lantern to release Senna's soul from captivity. Upon the day, instead of Senna's sold being relinquished, Senna remerged by the very will of their bond. Although she remerged from the essence of the black mist. Now, they battle together. Lucian continues to struggle with exacting due justice upon Thresh. Furthermore, Lucian attempts to reconcile that this hatred for the Black Mist is what ties their bond together. [15]

Luxanna Crownguard was born in High Silvermere to a noble family. She has a brother named Garen. For generations, the Crownguard family has protected the kings of Demacia. From a young age, Lux had been optimistic and enthusiastic. On the other hand, the Crownguard family expected Lux to manage the Crownguard estates. She wasn't fond of this role. Instead, Lux yearned to travel the world.
What's most interested is, Lux is a mage. This, in a nation founded upon refugees who fled rogue mages during the Rune Wars. Demacia's principles and culture have no place for magic. In fact, the very architecture has anti-magic properties. To make matters worse, if Demacia at large discovered the noble Crownguard family had a mage among them, it would bring shame upon the noble name and could potentiate instability in the capital. [16]
Nonetheless, Lux practiced her magic when alone at their Silvermere estate. Furthermore, Lux learned to control her magic from Sylas in the Mageseeker compound. [26] Garen spent more time training as a squire in the capital. Therefore, Lux had an abundance of alone time.
Moving forward, Lux played in integral role in the Mage Rebellion. While not directly supporting the Rebellion, Lux was the catalyst to Sylas's release from prison who headed the Mage Rebellion. [16]

Morgana and her sister Kayle were born to a soon to be ascended warrior named Mihira. While Mihira and her husband Kilam trekked Mount Targon is search for divination during the perilous Rune War, Mihira discovered she was pregnant. Still they could not turn back down the Mountain.
Upon reaching the top, Kilam watched in fear and awe while Mihira was chosen by the Aspects to represent the Aspect of Justice. Now a divine being Mihira gradually lost her mortal ways as she attended the call of battle. Naturally, Kilam, a mortal was left to tend to his twin daughters. During one of Mihira's battles, Kilam took his children overseas northward to what would one day be called Demacia.
Morgana and Kayle diverged in personality each and every day. Morgana was kind and soft. She would comfort the outcasts of the settlement. On the other hand, Kayle deeply examined the rules that were being established by this growing settlement.
New Winged Protectors of Demacia
As Morgana suspected, their mother's sword fall from the sky and sundered the earth along with the sword being split in two. Kayle rallied to take possession of her sword and adopt her justiciar ways. In contrast, Morgana was hesitant. Their father is dismay as the reason they left Targon was to be far removed from the dangers of magic. Upon taking possession of their swords, wings burst out from both Morgana and Kayle's shoulders. The twin sisters would fight alongside each other to defend their settlement from dangers such as raiders. The sisters quickly became renowned as the Winged Protectors of Demacia.
As the sisters' ideologies grew apart, a spark was lit that would lead to their separation. The devout follower of Kayle's order would attempt to persecute Morgana for disobeying the ways set out by Kayle. Morgana would burn him to ash with shadowflame. Kayle enraged, summoned the victim's killer and Morgana appeared. An epic battle in the skies ensued as lashes of holy strikes would descend upon the city below. Their father, Kilam was crushed by some rubble. Morgana heaved her sword at Kayle and plunged to the earth at her father's rescue. It was too late. [16]
Both in pain, Kayle took off towards Mount Targon [13], while Morgana slipped away into the shadow, becoming an old fable. While Morgana still tends to those in aid, she knows Kayle will return once again and rain vengeance upon those deemed unlawful. [16]

Poppy is a yorlde who hails from Bandle City. A mysterious magical land in a different realm from Runeterra. Most notable, time operates different in Bandle City and upon the yordles themselves. Poppy is a unique yorlde. She was not interested in the typical yordle lifestyle. Furthermore, she was structured, and determined by character. She wandered Runeterra looking for a place where she could structure her life around. She was most interested in Western Valoran.
One day she found herself in awe of the Demacian countryside caravans. Unbeknownst to Poppy she spotted Orlon, a commander of travelers and a notable individual associated with helping establish the formation of Demacia. Poppy approached Orlon. The two hit it off and formed a close bond. Orlon would personally coach Poppy in the martial ways. Unlike Orlon's other soldiers Poppy was not overly submissive.
