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Nunu and Willump

Square portrait of Nunu

*laughs* “Your fur’s tickling me!”

Nunu is an ambitious young boy who travels alongside an ancient Yeti in search for his Mother, Layka.

This boy has an inner desire to prove himself to be a hero just like the those in the stories his mother would sing about throughout the travels.

Unfortunately, Nunu lost his mother. Together, Nunu & Willump travel throughout the Freljord searching for Nunu's Mother whilst having fun adventures. For if they can find her, surely that will prove Nunu to be a hero after all. [1]

Secretly, Freljord is in grave danger. But Willump believes Nunu is the only one who can save Freljord. Willump, being an ancient magical yeti has designated Nunu as the sole vessel of his ancient and magical gem. This access has granted Nunu the ability to manifest his imagination into reality. This is exactly what Willump thinks Freljord needs. Not a powerful warrior, but a boy with a pure heart and aspirations of love.

Nunu & Willump
Nunu and Willump sitting down together in the Freljord

The Boy and his Yeti


Born 998 AN

Personal Status

Place of Origin:
Layka (Missing Mother)



Related Characters

Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra



Nunu belongs to an old nomadic Freljordian tribe known as the Notai. As a nomad, Nunu lived in a caravan with his mother. [4] The Notai tribe has a tradition of performing with song and dance to various towns before the big winter arrived. Nunu spent time with his Mother and listened to her perform storytelling through music. [2]

At some point, Nunu has seen the statue of Anivia [5]

Nunu and his Mother Layka bundled up at night
Nunu and Layka

Nunu's Mother, Layka

Nunu's mother Layka in a front and back pose with notes about her jackets similar patterns to Nunu's
Layka Concept Art

Nunu was had a deep and rich relationship with his mother. She was incredibly nurturing to him. [4] His mother, Layka encouraged him to use his imagination and hold onto the joy in his heart. Moreover, she spent much of her time retelling stories verbally and musically. Several of the stores were of Freljordian history such as the cult of the three sisters, Anivia and Ornn. As they collected stories throughout their travels Layka and Nunu recited them as they arrived at various towns. [2] Among Layka's musical stories were that of ancient heroes. Nunu appreciated her heroic stories in particular.

On Nunu's fifth nameday, he received a flute from his Mother. Her intention was to have Nunu learn her melodies. Going forward, they would continue to travel gathering stories and reciting harmonies together, often huddled in the safety of their cart.


A large caravan being pulled with several nomads traveling throughout the Freljordian plains
Frozen Hearts

After several years of bardship, their Notai caravan was attacked by raiders. Their caravan was burned [2] and subsequently covered in snow [3]. Nunu was separated from Layka. He missed his mother dearly and remained curious of her whereabouts. Nunu simply longed to hear her music again. [2]

Weeks passed and Nunu still hadn't received any news of his mother. With more time passing, and still no word Nunu's faith in the tales of their tunes remained strong. Later on while witnessing the magical power of Willump's ancient gem he would understand the profound truth of his Mother's stories.

As Nunu grew closer to Willump, they had a lot of laughter together which reminded Nunu of his mother. Nunu imagined saving his Mother and being just like heroes of the musical stories. While Nunu and Willump were traversing the Freljord together, Nunu felt as though his mother were still out there singing. [3]

There was a moment when Willump heard Layka's special song. After saving the stone village, and Nunu playfully running during the snowball fight, Willump could hear stray notes breezing though the flute on Nunu's back. That's when Willump heard her song.

Where waters
Once roared,
Winds whisper
To stone.
In shadow,
Naljaäg lies.
Silence sings.
Hope survives.[3]

Nunu & The Frostguard

Frostguard grouped up in the Freljord

Moment's after the Notai caravan was raided, a group of Frostguard members pulled the children out of harm's way. The surviving children were brought to a village nearby the Frostguard Citadel. Nunu had a great deal of respect for the Frostguard as a result of this event and the power their power. The boy also felt the Frostguard had the power to have potentially saved his mother.

Over time, Nunu became increasingly isolated. He spent much time reciting his Mother's songs. In particular, the legends of heroes of old. Notwithstanding Nunu's ambitions to become a hero, the other children, including those of the Notai tribe, did not believe Nunu could. Moreover, Nunu was teased for playing on his flute, meanwhile the other children were wielding daggers at this point.

