Knitting Pupil

Table of Contents
A New Morning is the second quest in the Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story.
The quest introduces Gramps. Throughout the quest, we discover Gramps and trained iconic yordles in Knitting. Furthermore, we learn Gramps is rather conservative and have been keeping the portals under wraps from the Player and Clover.
The player stumbled upon the previously mentioned, flying cat, Yuumi. During this time, they encounter, Righty, a talking sock who quickly becomes a humorous, yet helpful companion. Additionally, they finally meet up with Clover. She doesn’t know the Player a new Leg that will help them get around a lot easier.
Finally, the Player, Clover, and Righty traverse through a portal in The Yarnlets and arrive in Unity Tree.
“I received an amazing gift from my teacher Gramps; a real Knitted Leg! Now nothing can stop me from going on adventures. Bandle City, here I come! I need to find Clover and surprise her as soon as possible.“
The Adventure Begins

Quest Start
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Next Quest
The quest continues directly from A New Morning inside Gramp’s house. After the hero finished making some rope on the Basic Workbench, he is ready to start a new adventure.
Player: Did you find the cat already?!
Gramps: You lost the cat?!
Wait, we own a cat?!?
Player: Oh. Gramps. I though you were someone else.
Gramps: Hopefully not a cat. I’m not that fuzzy.
Anyway, I have some good news.
Since you’re my best student…
Player: I’m your only student, Gramps.
Gramps: Your 101-year-apprenticeship is ending.
I think it’s time for you to go out into Yarnville again.
Player: Gramps…
Gramps: I know, I know, you “like it here.”
You don’t want want to “slow down” anybody.
I respect that.
…which is why I used my most advanced knitter magic to weave you this leg.
I may not be the knitter I once was…
…but I’ve put my heart into these stitches.
Listen [player name]
I know you have a lot of adventures ahead of you.
You don’t have to use it. But I want you to have the option.
Player: Gramps, I… I don’t know what to say!
Gramps: Let’s discuss this… say, tomorrow? See you then!
Player: But this is your house…?
Wow. A knit leg…
I should put on the leg first and take it for a test run outside!
Task 1
- Equip your new Leg through the Inventory and try it outside! Press [L Shift] to sprint
Task 2
- Interact with Front Door
Player: It works! That’s so cool!
Clover’s going to be blown away.
Task 3
- Talk to Winstock
Player: Hey, Clover…
… I’m finally out of my house!
Player: Hello
Rosalind: Dear me, Winstock, is that [player_name] I see?
Winstock: Nice to see you out and about!
Player: Oh, hi. Have you seen Clover?
Rosalind: No, we haven’t. Try asking Frankle.
Task 4
- Talk to Frankle
Player: Hi!
Frankle: My favorite customer! Care to buy some groove spinners?
Player: Actually, I’m looking for Clover.
Frankle: So is that a “”no”” on the groove spinners or…?
Fine. She went towards the Darner’s Glade bridge.
Task 5
- Go to Darner’s Glade
Player: This bridge definitely needs fixing.
No way! The cat is flying!
Task 6
- Repair Darner’s Glade Bridge
Task 7
- Go to Darner’s Glade
[Player watches Pond]
So beautiful…
Maybe staying home for so long was a mistake…
[Player enters Home]
Player: Is this… a knitter’s backpack?
Yuumi: Hey, this is my nap cave!
Player: You can talk?!
Yuumi: I can do whatever I want. This is my nap cave after all.
Player: It’s not a cave. It’s a house that transforms into a backpack!
Every knitter gets one at the end of their training.
Yuumi: Wait, you’re a knitter?
Knit something for me then!
Task 8
- Craft Butterfly Knot in Basic Workbench
Task 8
- Bring Butterfly Knot [1/] to Yuumi
Yuumi: Meow! I like it. You can stay.
Player: How did you get here?
Yuumi: I was on an important mission…
…of looking for a place to sleep.
Player: So… you’re not from around here?
Yuumi: Nope. I’ve got this awesome magic book that helps me travel…
Righty: Lucky you!
Yuumi: Who said that?!
Righty: The most charismatic piece of trash in this backpack.
Player: Um… Where are you?
Task 9
- Who’s talking?! Find out!
Righty: Cold
Player: Whoa, there’s a book under all this garbage!
Yuumi: Amazing! Now we both have magic books.
Righty: What? I ain’t no “”book.” I’m inside one!
Player: You’re a… sock?
Righty: You’re a… yordle?
Player: ???
Righty: See how that feels?
Player: Sorry.
Didn’t expect both a talking cat and a talking sock.
Yuumi: I think it’s getting way too crowded in here for us, Book.
We’ve got important adventures to go on, anyway.
It was nice meeting you, knitter! Maybe we’ll see each other again!
Player: So… what’s your deal?
Righty: Some yordle has put me inside his book like some…
Bookmark!! Ugh.