Orlon was famous in Demacia. His hammer was iconic in the capital. There were tales that declared the hammer would split the earth and crush mountains. Although Orlon was rarely seen using his hammer.
The Search for the Rightful Owner
Year later as Orlon was dying, he handed his hammer to Poppy. Orlon explained how he was not the rightful owner of the hammer. And its true wielder could accomplish impossible feats by unlocking its true power. He handed the hammer to Poppy. She made it her mission in life to find the true owner of the hammer. She executed unimaginable heroic deeds with the hammer. Poppy was too modest to consider if she were the rightful owner of Orlon's hammer. [18]
Poppy spent decades roaming Demacia and its countryside in search for her hero. During her search for the hero she stumbled upon an advert for a festival honoring the anonymous, yet noble hero. The very hero who saved so many lives and helped so many citizens where Poppy was frequenting. Upon unveiling the statue at the festival's ceremony, Poppy still failed to make the connection that she is the Hero of Demacia. And so her search continues. [19]

Quinn was born in Uwendale along with her brother Caleb. The village they were grew up in was a countryside hamlet known for its farmers and hunters. Uwendale attracted a lot of savage wildlife due to the forest just north which bordered the Freljord.
The twin's father was a weaponsmith and their mother was a warden, a lead of rangers, soldiers who specialized in wildlife and survival hunting. Quinn and Caleb were born for this life. They almost all of their waking days playing soldiers outside and pretending to defend the town.
Eventually, they became rangers. Caleb and Quinn were incredible teammates who fought alongside each other. On one eventful excursion, they were tasked with defending a group of nobles through some wilderness. During their trip they encountered a massive tuskvore. The tuskvore was beyond ferocious. It's hard large and sharp and its hide as thick as can be. During a formidable battle, Quinn helped save the nobles including a notable noble, Lord Barrett Buvelle. Unfortunately, Caleb was impaled by the tuskvore's horn.
Quinn became depressed. She withdrew from her passion, the wilderness and frequently visited Caleb's grave. One day, Lord Barrett Buvelle visited Quinn's abode and with gratitude offered repayment for her services. Quinn unenthusiastically declined and brushed the noble man off.
Quinn's New Companion
Upon visiting Caleb's gravestone on the annum after his death, Quinn was approved by the same tuskvore. They battled it out. Quinn's skilled had diminished dramatically. Her end was nigh. Suddenly, an rare azurite eagle aided Quinn in battle. Quinn was inspired and her aim was true. She shot an arrow into its throat. The eagle was hurt. Quinn approached the azurite eagle with cation as this particular breed was known to be wild and untamable. She brought the bird back to her town where they formed a deep bond.
Quinn's zest for wilderness came back. Quinn named her new companion Valor. Together they would communicate seamlessly without word. Quinn wanted to become a ranger knight. She approached Lord Barrett Buvelle and requested a deed. The noble obliged and within a week, Quinn was sword in as a ranger knight. [20]
Going forward, Quinn and Valor would become an unstoppable force. Together they continue to eliminate groups of Noxian warriors and soldiers with ease and bringing security and honor to Demacia. [21]

Taric was born in Demacia. He followed his family's long-standing tradition of joining Demacia's high military ranks. Taric willingly invested himself to Demacia's military. He quickly rose the ranks with the help of his combat skills and charm. Furthermore, Taric volunteered with the Illuminators and assisted Demacia's artisans in his free time. Truly a living embodiment of Demacian values. Simultaneously, Taric spent much time wandering the forest, observing animals, listening to music, and other introspective activities.
Soon, Taric was promoted to the Dauntless Vanguard. Unfortunately, his meandering habits could not sustain the high demands required from the Dauntless Vanguard. Taric was still liked, and so instead of being demoted he was tasked with being second to the Sword-Captain. Later, the Sword-Captain was slain, and Taric was not on the battlefield. Rumors circulated that Taric was roaming the cloisters of an abandoned temple. Taric was sentenced to execuation.
Fortunately, Taric had friends in high places. Garen Crownguard pleaded for mercy. Instead, Taric was assigned to undergo the "Crown of Stone" tradition. It would have him climb Mount Targon to atone for his wrongdoings.