The Frostguard members were aware that Nunu had been separated from his Mother. They convinced Nunu it wasn't safe for a child such as himself to venture out and find her. [2]

Nunu & Lissandra

Lissandra, the ice witch putting her hand against the ice that holds back the frozen watchers

Interestingly, Nunu met with the leader of the Frostguard, Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra. [2] They spent time together. Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra taught Nunu some prayers. [3] Along with that, Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra had asked Nunu innumerable questions about Layka's musical stories. There was one song in particular Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra was interested in.

During their conversations, Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra told Nunu of a ferocious Yeti that would eliminate anyone who would seek out its power. The Frostguard were interested in the frozen dreams of the ancient yet. [3] Furthermore, this beast killed numerous Frostguard sent over throughout the years. Of course, Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra was very curious about this Yeti. [2]


Nunu and Willump from Song of Nunu
Song of Nunu (2023)

Willump belongs to an ancient and noble lineage of Yeti who used to control the Freljordian Mountains. Grievously, a catastrophic ice storm wiped out the entire Yeti race. What's more is this calamity stripped their magic from them. The result was the Yeti race devolved into barbaric creatures. Willump is the last known survivor of the original race of Yeti. As a magical yeti, Willump has the ability to sense magic and curses.

Additionally, before Willump met Nunu and his music, he had forgotten his own name and those he had once loved. Fortunately, he still retained his magical powers. Although, after being forced to witness this tragedy, he had been chosen, and thus he pledged to preserve and protect their residual power until it was needed again. Specifically, a swirling gem that contained frozen dreams of any nearby mortal mind.

Even so, the gem required a vessel. Willump struggled to find a deserving vessel. So, for centuries Willump remained awake. [2]

Willump & Frostguard

A Frostguard soldier in full dark metallic armor drawing his arrow at his target

The ferocious Yeti was notorious for slaughtering an untold number of Frostguard. What's more is Nunu only retaliated in such a manner because the Frostguard had hatred in their heart. And thus, Nunu would bite and maul the Frostguard as they approached.

Long ago, Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra, along with two sisters, Avarosa and Serylda approached Willump. [2]

The Magical Gem

Willump is the guardian of the last of his race. One remaining artifact exists. It's a magical gem. Willump was chosen to hold onto it until its powers could be designated to a worthy individual. The gem has the power to taken on the display a frozen illustration of the emotions and memories of any nearby mortal.

Before meeting Nunu, when Willump looked into the gem, he only saw the catastrophe his kind endured centuries ago. As well, there was images of the threat his people had buried and Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra's betrayal.

When Nunu was nearby the gem, it displayed images of heroes slaying dragons and beheading serpent which were being extracted from Nunu's imagination. This imagery was in contrast to the dismal representations Willump would typically see.

Sadly, Willump accidently broke Nunu's special flute. As tears rolled down Nunu's face the magical gem displayed associated heartache. There was a burning caravan. Simultaneously, amidst the angst there was a voice in the wind symbolizing love fighting back despair. Willump recognized this rare and powerful essence within Nunu.

Willump allowed the magical gem to pass its magic on to Nunu. With its power, Nunu gained the ability to manifest his imagination into reality. In that moment Nunu's imagination became real. His broken flute was willed into frozen dreams and hardened by true ice. After that, next was for Willump became his best friend. And so it was.

Not only that, but Willump understands this gift bestowed upon Nunu will come with great responsibility. Willump fears their fun and games will one day come to an end as the dark ice at the heart of the Freljord thaws out. [2]


Before Nunu met Willump, he was a lonely Yeti. [1] In fact, Willump is the last of his kind. Now, Nunu and Willump have a close bond. Even though Willump does not speak English, Nunu still understand him. Typically, Willump grunts or groans and Nunu and distinguish between wise remarks, hunger and more. [3]

Simultaneously, Willump understand Nunu and his commands, such as "Willump, can you let me down?" [5]

Nunu is curious about what happened to the other Yeti's and why Willump is the last one. Understandably, the subject is sensitive to Willump and he doesn't discuss it much.

Nunu is slowly discovering the effects of Dark Ice. Willump is dismissive about the topic which implies he knows more. [5]

On occasion, Willump will try to comfort Nunu. [3]

Appearance & Personality

Nunu and Willump have an adventure in the Freljord
Song of Nunu (2023)



Nunu is a young boy with a short stature. He has black hair and shiny white teeth. He's often seen wearing a thick orange jacket lined with white fur. He wears brown boot which are also lined with white fur. In addition he's seen wearing brown gloves, a scarf and a blue hat lined with white fur. He has bright blue eyes and is often seen with a jovial smile.