I don’t even know where my pair is.
Player: Maybe we can find them if we clean this place up.
Then we’ll go find Clover.
Righty: Do you have the skills to do that?
Player: Huh?
Righty: “Yordles get skills by turning emotions into experience.”
Player: How do you know that?
Righty: I wasn’t a bookmark for a young adult novel, was I?
Page 67, Paragraph 2.
Player: It says here I need to dream.
Task 10
- Use Bed to dream
Righty: Rise and shine!
You should be able to clean the trash now.
Task 11
- Clean Junk inside Backpack [0/3]
Player: That’s it. No other socks here. Sorry.
But we’re going to find your pair. I promise.
Clover: Is this a… knitter’s backpack?!
Whoa, [player_name]! I’ve been looking all over for you!
You walked all the way here?!
Player: Gramps gave me this knit leg.
I was trying to surprise you…
So… “”surprise,” I guess!
Clover: That’s awesome! Ready to take it on an adventure?
Player: Well, you’ve already missed the flying cat.
Clover: Really?!
Player: Yup. I also found a yordle badge book.
Clover: Now let’s see, there’s a “”Knitting Pupil” badge…
Player: I’ve been doing that for a hundred years already!
Clover: …”New Homeowner”…
Player: Now that’s a weird one.
Clover: …”Good Friend.”
Player: That is definitely me!
Clover: These are knitters’ badges! Only a real knitting master can earn them all.
Wait… Remember how Ozzy left his backpack-house behind when he moved away?
Maybe this is it!
Player: If I could fix this up… Gramps would be blown away!
Clover: Well, now we have a reason to go talk to Ozzy!
He’s throwing a party today.
I didn’t want to tell you before…
Player: Gramps would never let us go.
Clover: Gramps doesn’t have to know everything…
We can just get a portal there.
In and out. A 20-minute adventure.
Besides, maybe Ozzy can help us with badge stuff!
What do you say?
Player: You know what… Let’s go.
[Clover and Player Exit the Knitter’s Backpack]
Clover: Here we are. The portal to Bandle City is right across this bridge.
Can’t believe this place used to be a yordle attraction.
Player: Yeah, even the bridge is down.
Clover: Why did Gramps cut us off from the rest of Bandle City, anyway?
Player: You’re asking the wrong yordle.
Task 12
- Repair Portal Bridge
Task 13
- Go to Portal
Righty: Gee, I feel like a third wheel with all this backstory…
Clover: Whoa! Who’s that?
Player: That’s Righty. He’s a talking sock I found in a pile of junk.
Clover: That’s a lot to take in.
Righty: Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet you too.
Player: I hate to say it, but Clover kind of has a point.
We shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves at the party.
Righty: Fine. I’ll shut my face around other yordles.
Player: Thanks.
Clover: Well, here’s the portal.
Player: Let’s go!
Clover: Wow!
Feels like all of Bandle City is here!
Ozzy: Wait.
Are you guys… knitters?
Player: Be cool be cool be cool.
Uhhh… yes.
Clover: We’re also big fans of yours, Ozzy!
Ozzy: Nice to see yordles with good taste!
But tell me all about you.
I haven’t seen a knitter in, like… over a hundred years?
How’s Gramps?
Player: He’s… great!
I’m his student, actually.
Ozzy: So you’re the new Ozzy? Interesting!
Player: I’m almost done with my apprenticeship, actually.
Ozzy: Fun stuff… For a while, at least.
Clover: We found your badge book.
Ozzy: You want it signed, right?
Clover: Not exactly
We also wanted to ask about your backpack-house.
Ozzy: Oh, I lost that a long time ago. Do with it what you will.
Besides, I’m kind of in the middle of something right now.
But I could always use a pair of extra paws to help me.
Player: With throwing a party? Really??
But… wouldn’t Gramps mind?
Ozzy: Eh, Gramps minds most things that aren’t beet salad.
Knitting’s fine and all, but it’s not exactly “”sign my poster”” material.
He and I never shook on it though, so if you’re Team Gramps, I don’t mind.
Player: N-no, we’re Team Ozzy all the way!
Ozzy: Right on!
Now, about that help I mentioned.
The spotlight could use some checking…
Clover: I’m on it!
Player: What is this place?
Ozzy: The best place to party, if you ask me!
We’re at the Unity Tree.
In addition to the view, it’s a great place for making Portal Yarn and whatnot.
Gramps probably talked your ears off about that stuff, though.
Let’s just get to the fun part.
Player: Yeah, sure. I’m all about making yarn…
How can I help?
Ozzy: I also haven’t installed the fireworks yet.
Also, check the music and the buffet.
You can do that in any order.
When you’re done, you’ll get the honor of charging the portal.
See All Bandle Tale Quests
All Quests
A New Morning
A New Morning is the first quest in Bandle Tale. It begins in Gramp's House when Clover approaches the player.
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