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bandle tale snailcats

“We were considering moving, but our house hunting is very… slow.”
– Snailcats

Snailcats are native animals to Bandle City. Many can be seen in the background of Yarnville. They possess the ability to communicate with yordles.

A superstition exists where if one were to touch a snailcat without consent, the person touching the snailcat would 800 years of bad luck. This is shared by Righty, during the Return to Yarnville quest.

bandle tail snailcats
Place of Origin


During the Return to Yarnville quest, the player discovered some Snailcats living on the knitters backpack home gifted by Ozzy.

Upon cleaning the branches off the backpack home, the Snailcats refused to move, and denied the player from using the backpack home as their personal residence.

The player’s companion, Righty, was well aware the Snailcats were unlikely to move.

After some negotiation, the Snailcats agree to relocate if the player is able to find a picturesque location.

After deciding on Luminous Overlook, the Player and Righty return to the Snailcats. The player explains they found a suitable location. The snailcats hesitate, but ultimately agree to check out the location for themselves.


Snailcats can be considered demanding, as stated by Righty during the Return to Yarnville quest.

As well, they are possessive over their belongings. However, they can be reasoned with.

Additionally, it seems as though Snailcats like to stick in pairs of two.


Snailcats like relaxing in cozy places such as branches in high places. Another dwelling snailcats like are rocky burrows, as seen in the background of Yarnville. They seem to settle down in one location and are not interesting in moving homes often.


Snailcats have the ability to talk with yordles.


bandle tale snailcats

Snailcats share a similar appearance to traditional cats. It appears they have light cream, or gray colored fur with little visible facial expressions. They have dark eyes and pointy ears. Their eyes appear white when hidden away in their natural homes.

See Other Bandle Tale Characters