A petroglyph style image of Nunu holding a magical flute
Song of Nunu


Nunu has a strong imagination. He named his gifted flute, Svellsongur, after a mighty but fictitious blade created solely by his imagination. Nunu likes to laugh. [3]

Moreover, he's also quite ambitious. Nunu has always been attracted to the songs of heroes his mother would play. He longs to be recognized as a mighty heroes one day. [2]

Also, Nunu is rather intuitive. He pays close attention to his intuitions, especially regards to his mother's whereabouts. [3]

Interestingly, Nunu & Willump both love snowballs. [1]

Nunu was inspired by his Mother's musical storytelling of heroes. While listening to the music his imagination would run wild. He felt there was so much in the world he could do. [2]


Front and back render of Nunu and Willump concept art
Nunu and Willump Concept Art


Willump is an ancient and magical yeti. As such he is bipedal with a thick coat of blue two-toned blue on the body and white fur on his head and beard. On his he sports thick curled brown antlers with three main shafts on each side of his head. On Willump's arms are light blue colored fur in a spiral shape. In fact, Willump has four arms, white furred hands with brown digital pads and sharp black claws with three nails on each paw. His eyes glow with an energetic blue. Also, his fangs are blue, which can be seen even his when his mouth is closed. Willump has two point ears and those same spiral on his eyebrows. His whiskers are black and curled. Last but not least, Willump has one big blue bushy tail.

Surprisingly, Willump is quite sensitive. He once cried when Nunu used his ancient magic to returned the flow of water back to the stone village after the interference from the Krugs. Willump was proud and had snowflakes falling from his eyes. [3]

Willump is very old. So old he has hair in his earholes. [3]


Willump is capable of a variety of emotions. For example, anger, laughter joy and compassion. [2] He embodies the the friendly giant archetype. Furthermore, Nunu doesn't speak. Although he does growl. [3]

According to Nunu, Willump is often hungry and always thinking about food. [3] Willump's favorite foods include roasted raptosaurus, pollywog pudding, and egg popsicles. [6]

Nunu's Musical Talents

When Nunu was five, his mother gifted him a special flute. Together they would travel from town to town retelling adventurous stories to the townsfolk.

Nunu was especially enthralled with the stories of the heroic. As time passed Nunu honed his skills with the flute. After being tragically separated from his Mother, he remained deeply entrenched in his musical talents. His talents were such that he could herd a group of elkyr. [2]


Willump possesses ancient magic. With that, Willump can sense magic and curses. Also, Willump can lend his magical powers to Nunu.

Willump can grand Nunu the ability to throw magic snowballs that can instantly turn water into ice.

Nunu knows how to make a campfire. [5]


Nunu and Willump climbing in the Freljord
Nunu and Willump

On one particular night, Nunu made an profound realization. Nunu now understood why Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra was so curious about that particular story Nunu's mother used to retell through music. This curious beast that killed countless Frostguard was none other than the story of the Yeti.

With this information at hand, Nunu figured he could exterminate this fierce creature and finally gain the respect of a hero. That would show all those who doubted him what Nunu is capable of. So Nunu set out and arrived at some ruins. Willump could sense Nunu. Willump snarled and was ready to put an end to Nunu right there.

Suddenly, Willump's magical gem presented imagery from Nunu's thoughts which depicted heroes slaying dragons and beheading ancient serpents. At that moment, Nunu roared. He unsheathed his flute as if it were some formidable weaponry. Just as Nunu were to begin playing his music, he saw the imagery for himself. Magical illustrations of heroes whirling around him. After witnessing the potential of Nunu, Willump chose Nunu as the vessel of the magical tool. With it, Nunu can manifest his imagination into reality. [2]

A Friend

As Nunu gazed at Willump, there was no ferocious beast as he had expected. Instead, there was a lonely Yeti standing before him. Humorously, Nunu hurls a snowball at Willump's face. Quite unexpected given the rage that will still flowing through Willump. Another snowball to the face. Shock quickly turned into a full blown snowball fight filled with happiness. Willump could resonate with Nunu's imagination. Soon even Willump was laughing too. It was all fun and games until Willump accidently broke Nunu's flute. Nunu began to cry. Now, surrounding the magical gem Willump could sense a kindred grief take shape around the gem. [2]