Aspect of the Protector
Taric knew this climb would likely be his demise. As expected. during Taric's climb, he faced great hardship. His body begged him to give into the unbearable climate. He could see and hear the sorrow of his fellow dying troops. Additional visions came his way. Taric gave his own life during each crisis, such as leaping off the Howling Abyss to save the final fleeting dreamstag breed. Upon arriving at the top of Mount Targon, Taric was confronted by a crystalline figure. It explained how it Taric would occupy this mantle and act as the Shield of Valoran by becoming the Aspect of the Protector. Taric accepting realizing all actions had been leading to moment. [40]

Shyvana is a half dragon who was born to a rare breed known as elemental dragon. Shyvana's brood-mother, Yvva was nesting in her chambers deep beneath a Shuriman desert when an novice mage kidnapped one of the priceless dragon eggs. The mage-thief travelled to
Piltover where he could sell the egg. Before the mage could find a reasonable exchange, the dragon egg began to hatch. Due to a change in the dragon's natural evolution this egg yielded a half-dragon. Perhaps this was due to being born on the last moon of autumn, or being removed from her natural environment, nobody knows for sure.
The mage could not bear to sell this half-dragon and so he raised her as one of his own. The mage named this girl Shyvana, in likeness of her infamous brood-mother Yvva. Shyvana had a purple skin tone and could transform into her dragon form at will. [22] Unfortunately, Shyvana still retained her primal instinct to hunt, although she kept it at bay. Shyvana had a powerful scent for blood. As well, she was dexterous and strong. She could leap from a five story building with ease. [23]
Shyvana on the Run
Now Yvva and her daughter still held a strong bond. Yvva mourned for the loss of her daughter and set out in search for Shyvana. One day Yvva approached the area where Shyvana resided. Yvva scorched the lands below from overhead. Shyvana's surrogate father was caught in the fire and burned. Much of the village was destroyed. Shyvana remained on the run.
While on the move, Shyvana picked up the scent of blood. She figured here is a hurt soldier that I can actually help. As it turned out, it was Prince Jarvan IV she spotted, laid on the ground under the shade of a trade. He was wounded and drifted in and out of consciousness. [11]
Shyvana transformed into her flight form and took him to Wrenwall to tend to his wounds. The nobles and Prince Jarvan IV hailed Shyvana as a hero that day. Of course Shyvana was still being pursued by Yvva. Jarvan thought it an opportune time to repay his debt to Shyvana. When the massive elemental dragon approached Wrenwall, Jarvan commanded his soldiers like an expert. In a fierce battle, Jarvan called his archer to fire, and his medics to heal. Shyvana dealt the killing blow.
Jarvan was forever grateful. He offered Shyvana to join the Demacian army. She agreed and together they returned the skull of Yvva to King Jarvan III as proof of their deed. Although the Demacians were initially taken aback by Shyvana's unusual appearance and mannerisms, she fit in relatively well. Although she feared what the Kingdom might think if her true identity were exposed. [22]

Sona was born in Ionia. She was a stray orphan who was taken in by the monks of the Galrin Monastery. All Sona had to her name was her unique instrument in which she learned to play with perfection. She made many friends and was well taken care of. Naturally, Sona was quiet. Where she lacked with voice, she made up with warmth and love. One day, a Noxian invasion was impending upon Galrin. The monks hastily ushered the orphans onto a boat. Sona was set of for Demacia.
After many months on the waters, Sona was adopted by the noble Buvelle Family. Sona and the Buvelle family grew incredibly close. Sona was like a daughter to them and like a sister to the Buvelle's daughter. They understood Sona was mute. The Buvelle family crafted a sign language so they could communicate with her more easily.
In return Sona would delight her family with beautiful melodies with her unique stringed instrument. A fair trade indeed. It was almost as if there was magic within her instrument that personally soothed each listener tremendously. Lestara Buvelle was curious about the mysterious instrument. She referred to the Illuminator's library to discover the Sona's music piece was most likely an ancient magical instrument known as a etwahl from thousands of years ago. Even older than Demacia.
