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Riot MMO Early Access

Why the Riot MMO Might Have an Early Access

During the second week of March, former Principal Game Designer, Riot Xenogenic has been casting polls for opinions on a Riot MMO Early Access. The first poll has a successful turnout, finishing with over 4,500 votes. Xenogenic said he enjoyed the poll and would do another. In fact, he created a poll the next day. Now, what does this all mean?

Remember when Greg Street repeatedly tweeted the team would involve the community in paving the direction of the game? Do you also remember his Tweet about using our Twitter replies as a reference to use after decisions were made?

Of course, Greg Street is no long working on the Riot MMO. Now, it appears Greg might have unofficially passed the ‘Twitter reins’ to Riot Xenogenic. Presumably, the Riot MMOPRG community hopes Riot Xenogenic is using poll to actually consider if Early Access is the right move. Of course, it’s also possible the data being gathered is not being used to directly determine whether they should publish an Early Access, or not.

Riot Xenogenic Early Access Poll #1

Riot Xenogenic was the the Principal Game Designer for the Riot MMORPG. Consequently, his role is to help curate the game’s direction, vision, and refine the player experience. A game director is expected to use analysis, creativity, and player insight to make adjustments that improve the overall player experience. Therefore, it makes sense why he would be polling for a possible Early Access Riot game.

Riot Xenogenic Poll Asks Fans to Wait or Get Early Access

The Second Early Access Poll #2

A Second Poll Asking Fans Why They Play Early Access

Definition of Early Access

Star Guardian Senna playing a light gun game in an Arcade
Star Guardian Senna

There is an important distinction between Early Access, Alpha, and Beta. An Early Access Game is a purchasable, work-in-progress video game. As a result, the game developers supposed to be actively iterating on the game. Generally, Early Access games are intended to acquire player feedback.

Alpha is an early snapshot of the game. Typically, assets are incomplete, and by association so are levels, regions, stories, and other critical components.

Beta is a build, or stage in game development where most or core features are functional. The remaining work is bug fixing and performance optimization.

Most importantly, Early Access can be at almost any stage of the video game’s development. Accordingly, pinning down a date for a possible Early Access is more difficult than guessing a date for an Alpha, or Beta.

Pros & Cons of Early Access Riot MMO

Blue Thumbs Up Hand
  • Developers receive more feedback
  • Game can have good exposure
  • Finished game can be more refined
Red Thumbs Down Hand
  • Players can be disappointed
  • Might burn out some players
  • Some gamers associate ‘EA’ with scams

Community Thoughts Early Access or Waiting

We scoured all of the Twitter comments to summarize the community thoughts for you.

Some of the Riot’s MMO fans work in the game industry. Many stated they would love to squash some bugs in a League of Legends MMO Early Access.

Several players liked the thought of Riot receiving more positive feedback that would ultimately improve this game.

Numerous comments mentioned they enjoy bug hunting for the sake of it. An Early Access opportunity would be akin to a buffet.

Many people feel ‘EA‘ for singleplayer games are more off-putting, while live-service, repeatable, and multi-player games are more permissible.

Conversely, many fans within the industry already squashed enough bugs for a lifetime.

A few Riot Games employees noted the average player may not have appropriate expectations for an ‘EA‘ title, and could result in a negative experience.

There were comments that stated, asking for money for an unfinished game feels predatory, or unethical.

Some mention that those who have funds to buy an Early Access would have an advantage over those who didn’t at launch.

Closing Thoughts

A massive mechanical tyrannosaurus rex being constructed

The possibility of Early Access is up in the air. Nonetheless, the results from both polls do suggest an Early Access might not be in the team’s best decision. Of course, there are other factors the team will use when deciding whether they make an early access or not.

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