Nunu and Willump and bound together by ancient power. Now, they meander throughout the Freljord making their own adventures and having fun. While relishing in adventures, they both hope to find Layka. [1]

During their travels throughout the Freljord, the team continued to look for traces of Nunu's mother. Nunu tried to remember the songs his mother sang throughout the villages they visited. He figured if he could remember the names from the lyrics, he could retrace their steps. Unfortunately, Nunu had trouble remembering the words. He remembered them best when he wasn't trying. [3]

The Stone Village

After waking up, Nunu heard a sound coming from a village. Nunu hollered and pointed at a spot of darkness underneath a frozen waterfall. He had a feeling that spot is where his mother's music was coming from. Nunu ordered Willump for a sword to cut through the wind.

They made their way toward the clearing and Nunu felt a sudden shiver. As they made their way closer to the stone village is become more apparent it was shrouded in shadows for the most part. Curiously, there wasn't anyone in sight. Nunu gathered he'd at least be able to see their breath if there were any people. Moreover, everything was apparently made out of stone. Everything from the pathways and buildings to the flowers and some rope. [3]

The Curse

Just as Nunu was becoming disappointed with the boring village, he spotted a figure underneath an archways facing away. Nunu called out, "My name is Nunu, and I'm here to help!" When Nunu tugged at their shoulder they tumbled down into the light with a dull thwunk. He quickly realized this person was stone as well.

Nunu could see beyond the archway were all the stone villagers huddled together like statues. There were various inhabitants such as warriors, farmers and children. The adventurous boy identified this event as a curse.

Nunu says "Willump, we gotta do something!" The boy reflected on the stories of heroes from his mother's songs. These heroes could take on a curse like this. Nunu figured he could too from the lessons he's learned from them. He just has to believe, or else how is he ever going to save his Mother?

A Hero

Determined to save these cursed townsfolk, Nunu attempted several tricks to revert these people back to their normal selves. First, Nunu recalled various songs his mother sang. There was one myth about how Avarosa healed a turtled that carried the ocean on its back by giving the turtle a big kiss. Nunu wasn't fond of his first kiss being on a statue. So he had Willump kiss the statue as he watched his fur stick to the stone.

Next, Nunu rehearsed some prayers learned from Square portrait of Lissandra Lissandra. What's more, the little boy created a dragon out of stone to frighten the curse away like how Anivia did to combat the southern army. Lastly, Nunu tried pulling the Sun closer just like how Braum to did thaw out his village from the songs his mother sang. But the sun was too far. Willump explained sometimes curses can't be undone. And sometimes, Heroes don't win. Still, Nunu wouldn't accept defeat. He knew how important the feeling of being loved is and believed this village deserved the same. Nunu smiles, reaches for his flute, which he calls his Svellsongur. [3]


Freljordian mountains and a ravine with clouds
Song of Nunu

Willump could smell the hateful stench of the curse. Something like a troll. The curse has a draining temporal weight to it. The yeti imagines even the heroes of song would be intimidated by something invulnerable to blades.

Just then, Nunu whoops out and brings Willump's attention to a nest of Krugs atop the mountain where the frozen waterfall begins. Something Willump actually wouldn't mind eating. These stone creatures animated by magic have built a nest that has blocked the flow of water to the village. Nunu yells out, "Hey, stoney crabs! You took something from those statues!" as the boy hopped onto Willump's back seamlessly.

With the power of the ancient gem, Nunu's imagination becomes real. As they hurl towards the Krugs, snow begins to collect beneath them growing slowly into a massive snowball. Willump laughs as the accretion of the snowball beings to tremble the earth below. The snowball builds even more and the team leaps into the air blotting out the sun.

The snowball smashes into the Krug's dam. The earth roars and the river sputters out as if clearing out dust. Water flows into the village below. The powerful magic initiated by Nunu trumps the curse in strength as Willump could feel shivers in his fur and a pleasant warmth. The curse was not lifted. Although life returned back to the villagers as the water flowed through. Plants, people and objects were relinquished from the their stone form. [3]

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Nunu a Boy?

Yes. Nunu is a boy.

Which One is Nunu and Which One is Willump

Nunu is the young boy and Willump is the Yeti.

What Race is Willump

Willump is a Yeti. He belongs to an extinct race of ancient magical Yeti. Now, Willump is the sole survivor.