An Ancient Magical Instrument
Lestara discussed with Sona that she'd recommend the family keeps the etwahl under wraps to avoid undue attention from the Mageseekers. All was well until the the aftermath of battle of the Gates of Mourning. Lord Barrett Buvelle was slain by Noxian militants. Their family was in mourning and so Sona's return to Ionia seemed fit. Sona and Lestara took and. Upon arriving in Ionia, Sona discovered she felt more at home in Demacia. So she returned. [24]
Sona had been corresponding with her musician friend Etra. They had arranged to play at a concert hosted by the Argentine Inn. During their splendid performance, Mageseekers arrived at the performance. A few moments after Sona's solo act started, the Mageseekers chased her out of the inn and into an alleyway. She was surrounded by five Mageseekers. Sona struck a chord and forced the Mageseekers to dance against their will. They also endured some form of physical pain alongside a dose of humiliation amongst their comrades. She struck another powerful chord had all five Mageseekers fell to the floor in an unconscious state. Sona ran off into the forest without a word. [25]

Sylas was born to a poor family in Dregbourne. Notwithstanding his family's low social standing, they shared the proud Demacian values. That is why when they discovered Sylas possessed magical abilities, they urged him to report himself to the Mageseekers. Sylas obliged. The Mageseekers found value in Sylas' interesting abilities. Sylas could identify and presence of nearby mage's innate magic. The Mageseekers quickly found use for his abilities.
Fortunately, Sylas found meaning and purpose during his work for the Mageseeker. Unfortunately, Sylas' handlers prevented him from interesting with anyone than his associates. This led Sylas to feel incredibly lonely. His isolation grew into resentment as he discovered there were plenty of mages among the nobles. However, the nobility were not culpable in the way the commonfolk were. This all culminated into a tragic accident when Sylas accidently touched a mage during one his of Mageseeker visits. The girl's power flowed through Sylas and shot out throughout the house. Three Mageseekers died including Sylas' mentor. Incredibly, Sylas had no knowledge of his ability to absorb and reanimate others' magic.
Sylas knew he would be deemed a murderer and so he was on the run. During his absence, Sylas quickly became notorious among the capital and became the most wanted mage alive. The Mageseekers cracking down relentlessly on Sylas and imprisoned him.
Sylas and the Mage Rebellion in Demacia
During Sylas imprisonment in the deepest part of the Mageseeker Compound, animosity grew within Sylas. He was bonded with petricite shackles and therefore could not perform any magic. Occasionally, he would be visited by the aristocrat, Luxanna Crownguard. Sylas taught Lux how to control her magic in exchange for information on the outside world and some book. Keep in mind, what Lux was doing was wildly illegal. One night after some carefully coordinated persuasion, Sylas had Lux retrieve one of Durand's original works on petricite. Sylas found the book incredible insightful, which helped him plan his escape.
Unfortunately, Lux could no longer visit Sylas after her parent's discovered her visits to Sylas. In fact, Sylas had been sentenced to execution after what they found out. During Sylas' execution day, Lux would plead against his beheading. Moments before his end, he touched Lux and magical power flowed through Sylas. He broke through his bonds and sent out a burst of magic throwing back everyone in the vicinity except for Lux.
Sylas meandered throughout Demacia unnoticed and gathered a cult following. [26] Afterwards, he set up a camp of mages just north of Demacia by a cliffside bordering the Freljord. Sylas has been making plans to gain more power and overthrow the Demacian government. In the meantime, he ambushed nobles and inflicts revenge on anyone who serves those who imprisoned him and his kind. [27]

Shauna Vayne was born to a wealthy family. Before she was born he parents travelled the world. They eventually settled on Demacia where for the most part citizens look after one another.
While attending a midsummer banquet, both of Shauna's parents were murdered by a seductive demon. Vayne reeled back in horror. Vayne's hand shakily closed her fathers eyes as he laid slain. Vayne tried to wipe away the blood from her mother's eyes. Shauna Vayne was horrified! Not only that, nobody really believed Shauna when she explained that demons were amongst the Demacians, even in the capital.
Shauna knew she had to plot revenge on this demon. Although, she knew nothing about fighting and dark magics. She figured she'd have to find a mentor. Someone who knew the ways of monster hunting. Vayne recalled the stories she learned from her parents. In the Freljord there were ice warrior who fought against an ice witch. Vayne headed north in search for a tutor.
Let the Monster Hunting Begin
Upon arrived in the frigid wastelands of Freljord Vayne stepped into a trap. A massive ice troll appeared and attempted to kill Vayne. Suddenly a spear landed into the ice troll. A middle-aged woman named Frey appeared. The privileged Demacia tried to coerce Frey into teaching her the ways of monster hunting. After much debate, she obliged. They returned to Demacia after disguising Frey.
