Durability is a feature in Bandle Tale. Equippable items have a durability meter.
Table of Contents
See All Bandle Tale Features
All Features
Build Mode
Build Mode is feature giving players a visual of where buildings can be placed, among other features.
Character Customization
The Bandle Tale Character Customization is one of many features in the game.
All Chest Locations Seed Rack Chest Tyle Contains Location Seed Rack Beet Seed Rosalind’s Garden See All Bandle Tale Features
Chopping is a feature in Bandle Tale. It is unlocked during the Cooking with Winstock quest. Players can use find Chopping Tables inside Kitchens to prepare ingredients. The Chopping user interface al…
The player must use a bed for they can begin dreaming Before choosing to dream, the player has the option to Customize their character. After dreaming, the cooldown on gatherables will be reset. See A…
Durability is a feature in Bandle Tale. Equippable items have a durability meter. See All Bandle Tale Features Related Pages [pms-restrict display_to=”not_subscribed” message=” ̶…
Emotions is a feature where actions performed provide emotions orbs. These orbs are consumed to increase skill points gained.
Game Settings
The game settings in Bandle Tale is found in the main menu. It adjusts volume, language, resolution, controls and more.
Table of ContentsCooldownGatherable ItemsCooldownsSee All Bandle Tale Features Gather is a feature in Bandle Tale. There are various raw materials that players can gather from. Upon completing the Gat…
Hat Slot
The Hat Slot in Bandle Tale allows players to insert equippable hats. Only one hat can be equipped at a time. Hats See All Bandle Tale Features Related Pages
In-Game Menu
The in-game menu differs from the main menu. Options such as Load, Save, and others are present.
Indoor Building
Upon selecting any Indoor Building option, the player enters Build Mode. Table of ContentsMoveable ObjectsRemovable ObjectsQuestSee All Bandle Tale Features Moveable Objects Object Name Moveable Immov…
Table of ContentsTutorialEquipping ItemsEquipped ItemsStash ItemMax CapacityExpanding the InventorySee All Bandle Tale Features In Inventory in Bandle Tale can be accessed through the Radial Menu. The…
Look is a feature in Bandle Tale. When the player encounters a scenic area with a Look node, they can interact with it. If the player has not rested in a while, they will not be able to Look. Look Loc…
Main Menu
The Main Menu feature in Bandle Tale allows the user to access the game and other areas.
Merchant in Bandle Tale is an exchange feature where the Player can purchase items from NPCs. Items Sold by Merchants Item Item Quantity Cost Sold by Advanced Blueprint 5 40 Penelope Aroma Oil 10 10 P…
My Pocket
In Bandle Tale, My Pocket serves as the players inventory. The player can have 24 slots available to them in My Pocket. See All Bandle Tale Features Related Pages
Outdoor Building
Upon selecting any Outdoor Building option, the player enters Build Mode. Quest Indoor Building becomes accessible during the Return to Yarnville Quest. If the player cleans the Branches off their Kni…
The postbox is a storage feature in bandle tale. Players can store quest items and stashed items
Radial Menu
In Bandle Tale, the Radial Menu is a feature that allows you to switch between menus. This is the radial menu. Here you can quickly switch between menus. Press the icon to view your inventory Bandle T…
Work is a function in Bandle Tale. It may also be referred to as Repair. The term will depend on what item work is being done to. Various items can be worked on For example, you can Work on a Basic Wo…
Skill Tree
The Skill Tree is a feature in Bandle Tale. It is a accessible from the radial menu. The skill tree displays a network of all possible skills. Unavailable skills will be greyed out. Knitting is the on…
Skills Points
Skill Points are used to unlock Skills in the Skill Tree. Each skill costs a particular amount of skill points. See All Bandle Tale Features Related Pages
Sprinting is a feature unlocked in Bandle Tale. It allows the player to temporarily move faster. Sprinting is unlocked during the second quest, The Adventure Begins. On PC, by default, pressing [L Shi…
Stash Item
The Stash Item feature in Bandle Tale allows players to store one item inside it’s slot. The slot can be found inside the Inventory. The purpose of the Stash Item feature is to free up space. Ad…