There is a chance that Cithria of Cloudfield will play a role in the upcoming MMORPG. Back when Riot first published their Riot MMO recruiting webpage it included a massive image of the very one you see below. Continue reading to learn how Riot might incorporate Cithria and other characters into this upcoming game.

They’re Making an MMO
Who Is Cithria
Cithria is a minor character in the universe of Runeterra. Still, she is one of the most developed minor characters. Cithria is a citizen of Demacia. She was born in a small village called Cloudfield just east of of City of Demacia. As she grew, she enlisted with the City of Demacia’s military with the hopes of one day joining the Dauntless Vanguard. Eventually, Cithria earned a position in the Dauntless Vanguard. Impressively, she has earned the respect of other notable Dauntless Vanguard members such as Garen.
It’s possible Riot featured Cithria’s image for the Riot MMO for two reasons.
- Maybe the art for Cithria fits the theme the developers have in mind the early experience of the upcoming MMO. For example, if you were to create a character for the first time we might appear as Cithria here. A young, weak, inexperienced character within a large city vying for power and respect. That theme is common with MMORPG at the beginning and that theme is relatively identical to Cithria’s storyline
- It’s possible Cithria is meant to be an integral part of the new player experience. Acting as a friend to help narrate the storyline. Similar to Gary developing the story for Ash in original Pokemon Gameboy series. Since the player will eventually attain power and respect through playing the game, so does Cithria due to her lore.
Cithria’s Childhood
When Cithria was young, she enjoyed spending her time playing Tellstones with her father. Cithria’s father taught her use strategy to win her battles, and not from pure effort alone. For example, he taught her to exploit her opponent’s weakness. Further, that no opponent is undefeatable. And watching her mother sharpening the blade of her sword. Cithria being the self-motivated girl she was, eventually surpassed her Father at Tellstones. Lastly, during Cithria’s childhood she participated as a flower bearers in Cloudfield’s annual spring festival the Yellow Spring Festival. The name is a reference to a beautiful blooming yellow pain relieving flower called dormisroot blossoms throughout the highlands of Demacia.

Legends of Runeterra Card: Cithria of Cloudfield Flavor Text
“Each night before bed, my mother would tell me stories of Demacia’s greatest heroes as she sharpened her sword. My dreams were full of adventures, and today I’ll begin a story all my own.” – Cithria of Cloudfield
After learning how to strategize from her father, and defeating him, Cithria cheers, “All Hail to Cithria the Bold, hero of Demacia”. Cithria herself here references a title that she will take on in the years to come. Between the strategies learned from her father and the bedtime stories of the heroes of Demacia, Cithria resonated with defending Demacia. When Cithria become of age to join the military, she traveled west to the City of Demacia to enlist.
Cithria’s Military Career
In her early years in the military, Cithria held a position as a soldier. She was placed at the East Wall by the leader of the Ninth Battalion, Captain Eldran. Interestingly, Cithria was the best Tellstone player in her Battalion. While Cithria was stationed at the East Wall, she observed and endured traumatic events as a solider that even her comrades couldn’t tolerate. Ultimately, these experiences would give her the willpower she’d need later on to help protect Demacia from war.
After some time as a soldier, Cithria applied to become a member of the Dauntless Vanguard. Now, one is not guaranteed a spot in this prestigious, and elite group of Demacian military. The day of her training, Cithria was working on some tasks as a solider before being approached by her Dauntless Vanguard proctor. It was Proctor-Corporal Pell would oversee her testing. Pell gave permission for Cithria to leave her duties and grab some supper before he test later that day.
While on her lunch break before training she noticed tents stationed with several members of the Dauntless Vanguard. Many of whom are playing games of Tellstones atop tree stumps with blankets as cover.