They trained for years. Vayne even turned down respectable admirers in the pursuit of revenge. Over time, Vayne grew incredibly cold-hearted. Simultaneously, she began to love Frey as a mother. Still, Vayne had to shake these emotions away. Finally, Vayne killed her first monster outside the cities walls at eighteen. She enjoyed it too much. She became addicted to the hunt.
On one particular day, as they were setting off for a hunt, Vayne felt fear that Frey might be killed from a monster. A fear that spawned from her love of Frey. Suddenly, a monster appeared from behind Vayne and damaged her shoulder. Frey, turned, hesitated, but transformed into a wolf. Quickly, she devoured the monster and returned back to her human form. Frey explained how she is a shaman. Furthermore, she did use dark magic to attain these powers, although only for the greater good back in Freljord.
Without hesitation, Vayne shot a quick arrow through Frey's skull. All that love, kinship, and happy memories evaporated as fast as her shot. Now, for the first time since before Shauna Vayne's parent's had been killed, Vayne smiled. Vayne continues to hunt to this day. [28]
Xin Zhao

Many years ago Xin Zhao lived in Ionia. He was a humble cabin boy who tended to a fishing bout at the command of his elders. Unfortunately, a large Noxian ship seized the smaller fishing boat. The Noxian soldiers confiscated all of those on the ship. Although most of them were older and rather unfit for battle.
As they returned to Noxus and all of those men became slaves. Xin Zhao's skills with the spear helped him stand out. Without much hesitation, Xin Zhao was enlisted into the Reckoning Arenas where he would duel combatants for entertainment. In exchange Xin Zhao would benefit from real meals served on actual plates.
One by one, Xin Zhao defeated each opponent he faced. Xin Zhao would become a famous and fan favorite among the fans of the Reckoning Arenas. Not only this, the other Reckoners were most fearful of Xin Zhao.
Beyond the dueling arena, Noxus was facing difficulty maintaining its territories.
Noxus also needed to quell a potential rebellion on their warfronts. One of the leaders of
Noxus, Darkwill paid a handsome fee to have those in possession of Reckoners to conscript their combatants into the war.
Xin Zhao ends up in Demacia
Xin Zhao was sent to west Valoran to fight. He performed miraculously against the Demacian army. Although real war was unlike the dueling arena and Xin Zhao was starkly aware of this. Upon fighting against Demacian soldiers some Dauntless Vanguard took notice of his skill. The Dauntless Vanguard overpowered his group and forced them to forfeit. Xin Zhao was honored and respected King Jarvan's decision. He humbly offered his services to Demacia.
Over time, Xin Zhao served Demacia and the King diligently. He earned a title as the Royalty's seneschal, or major-domo. So he personally protected the King and administered many of his military affairs.
Unfortunately, during the events of the Mage Rebellion, Xin Zhao was tasked to deliver important documents. Xin Zhao obliged. In his heart he would have preferred to personally serve the king in that moment. Later on, Xin Zhao discovered King Jarvan III had been assassinated. Xin Zhao now personally supports Prince Jarvan IV. The Prince is young and may not be ready to take to the throne. Nonetheless, its the support like Xin Zhao that will help the Prince take the reins back from what threatens Demacia. [30]
The nobles of Demacia, occasionally referred to as highborn, [42] belong to Demacia's aristocracy. These members derive this socioeconomic privilege through their bloodline. They benefit from high levels of authority, status, influence, money and other resources.
Soon after King Jarvan III's crowing, conflict arose among several of the noble houses as each was vying for respect from their new King. [11] In order to combat this behavior, King Jarvan III established marriages among the noble houses.
King Jarvan III used to head the military. After he was inexplicably assassinated, the noble groups have hesitated in positioning his son, Prince Jarvan IV to the throne. Many think Jarvan IV is too young and inexperienced to lead Demacia.
Demacia consists of noble houses. Royalty
- King Jarvan III
- Lady Catherine (Queen)
- Prince Jarvan IV House Crownguard
- Fossian Crownguard (Lux and Garen's great grandfather)
- Tianna Crownguard: High Marshall and Garen and Lux's Aunt
- Augatha: Garen and Lux's mother
- Pieter: Garen and Lux's father
- Garen Crownguard
- Luxanna Crownguard
- Umberto House Laurent
- Ammdar: Second eldest brother
- Fiora: The youngest of the Laurent Family. [2] Among the noble houses there are arranged marriages. The intent of these arranged marriages are to retain power within the aristocracy. [2]
It is customary for the noble houses to calm quarrels among each other through swordsmanship duels. They do not always end in death. [2] Generally, the weapon of choice for duels are rapiers. Sabres are considered unconventional and improper for the purposes of dueling. [3]
Interestingly, the head of noble houses can grant noble status to distant relatives within the family. [2]
Unsurprisingly, the nobles are considerably affluent. Consequently, noble families often have estates with commoners aiding in managing household duties. [8] As well, It is not uncommon for members of the nobility to have a personal horse. [6]
Following the events of the Mage Rebellion, the nobility and military have become more strict with its citizens. The Mageseekers have cracked down even harder on mages. In many cases, even suspicious looking but innocent citizens have been unlawfully arrested. [1]

King Jarvan the First
King Jarvan I was slain by Sion during the battle of Hvardis. Leading up to his death, the Demacians resisted and pushed back the Noxian army during the the peak of Noxus' military rein.
Noxus' most feared and powerful warrior, Sion heard wind of this. He traversed from his distant battalion to Hvardis. Sion relentlessly charged through all of the Demacian soldiers with several arrows and swords lodged into his body. With his dying breath, Sion reached out to King Jarvan I and grasped his throat with titanic grip. Demacian soldiers continually penetrated Sion but his unforgiving grip would not ease up. Only once the King was slain did Sion release his hand and pass away. [39]
Durand was a famous sculptor known for creating Galio. Centuries ago, Durand was appointed to build a petricite shield of sorts for military battles. Two years later, Durand sculpted a winged petricite statue, known as Galio. Before battle, the Demacian military would pull out this building-like statue, Galio, atop a cart using pulleys and oxen and into the battlefield. Galio proved to be an effective and critical tool in Demacia's large battles. Not only did he absorb the opponent's magic, but Galio's sheer presence would often petrify the enemies in place. Galio quickly became the crown jewel of Demacian military as well as a major morale booster for the military. [5]
Hundreds of year ago, Orlon was an inspirational commanding officer to a group of travelers. Orlon was relatively swift with his large hammer. He conducted drills for his soldiers.
While Orlon was planning to build a permanent settlement, he was approached by Poppy. She was an orderly and determined yordle who was fascinated by Demacia as she left her Bandle City. Orlon would mentor Poppy. They would spar together and form a close bond.
In the coming times, Orlon played an integral role in the formation of Demacia, the permanent settlement referred to previously. Consequently, Orlon's hammer became an iconic symbol for Demacia. They were tales that the hammer could level and mountain and rupture the earth itself.
On Orlon's deathbed, he passed the hammer onto Poppy. He explained its origins and the power it wielded. He revealed the true wielder of the hammer would unlock its true potential. Furthermore, Orlon was not the intended user. The hammer was meant for the True Hero of Demacia. Poppy vowed to seek the true owner of the hammer. During their equivocal exchange, compounded by her naivete, Poppy never consider herself and the rightful owner of the hammer. Notwithstanding Poppy could perform miracles with the weapon. Poppy has never stopped searching for the hammer's rightful owner. Perhaps, Poppy is simply too humble and resolute to see the truth. [18]
Other Social Groups
The council are a Demacian body of civil service who are responsible for settling judicial matters. One of the council's responsibilities is to review and settle crimes committed during court trials. [41]
The hillfolk are rugged group of villagers in the southern edges of Demacia. They live in the countryside near Noxian-Demacian contested regions. As a result they've become hardy and brave. Hillfolk stick together. They also don't take kindly to intruders. They'd attack in defense in a heartbeat.
They make their living as farmers and hunters.
Hillfolk are impoverished relative to the city folk of Demacia. Their tattered clothing is distinct indicator of their poverty. In their community their residence consists of dense terraced housing. The houses themselves are small cabins in poor condition. [31]
- Bladecrafters / Weaponsmiths
The Laurent noble family has some of Demacia's best bladecrafts. - Dollmakers
Fiora's mother paid good money to dollmakers for Fiora. - Seamstress [2]
- Auctioneers [7]
- Bard [40]
- Maids [2]
- Mayor [37]
- Merchant
- Shopkeepers [32]
- Traders [24]
- Surgeons [7]
- Physicians [7] / Healer [44]
Armory and Weaponry
- Helmets [32]
- Shields
- Leather breastplates
- Silversteel breastplates [34]
- Tunics [31]
- Brigandines
Armor worn on one's torso made often worn by commanders. A Brigandine could be crafted from plate, cloth, canvas, or leather. [18]
Arts and Sports
- Swordmastery and Dueling
Dueling is one of Demacia's oldest traditions among the nobility. The Laurent noble houses is well-known for its swordmasters. [2]
Long since the discovery of Petricite, Demacia has placed a high value on building their military. Even back then, Demacia had a powerful and intimidating military. Demacia's army had a major weakness. When engaging with forces with a magic arsenal, the Demacian army had little defense.
High ranking military members generally position high on the social hierarchy in Demacia.
The Demacian military is organized, well-trained and intimidating. The structure of Demacian military is seen as a rigid hierarchy of seniority and class and levels of authority. [20]
On the way to their battles, the Demacian army march effortlessly in perfect harmony. During their marches they perform a rhythmic chant [5]
The Demacian military have fought the Freljordian barbarians many times. The barbarian bring along poorly built siege engines and the occasional hairy behemoth. [5]
The army has several formations. One of them includes creating a wall of shield. The army-men group up and lock their shields together. [5]
Dauntless Vanguard
The most well-trained and elite force of Demacia's military is called the Dauntless Vanguard. Each member of the Dauntless Vanguard is the equivalent of several soldiers. Consequently, their numbers are small. But each Dauntless Vanguard is a hero with legendary tales. Not only that, these experienced soldiers are adorned in some of the most elaborate protection and ornate weaponry. They wear cobalt blue armor, ride the largest grainfed warsteeds, fitted with their own exclusive armor, too. The leader of the Dauntless Vanguard is none other than Garen Crownguard.
The Dauntless Vanguard has fought many battles against the Trifarion Legion of Noxus.

Sentinels of Light
They are an ancient order of hunters. Originally formed in the Blessed Isles, its members must travel abroad due to the expanding Black Mist. While the Sentinels of Light are not part of the Demacian army, Lucian, a Sentinel, is from Demacia and has been initiated into the Sentinels of Light. [15]
Knights are highly skilled guards of the noble. To become a knight requires a noteworthy sponsorship from a noble. The sponsorship of a Knight may require a petition from the High Marshall of Demacia. [20]
A Ranger-Knight is subclass of the noble military. Much like rangers and wardens, ranger-knights specialize in wilderness excursions, tracking, and hunting. In addition, they serve the nobles of the Great City of Demacia. Ranger-Knight are a prestigious position in the Demacian military.
Rangers protect hamlets from wildlife threats. Wardens have authority over rangers. Rangers and wardens are skilled and knowledgeable in wilderness survival. They are proficient in hunting beasts, studying trails, and engaging in survival strategies and combat. Rangers and wardens are especially adept with bows and spears. Occasionally rangers are required to escort the city's nobles through wild areas. [20]
Soldiers and Captains
Demacian soldiers often wear leather breastplates, blue cloaks, and silver pins with the Demacian emblem pining their cloaks in place. [7]
Below are the possible military positions:
- Ranger Knight: Protect the outer regions of Demacia
- Squire: A recruited trainee who practices combat and studies war before being testing to become a member of the Dauntless Vanguard.
Captains command guards and station them as needed. Mageseekers rank higher than captains. [43]
Wardens rank higher than guards. The Retaining Cell warden is responsible for supervising the Retaining Cells, the guards and the mageseekers on the premises. [41]
Honor Guards
Honor guards present themselves as noble members enter into a town or city. They often collect together in group of dozen or so to welcome nobility in their town. It is customary to offer a few guards to escort the nobility to their place of stay.
Archers often defend the smaller towns while being perched up in towers along main gates. [7]
Thornwall Halberdiers
An old, and likely defunct subgroup of Demacian soldiers. Presumably, the group wielded halberds to defend Demacia. An old farmer south of Wrenwall was a former member of the Thornwall Halberdiers. He was seen by the Mageseeker, Vannis defending his land with his sharp halberd. [31]
Also known as Annullers. Mageseekers exist in the Great City of Demacia. The mageseekers use their own magic to seek out and prevent non-mageseeker magic users from freely using their abilities. Demacia is an anti-magic nation which based on the principles of their founders. Oftentimes, the Mageseekers will roam the streets, seeking out magic users with their instruments. Once a magic-user was discovered, they were convicted and imprisoned in the Retaining Cell. Then, the Mageseekers would report to the council. If the council deemed the mage guilty, the Mageseekers would permanently outcast them to the Annulment Slums outside the kingdom.
During the Gates of Mourning battle, the Mageseekers gained support from the noble families. Going forward, the Mageseekers would become increasingly strict towards mages. Originally, mages were relocated to Annulment slums. Now, mages were being imprisoned without cause. Animosity among the mages grew and it was these actions that led to the Mage Rebellion. [11] After King Jarvan was assassinated, Mageseekers were given authority to tyrannically prosecute mages.

At the very least, the aristocrats of Demacia attend formal education. Demacia has a lecture room where classmates gather to attend school and listen to their instructors.
The educational policies are incredibly strict, at least for the nobles. For example, when Lux had to suddenly leave her lecture room abruptly, she was facing expulsion. Her mother, Augatha explains, it was no easy task changing their mind.
One of the many classes students may learn is field tactics.
- Briar wolf are typical wolves of Demacia. They have been known to catch rabies on occasion. [19]
- Nectarflies can be seen outside in the Great City of Demacia. They can be seen buzzing around together in chaotic disharmony. [6]
- Bats exist in Demacia. Typical bats they are most apparent at night. [6]
- Venomous spiders dangle from above in some old damp groves. [7]
- Ponies. A pony was provided to a young mageseeker by the organization. [31]
- Sabrewulfs hunt in packs. [16]
- Tuskvores are large and vicious beasts found in the hinterlands of Demacia. [20]
- Wyverns can be seen the in the countryside of Demacia [19]
- Eagles, often found in the hinterlands. [20]
- Azurite eagle, believed to be extinct, but ally of Quinn.
- Vellox are chimeric animals. They have serpentine tails, feathered bodies and humanoid faces. They are carnivores and are a threat to humans. [23]
- Wood bears, a common woodland creature. [23]
- Silver elk, a common woodland creature. [23]
- Oxen, often used to pull heavy objects. [26]
- Changeling, once a human who becomes afflicted and turns into a monster at will or at night to feed. [29]
- Crows [37]
Dormisroot is a bright yellow wildflower native to Demacia. It has a mild scent. The plant can be refined into a more potent painkiller. Alternatively, it can be chewed raw for mild pain relief. [31]
- Demacia – Regions – Universe of League of Legends
- Fiora – Biography – Universe of League of Legends
- A Matter of Honor – Universe of League of Legends
- Galio – Biography – Universe of League of Legends
- A Hero Wakes - Universe of League of Legends
- Flesh and Stone - Universe of League of Legends
- Last Light - Universe of League of Legends
- For Demacia - Universe of League of Legends
- Garen - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- The Soldier and the Hag - Universe of League of Legends
- Jarvan IV - Champions - Universe of League of Legends
- Ivory, Ebony, Jasper - Universe of League of Legends
- Kayle - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- In the Fires of Justice - Universe of League of Legends
- Lucian - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Lux - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine - Universe of League of Legends
- Poppy - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- The Slayer - Universe of League of Legends
- Quinn - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Rules of Survival - Universe of League of Legends
- Shyvana - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- The Winged Beast - Universe of League of Legends
- Sona - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- One Last Show - Universe of League of Legends
- Sylas - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- The Recruit - Universe of League of Legends
- Vayne - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Monsters - Universe of League of Legends
- Xin Zhao - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Demacian Heart - Universe of League of Legends
- Turmoil - Universe of League of Legends
- Map of Runeterra - Universe of League of Legends
- None Shall Pass - Universe of League of Legends
- Tales of Runeterra: Demacia | “Before Glory” - League of Legends
- Fiddlesticks - Universe of League of Legends
- Voices - Universe of League of Legends
- Kindred - Universe of League of Legends
- Sion - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Taric - Biography - Universe of League of Legends
- Lux: Issue #1 - Comics - Universe of League of Legends
- Lux: Issue #2 - Comics - Universe of League of Legends
- Lux: Issue #3 - Comics - Universe of League of Legends
- Lux: Issue #4 - Comics - Universe of League of Legends
- Call of Power | Ryze Cinematic - League of Legends
- Petricite Grove | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
- Map of Runeterra - Universe - League of Legends
- League of Legends (2009)